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matchbox 01-18-2011 04:07 PM

Cabin Fever
There is a mix of snow and freezing rain in Pennsylvania today. I am tired of the cold and snow. I wana ride. I can't wait for the first nice day of spring so I can ride all day. I think I need to move to Charleston S.C. with my brother. :hide:

alanmcorcoran 01-18-2011 04:27 PM

Re: Cabin Fever
I think it's snowing there too. I heard it's 81 in Anaheim today.

music man 01-18-2011 04:39 PM

Re: Cabin Fever

Originally Posted by matchbox
There is a mix of snow and freezing rain in Pennsylvania today. I am tired of the cold and snow. I wana ride. I can't wait for the first nice day of spring so I can ride all day. I think I need to move to Charleston S.C. with my brother. :hide:

I rode in the cold and the snow a few days back, it was a brisk ride to say the least.

dhgeyer 01-18-2011 04:51 PM

Re: Cabin Fever
We're getting nailed again for the second time in a week. The roads never got clear from the first one. I rode January first, and that was the last time the roads were safe for a bike. I have kind of an informal goal to get at least one good ride in each month. The way it looks now, that New Years Day ride might be the only one in January this year.

On another subject, you heartier souls might want to look into a group I just found out about and joined: Year Round Riders. Check the website http://www.yearroundriders.com/.

Water Warrior 2 01-18-2011 06:55 PM

Re: Cabin Fever
That is quite a forum. Did some browsing and found some friends from other forums. We have some yearrounders here too. Besides my friend Don with the Ural there are a few diehards on scooters that just won't quit.

matchbox 01-18-2011 07:41 PM

Re: Cabin Fever
As a new rider I want to practice my skills without being distracted by the freezing cold. I will try to be a yearrounder in 2012. :)

frempath 01-18-2011 11:43 PM

Re: Cabin Fever
Sunday I ran the boy over to a friend's house. Only about 10 miles round trip, all in town, but my goodness it did change my mood for the better. A few miles, some fresh air, a better disposition. Half an hour well spent.

cayuse 01-20-2011 12:40 AM

Re: Cabin Fever
Ahhh, Bradenton Beach, Holmes Beach, Gulf of Mexico Dr., One Stop Shell Shop...... I try to visit my friends down there every few years. Now that I've got my license maybe I'll rent a bike and cruise down Longboat Key to Mote Marine..... Something to daydream about on a dreary winter day in the GWN. Thanks, frempath!

matchbox 01-20-2011 05:06 PM

Re: Cabin Fever
Wind in my face, sun on my back, the smell of the ocean, and two wheels. A ride through the keys sounds great to me.

alanmcorcoran 01-20-2011 09:17 PM

Re: Cabin Fever

Originally Posted by dhgeyer
On another subject, you heartier souls might want to look into a group I just found out about and joined: Year Round Riders. Check the website http://www.yearroundriders.com/.

Dh, me'n Moedad already belong to such a club - we call it southern california... (81 over the weekend apparently - I'll be biking it to the Gypsy Den tonight.)

PS. Is anybody going to take a damn picture of a loader or a dump truck? I'm not a regular player, but the "game" does make me get out for no other reason here and then.

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