GZ 250 Forums

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Scheezo 07-01-2010 11:01 AM

New guy
Hey all. I'm Tim. Just bought a 2002 GZ250 yesterday and rode it home about 50 miles through t-storms and then hot sun. Love Central Florida like that. I've had bikes in the past but not for a few years. I got married, had kids... I drive 29 miles to work and needed something to get me there cheap so I ended up with the GZ yesterday. It runs great. I love it and can't wait to get more riding in.

blaine 07-01-2010 04:38 PM

Re: New guy
Welcome to the forum.I'am sure you will love theG.Z.Ride safe.


ArizonaKev 07-01-2010 05:08 PM

Re: New guy
Hi Tim - welcome to the forum. Always good to have another fellow GZ rider on board. I'm sure you are going to love your new GZ, and I KNOW you are gonna' love the gas mileage! Enjoy that new bike and be sure to ride safe :2tup:

AZ Kev

mole2 07-02-2010 03:53 PM

Re: New guy
Welcome aboard Tim! Have fun and ride safe.


alanmcorcoran 07-02-2010 08:50 PM

Re: New guy
Have fun and check your tires. You might be due for new ones.

GZBrian 07-10-2010 06:28 AM

Re: New guy
Hi Tim and welcome. Great gas mileage from the GZ, and a nice ride as well. As was posted before me, check your tires for cracking and wear. Also remember to check the condition of the oil through the site gauge. If it looks kinda ugly, change it. Suzuzki recommends every 3,000 miles for oil change, and every 6,000 for oil filter change. For the filter change remember to get the two "O" rings for the filter area (1 smaller one and 1 larger one).I have changed my filter once so far. We love our GZ a lot!!! Enjoy your ride and ride safe. GZBrian

alantf 07-10-2010 06:44 AM

Re: New guy

Originally Posted by GZBrian
Suzuzki recommends every 3,000 miles for oil change, and every 6,000 for oil filter change.

Yes, but for how little an oil filter costs, it's MUCH better to change it every 3000 miles while you're changing the oil.

Remember, Suzuki has a vested interest in selling you a new engine, sometime down the line. :whistle:

This goes along the lines of Suzuki not fitting a fuel filter, but it's still a very good idea to fit one. :2tup:

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