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Gz250Bobber 09-12-2010 07:09 PM

New Gz250 Rider that building it into a Bobber
Hey guys cool forum you got here. Just picked up my 05 GZ250 and Im Building it into a Bobber, I have only had it one week and its already staring to form up. Its at the shop now getting Streched out 6 inches on a ridgid frame and getting new bars and Penut gastank and Rear Fender. Cant wait. If anyone has any ideas for Performance Ect let me know

blaine 09-12-2010 07:32 PM

Re: New Gz250 Rider that building it into a Bobber
Welcome.Looks like you are on your way to one cool boober.Keep us updated.

:2tup: :rawk:

burkbuilds 09-12-2010 11:23 PM

Re: New Gz250 Rider that building it into a Bobber
Welcome to the forum. Keep us posted on your progress, good luck.

alanmcorcoran 09-13-2010 01:11 AM

Re: New Gz250 Rider that building it into a Bobber
Full disclosure: I'm sort of a stock guy myself (but I do like to look at other people's creations.)

I should wait to see how it looks with your new tank and frame, but I'll blurt it out - don't like the orange grips. They interrupt the otherwise clean look of the flat black and give it kind of a cheap Halloween look. Unless that's what you were going for...

mole2 09-13-2010 02:22 AM

Re: New Gz250 Rider that building it into a Bobber
Welcome aboard and ride safe. Keep us updated on the progress of your bobber.


alantf 09-13-2010 04:52 AM

Re: New Gz250 Rider that building it into a Bobber

Originally Posted by Gz250Bobber
If anyone has any ideas for Performance Ect let me know

Hi there, Not really much you can do to get more horses out of a geezer. It is what it is. :2tup:

ArizonaKev 09-13-2010 01:49 PM

Re: New Gz250 Rider that building it into a Bobber
I think it looks pretty cool so far. I gotta' go with someone else who mentioned the orange grips - not my cup of tea, but hey, if you like 'em, that's all that matters.

One more thing that came to mind when I looked at it: are you planning on wearing some kind of "nut protection"? Cuz that seat looks like one hell of a nuttcracker to me! :cry:

AZ Kev

Gz250Bobber 09-13-2010 02:34 PM

Re: New Gz250 Rider that building it into a Bobber
Thanks Guys Yeah The Grips and bars are coming off Just ordered My New Penut Tank and 12 inch Apes with Black Grips lol. We Streched out the Bike 6 Inch last night and is coming along great

bonehead 09-13-2010 03:16 PM

Re: New Gz250 Rider that building it into a Bobber
Can't wait to see the end product.

JarredD 09-24-2010 11:08 AM

Re: New Gz250 Rider that building it into a Bobber
Wow, I love the effort put into this project. Do it right or don't do it at all! You're definitely doing it right.

Keep the photos coming

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