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ecr959 02-01-2012 04:50 PM

what to do with the end cap
Hello gang,

I'm asking all the veteran gz owners here what to do with the throttle grip end cap. I call it that because I don't know the proper name for it. Mine loosened up yesterday, today its completely unscrewed. I can't get it to catch thread. I asked GZ Rider for advice, he told me not to worry, its not gonna affect the throttle. That was my worry.

Has it fallen off on you, and if so what do you guys do ?
So, do I just throw it away ? What do you guys do with it ?

Gz Rider 02-01-2012 05:04 PM

Re: what to do with the end cap

alantf 02-02-2012 05:16 AM

Re: what to do with the end cap
At the back of the rubber thingy thats still in there is a washer & nut. Try hooking them out with the bent end of a wire coat hanger, then reassemble them loosely, feed them back inside the bars, & tighten up the screw to expand the rubber & hold the whole lot in place. :)

5th_bike 02-02-2012 08:54 AM

Re: what to do with the end cap
Yes a nut with attached ring has come off on the inside, and currently resides near the lowest point of your handlebars.
As alantf said use something with a hook (bent coat hanger, spoke) to work out the rubber cylinder, then put the bike on its side to have the nut fall out.
If you rip the rubber cylinder apart, order a new one (no. 7 on the diagram):

BTDT. :roll:

alantf 02-02-2012 12:53 PM

Re: what to do with the end cap

Originally Posted by 5th_bike

BTDT. :roll:


greatmaul 02-04-2012 05:20 AM

Re: what to do with the end cap
It's typically called a bar end or a bar end weight. You can get replacement ones on ebay for as little as $10 for a matching pair. Just make sure it's for a 7/8" bar. They don't affect the throttle unless they are screwed in too tight, in which case they interfere with the throttle. In general, they are meant to provide a heavy weight at the end of the handlebar to reduce vibration.

Mine fell off also, and I got a very heavy one on ebay, but it still vibrates and makes my hands tingle, so I'd suggest just getting one that looks nice and isn't very expensive. I think you could just get a matching nut at a hardware store and then put the original one back on.

ecr959 02-04-2012 01:27 PM

Re: what to do with the end cap
Yeah, using a coat hanger helped me get everything except the metal nut at the end. I can't fish it out and I don't want to turn the bike on its side or remove the handlebars just to get that nut out. I'll try to get one at a hardware store and try inserting the whole thing back in.

Gz Rider 02-04-2012 02:29 PM

Re: what to do with the end cap

greatmaul 02-04-2012 02:54 PM

Re: what to do with the end cap
Oh, and that reminds me since Gz mentioned that the entire handlebar is hollow, that I think I've heard of people using compressed air in one side of the handlebar to blow the nut out the other side. Just make sure when you're taking the other bar end off that you just loosen it and then pull/tug get it out. If you unscrew that one all the way you'll have 2 nuts stuck in your handlebars (er... yeah that didn't sound right.)

Gz Rider 02-04-2012 02:56 PM

Re: what to do with the end cap

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