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Devoured 11-28-2010 08:28 PM

Hello from Canada
Hey everyone.

Just bought my first bike, it's a 2001 GZ 250, got a pretty sweet deal from a girl that was quitting riding due to her 2nd pregnancy. Picked it up for only $1600 Canadian, it's in pretty nice shape despite the fact she dropped it once(few dents and scratches but nothing i can't deal with), and only has a little over 5000km on it. Took it out for a spin the other day, but it's snowing up here now so it'll be in the garage till the spring. I'm turning it into a bobber over the winter, I've always been partial to the "Mad Max" look. Been looking at a few of your projects and I'm getting a lot of cool ideas.

A little about me(for those who care/are bored):

I'm 27, Carpenter by day, Musician by night. I'm in a couple bands for fun, my main project is Devoured, we're a Death Metal band :rawk: , definitely not for the faint at heart. We have a new CD being produced by Neil Kernon(look him up if you don't know who he is). Other then the band I'm pretty much a normal dude, go to work, hang out with my girl, go camping year round, ride my Seadoo and fish in the summer. I've been wanting a bike for years just never got off my rear end to go get one, and the bands don't exactly leave me with much free time or money. I can't wait to start tearing this bike apart and get it back out on the road!

Any other canucks posting here?


blaine 11-28-2010 09:18 PM

Re: Hello from Canada
Welcome.Glad to have another Canadian on the forum.Good luck with your bobber project.I had over 44000 kms on my G.Z. when I sold it.I rode that bike for almost 4 years with no major problems.
:cool: :roll:

cayuse 11-29-2010 12:37 AM

Re: Hello from Canada
Hi, and welcome aboard. There are a couple of active posters out West here. I picked up my GZ last spring and put about 6000 km on her before bringing her in for the winter. I'll be spending the next few months cleaning up some corrosion and some paint scratches, and changing up to a 16T sprocket. It's a sweet ride, especially for the new rider. Good luck with your bobber project! There are lot of good ideas and help on these pages.


Water Warrior 2 11-29-2010 01:10 AM

Re: Hello from Canada
Welcome from the Wet Coast. We are just short ride north of Vancouver. No longer have a GZ in the stable but that doesn't matter much. Still have a bit of experience and a wee bit of knowledge to share.

mole2 11-29-2010 04:58 AM

Re: Hello from Canada
Welcome aboard and ride safe!!


alanmcorcoran 11-30-2010 03:29 AM

Re: Hello from Canada
Damn near all Canucks at this point! Have fun with your new toy.

Although I thoroughly enjoyed the Mad Max movie as well, I chose a more updated movie to base my life on (Resident Evil:3... see related posts or just search on "zombie.") (Yes, I know it's a chick. Life isn't perfect.)

Will you be sporting a dog collar or the mohawk once you have it fully Mad Maxed out? The leather pretty much comes with the territory, so you're set there and I will just assume some some nasty piercings are planned.

For my bit, I am not sure I will be able to legally wear (or even buy) the Mossberg Compact Cruiser, but I'm figuring the rules'll loosen up some once the T-virus gets loose.

Looking forward to seeing your photos...

Devoured 11-30-2010 10:18 PM

Re: Hello from Canada
Huge fan of the Resident Evil series, just really dig that worn down, bare-bones look on a bike. My buddy refers to them as Mad Max bikes so i suppose I picked up the habit from him.

As far as the mohawk goes, once the long hair becomes more trouble then it's worth I suppose mohawk is the next logical step. Not too big on the piercings though, I'm half covered in ink so i'll just keep going with that.

I'm sure once we're faced with a zombie apocalypse you'll be able to run around with whatever gun you please, before then it shouldn't be hard to get your hands on a 590 and do some mods to it. I'm a big fan of my 870 though, over 3000 rounds through her and she's still smooth as hell, even after going swimming a couple times and spending a week in the mud/rain.

I'll be sure to post pics as the project progresses.

GZBrian 02-06-2011 07:48 AM

Re: Hello from Canada
Welcome Devoured. Nice pics of the bike. Ride safe. GZBrian

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