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dentheman 10-03-2010 11:40 AM

It's COLD this morning!
Yesterday the high temperature at Lubbock was 85 (F) and I saw more motorcyclists in that one day than the rest of the year combined (not a single helmet in the bunch!). This morning it was 49 degrees at 7:30 when I took my dog for a walk and it is supposed to only get up to 65. I think fall has arrived in this part of the country, I don't remember it ever being this cold here so early into October.

alanmcorcoran 10-03-2010 02:10 PM

It's COLD this morning!
Yeah, it was only in the eighties in Furnace Creek. Pleasant!

dhgeyer 10-03-2010 03:32 PM

Re: It's COLD this morning!
37 in Merrimack this morning. The GZ is put away for the Winter - fuel stabilized, oil and filter changed, valves adjusted, battery tender on. The Beemer won't be far behind - next couple of weeks sometime. I've ridden right through the last several Winters. This year I've got well over 14,000 miles already. I've had enough. Time for a break.

Viirin 10-03-2010 06:21 PM

Re: It's COLD this morning!
Fahrenheit baffles me.......it's always cold here

dhgeyer 10-03-2010 07:33 PM

Re: It's COLD this morning!

Originally Posted by Viirin
Fahrenheit baffles me.......it's always cold here

Well, 37F is roughly 3C (a little above freezing point of water).

86F is about 30C

I always use 20C = 68F as a reference, as that was the temp all the fluids had to be at to process black and white film and photos, back when people did that. From there, every change of 9 degrees F = a change of 5 degrees C. So 77=25, 86=30 and so on.

music man 10-03-2010 08:04 PM

Re: It's COLD this morning!

Originally Posted by dhgeyer
The GZ is put away for the Winter - fuel stabilized, oil and filter changed, valves adjusted, battery tender on.

That just sounds so crazy to someone like me that lives where I live. It is just now in the last 2-3 weeks started to get down cool enough to actually start doing some real serious riding. I probably usually put twice as many miles on my bike from now til' winter is OVER then I do the rest of the year.

But that is because in the summer here, you are flirting with a heat stroke every time you go outside, much less ride your motorcycle with a helmet, gloves, boots etc...

Of course where some of our members live, you would be flirting with frostbite/hypothermia going outside much less trying to ride a motorcycle in the winter, not to mention the snow plow you would need out in front of you :lol: .

Water Warrior 2 10-04-2010 12:26 AM

Re: It's COLD this morning!

Originally Posted by Viirin
Fahrenheit baffles me.......it's always cold here

Just get a cheap scientific calculator. It will probably do the temp conversions for you. Mine covers F and C temps, Metric and Regular old standard measurements used in the U.S. Then there are Metric, Imperial and U.S. volumes for liquids, distance conversions and area conversions too. Lots of stuff for a few bucks.

dentheman 10-04-2010 01:15 AM

Re: It's COLD this morning!
I know I'm showing my age, but I can remember when a 'low end' scientific calculater cost over $80. Now I suppose they are less than $10 or there abouts.

dhgeyer 10-04-2010 07:55 AM

Re: It's COLD this morning!
I remember when the first hand held calculator came out - early '70s I think it was. The camera store I worked for bought one. It cost a hundred or two - can't remember, but not cheap. It was nothing but a 4 banger with no memory at all. Add, subtract, multiply, divide - that's it. And everyone thought it was amazing! Now I'm showing my age.

3-D Video 10-04-2010 10:44 AM

Re: It's COLD this morning!

Originally Posted by dhgeyer
I remember when the first hand held calculator came out - early '70s I think it was. The camera store I worked for bought one. It cost a hundred or two - can't remember, but not cheap. It was nothing but a 4 banger with no memory at all. Add, subtract, multiply, divide - that's it. And everyone thought it was amazing! Now I'm showing my age.

Ah, you young'ns. Tisk. Tisk.
Had a friend with one of them "Bomar Brains". It was the cats pajamas. Ere that, my dad had a pocket mechanical 4 banger. $350 of Swiss perfection, a Curta Calculator (I used a slide rule... or was it an abacus? It all gets a little hazy).

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