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clarksbaby2011 03-06-2011 12:40 PM

New and needin somethin
I'm lookin to buy a GZ250 cheap. I'm takin the MSF course at the end of this month, and I want some thing to ride when I get done. I've looked at all of my local dealers. (No good deals there. ) It dosent have to be brand new. Scratches ok, no dents please, and color dosent matter. Will drive to pick it up I have my own trialer and cash. :biggrin:

alanmcorcoran 03-06-2011 03:29 PM

Re: New and needin somethin
Look on Craig's list and other on-line/classifieds. Also, keep your eye on this site, more than half of the people that buy a GZ end up selling it and moving up. I'd sell you mine but I'm too far away and I think I can get a better price than cheap (probably the main reason I've never sold it.) You'll find one soon.

clarksbaby2011 03-06-2011 05:29 PM

Re: New and needin somethin
most of the ones i have seen are out of my budget for a starter bike. 99% of the bikes in my area are about the same price as new. there is a dealership that has one that only has 50 miles on it for $2,600. the people in my area have bikes with 16to20k miles 5 to 10 yrs old want 1,500 to 2,000. ebay around here is all dealer ships. thanks for the advice

alanmcorcoran 03-06-2011 07:06 PM

Re: New and needin somethin
Maybe the other posters are exagerrating their deals or Florida is a tough state to buy used, but I've seen a number on here for $1500 or less with only 1K on them.

Could you take your trailer up north? Too bad you couldn't buy last summer - every bike in the midwest was for sale dirt cheap.

clarksbaby2011 03-06-2011 07:32 PM

Re: New and needin somethin
not really wanting to leave fl. down here u have to take a motorcycle course and its been to exp. now the have the course two days for $175. so i'm taking it for my b-day. i'm so excited.....

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