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Dupo 08-04-2011 02:46 AM

Anyone giving Google+ a try?
I am really liking Google+ over Facebook.

First and foremost, no stupid games!! The circles are a great idea that you can send content to certain people instead of EVERYONE on your list. Can keep family stuff for family, friends stuff for just friends or share it with everyone (all circles).

You can also follow people like you would in Twitter. You can add them to your circle and follow their posts. They do not necessarily have or need to add you to their circle for you to follow them. Very Twitter-esq.

Popout video is great, bigger resolutions. No more tiny video that facebook limits you to.

Its got a familiar facebook appearance to it with wall posts, friend suggestions etc. Only thing different is the wall posts (streams on google). You can view streams of only family, only co workers, only friends or any custom circle you choose to view .. instead of sifting through EVERYONES posts and scrolling for an hour till you get to the old stuff you've seen already.

The other cool thing is the "hangouts". Basically it is group chat either typing, video, voice or all 3 at once. You can host a chat room like you would on Yahoo chat, but with this you can limit who can join (your different circles, depending on who you share it with). Neat feature: you and whoever is in your hangout, can watch youtube videos in sync with each other.

I think after this gets out of beta and starts incorporating other Google apps (maps, reader, blogger, navigation, calander ... etc) that this could definetly give Facebook a run for its money. What will suck, is trying to get everyone to switch or atleast use both. Its going to take time trying to ween people off facebook and on to something much easier to use and much more diverse. I think once you get past the learning curve of the circles thing .... that it is just as easy to use as facebook, with less crap, less ads, less apps, less bs.

If you want an invite .... let me know.






alanmcorcoran 08-04-2011 03:20 AM

Re: Anyone giving Google+ a try?
I have it. Haven't used it much. Facebook is still where most of the action is. For now. I waste so much time on Facebook, twitter, my two websites, Linked-In, Yahoo news, Yahoo financial, etc. I barely have time to shower.

I think it's probably more useful if you have something compelling to share, which I usually don't.

Nonethless, I shall start a biker circle and add you to it.

savrip 08-04-2011 06:39 AM

Re: Anyone giving Google+ a try?
G+ is far better and it's just a new product. You're right, once they add all the feature that Google owns already it will stomp Facebook for the more educated users. I still see Grandma using Facebook for much longer than the usual crowd. I will take some time, but I think the transition to G+ will happen. All it takes is one slip-up for Facebook. They have already proven that your information means profit if they can figure out how to expose it and not piss you off.

The only thing I'm not use to yet is adding something. It seems it's a lot easier with Facebook. I hope that gets some work. I added you John, to my "Bikers" circle. :)

Dupo 08-04-2011 11:06 AM

Re: Anyone giving Google+ a try?
Cool, i've added you both.

mrlmd1 08-04-2011 02:11 PM

Re: Anyone giving Google+ a try?
I got an invite from someone on another forum and joined but haven't used it yet. Add me to your list too. Another site to visit, so little time in the day.

Water Warrior 2 08-04-2011 03:23 PM

Re: Anyone giving Google+ a try?
I already spend too much time on the computer. No Facebook or Twitter etc. E-mails and 4 forums do keep me busy enough.

mrlmd1 08-04-2011 05:30 PM

Re: Anyone giving Google+ a try?
Oh come on, join up. Then we can bother you some more. Give us our email so we can send you jokes directly.

mrlmd1 08-04-2011 07:05 PM

Re: Anyone giving Google+ a try?
Just saw this in the current issue of New Yorker magazine --

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