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hacc81 03-12-2011 10:40 PM

Is there a 'How To' for an inline fuel filter?
Hey guys,

Spring is coming soon :2tup: and I'll be able to use the bike everyday!! :rawk:So I'd like to install an inline fuel filter to my bike, but I don't seem to find a How To for this procedure. I know that probably is a very easy installation, but I'd like to see at least a photo(s) of the installation process before I intent to do it myself... Being a new rider and just starting to learn how to maintain a bike (and also being fuel involved) I don't want to mess it up and potentially create a problem instead of an improvement...

I already searched "inline fuel filter" and there are a lot of comments and reasons to do it, but I didn't find a How To...
Has any of you done this How To :??: Or anyone that has done this installation, could you please take a picture of the filter fully installed in order to have a better idea of the proper position?
One last thing, how much length of fuel hose should I cut to install the filter? Should I cut the proportional length of the filter (about 1.5 inches) or maybe less (1 inch perhaps)?

Thanks a lot guys, :2tup:

blaine 03-12-2011 10:53 PM

Re: Is there a 'How To' for an inline fuel filter?
I don't have a picture,but it is pretty straight forward.You need to cut out the same length of hose as the length of the main body of the filter.(about 1 1/4)Just make sure the filter is pointed in the proper direction.The filter has a direction arrow on it.
:) :cool:

jonathan180iq 03-14-2011 08:53 AM

Re: Is there a 'How To' for an inline fuel filter?

Very simple. This image should give you an idea.

hacc81 03-14-2011 11:38 PM

Re: Is there a 'How To' for an inline fuel filter?
Hey guys, thanks both for your info.
Jonathan180iq, thanks a lot for the photo... This really will help me! :2tup:

This forum is a really good source of information for newbies like me to learn about your bike and how to start fixing it and improving it... I really appreciate it :cool:
PS: When I finish the filter installation I'll post some pictures too.

hacc81 03-15-2011 09:43 PM

Re: Is there a 'How To' for an inline fuel filter?

Originally Posted by jonathan180iq
Very simple. This image should give you an idea.

Hey jonathan180iq, just one last question. Which is the size of the fuel filter? 1/4" or 5/16"? Neither?
Thanks again. :whistle:

blaine 03-15-2011 10:13 PM

Re: Is there a 'How To' for an inline fuel filter?
It should be 5/16".The 1/4" would be too small. :cool: :)

alanmcorcoran 03-16-2011 02:27 PM

Re: Is there a 'How To' for an inline fuel filter?
Good picture. I may actually do this mod. Looks like you need a scissors and a screwdriver. Anybody have any "cons" against it? (Has anyone done it and wish they hadn't?)

Where do you buy the filter? Online (Bike Bandit?) Any particular brands recommended?

Will the gas leak out when I cut the tube? If so, just drain it into a bottle or something and then pour it back in when I'm done?

Sorry to be so dense, but putting on the windshield, changing the oil and charging the battery are about as far afield as I've ventured.

bonehead 03-16-2011 03:05 PM

Re: Is there a 'How To' for an inline fuel filter?
Any auto parts store for the filter. Yes , you will loose gas if the supply line is not pinched off or if you don't first drain the tank. I can't see any drawback to installing a filter. We call that style of fuel filter a "pancake" filter. Just need to get the i.d. of the hose so you get the one to fit.

alanmcorcoran 03-16-2011 03:19 PM

Re: Is there a 'How To' for an inline fuel filter?
Thanks bone. If I do it I'll post a photo of my handiwork. I've got to redo my bags - nephew re-installed them too low after he put on the sissy/rack. That's my next project, then I'll get the filter. I have a variety of clamps from woodworking toolset that might work to pinch off the tube temporarily.

bonehead 03-16-2011 03:25 PM

Re: Is there a 'How To' for an inline fuel filter?

Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
Thanks bone. If I do it I'll post a photo of my handiwork. I've got to redo my bags - nephew re-installed them too low after he put on the sissy/rack. That's my next project, then I'll get the filter. I have a variety of clamps from woodworking toolset that might work to pinch off the tube temporarily.

While you're at the parts store, there is a small brake line clamp the has a round clamp on it and as you screw it tight it restricts the flow. Small, inexpensive, and handy to have on hand. :2tup:

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