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gcont 07-03-2012 11:31 AM

Hello from Canada...laid my bike down on a bad road.
Hello there, i just picked up a 2008 suzuki marauder and love the hell out of it. unfortunately i nailed a series of pot-holes a little too hard the other day and think i did some damage to the electrical (no aesthetic damage though). I when i key the engine, i get not lights or indicators and have only just recently discovered the battery location (first bike...give me a break). I was wondering if there is an emergency shut-off switch like those is some trucks and cars that would keep the bike from running after a severe bang. Any thoughts?

alantf 07-03-2012 12:57 PM

Re: Hello from Canada...laid my bike down on a bad road.
There's no shut off, but it's possible that a fuse has blown, or jumped out of its holder, or something's happened to a connector. Download the manual from this site, to show you where the fuses etc. are, then start checking. :2tup:

BTW, welcome to the madhouse. :roll:

jonathan180iq 07-03-2012 01:07 PM

Re: Hello from Canada...laid my bike down on a bad road.
I concur.

Something probably bumped itself out of sorts.
Check your main fuses.
Check the connections on your battery terminals while you're at it.
If you get lights and the bike still won't turn over, check your side stand kill switch.

gcont 07-03-2012 01:19 PM

Re: Hello from Canada...laid my bike down on a bad road.
nice, thanks folks. i just headed out to the bike right after posting and took a gander at the battery...guess what, blown fuse. one of the 20's went right beside the battery. what are these for? also wondering where the kick stand kill switch would be. she runs anyhow and i'm happy as a pig in poop about it.

bpdchief 07-03-2012 01:47 PM

Re: Hello from Canada...laid my bike down on a bad road.
Congrats on getting it running. Welcome to the craziness. Pull up a seat grab some :popcorn: , kick back and enjoy the show.

northsidegz 07-03-2012 02:30 PM

Re: Hello from Canada...laid my bike down on a bad road.

Originally Posted by gcont
i'm happy as a pig in poop about it.

Welcome to you from MN! :cool:

And your phrase rocks! :2tup:

PimpS 07-03-2012 02:59 PM

Re: Hello from Canada...laid my bike down on a bad road.
Gcont! Well done! ;)
Bunch of happy geezers here!!!

Water Warrior 2 07-03-2012 03:06 PM

Re: Hello from Canada...laid my bike down on a bad road.
The side stand kill switch is somewhat hidden. The easy way to find it is look under the bike from the right hand side to see the side stand pivot bolt. With bike leaning on the side stand you can see how the little plunger on the switch is pushed in when the stand is down..............hmm, or is it up??

jonathan180iq 07-03-2012 04:37 PM

Re: Hello from Canada...laid my bike down on a bad road.
With the side stand down, it should be extended, right?

mole2 07-03-2012 07:51 PM

Re: Hello from Canada...laid my bike down on a bad road.
Welcome to the forum from South Carolina. Ride safe.


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