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Reyji 06-20-2010 12:57 PM

My first bike
Here in Canada it's called the Marauder. This one is an 08. It's a fun little bike to ride around town and the city. Feels nice when I get compliments from people on the street. Looks bigger than it looks some guy thought it was a 400 cc.

Thanks for looking :rawk:



Water Warrior 2 06-20-2010 01:35 PM

Re: My first bike
Looks good. Do you have any plans for bags and other farkles ?

alantf 06-20-2010 02:42 PM

Re: My first bike
Nice tread pattern on the front tyre. Looks like it's got good grip. :2tup:

mole2 06-21-2010 12:07 AM

Re: My first bike
Black! I like black. Can't ya tell? Ride safe.


Reyji 06-21-2010 10:30 AM

Re: My first bike

Thanks for your comments. Don't think I will be putting a saddlebag or a sissybar. Not really my thing although I'm tempted to put a custom muffler from ebay to improve the sound the stock muffler kinda sounds like an electric lawn mower. I'm also thinking of putting a 16T front sprocket. I like to ride fast most of the times and I find myself shifting more than I would like. I love that the front tire is fatter than other 250 cc's and yeah it grips pretty well. Black is the coolest color! I'm visualizing my next bike to be a Harley Iron 833. They look dark and mean. I'm content with a GZ being my first bike to gain confidence in my riding abilities and to improve my riding skills and weighing a buck twenty its a good size for me.


ArizonaKev 06-21-2010 12:56 PM

Re: My first bike
Good looking bike. I only weigh about 150 myself, and I totally agree - the wieght of the GZ is perfect for me. When I first got it, I too thought I might eventually get a bigger bike. But the longer I have and ride it, the more I like it, and the less I want a bigger bike : the gas mileage is unbeatable, the styling is great, has enough speed for what I need, very easy to manuever because of the light weight, and very cheap to work on.

When I bought mine (used) it came with saddlebags, and at first I didn't like them, so I took them off. But then I had to start wearing a backpack all the time, which made my back get WAY hot (I live in Phoenix, AZ, and it's pretty hot to begin with!). So I put them back on, and I actually like the way the bike looks with them on a lot better now. Seems to give it a little more "beef" and make it look more like a true cruiser.

Whichever way you choose to go, enjoy that new bike, and ride safe :2tup:

AZ Kev

Reyji 06-21-2010 01:47 PM

Re: My first bike
Hey Arizona,

It's a great feeling when you fill the tank with gas and its gonna cost less than 10 bucks and it's especially fun when you sneak your way through busy traffic in the city. The 250 cc definitely has its advantages. I bought a $10 backpack in walmart and of course it had to be black. A lot less cheaper than a saddlebag and the bracket that you need with it. Its summer now in Toronto and yeah my back sweats with the backpack on but you get used to it. I thought about putting a saddlebag at first but then I changed my mind kinda makes the bike looks like it has a fat ass. LOL. I prefer to have my bike on a diet but to each its own.



Water Warrior 2 06-21-2010 01:59 PM

Re: My first bike
Keep in mind a bike with a fat ass is more visible to others. Coming or going you need to be visible.

cayuse 06-21-2010 03:58 PM

Re: My first bike
hi Reyji, nice bike! the crash bars are a nice touch.
I wore a backpack for awhile and after getting too hot one day figured out a way to turn it into a tank bag. The waist strap loops through the frame ahead of the tank, the handle loop is tied into my seat bracket with velcro, and the shoulder straps are bungee'd to the frame just behind the engine. It's a Roots bag so it's a little too big, but is so handy, and swings out of the way in seconds for re-fueling.

Reyji 06-21-2010 09:50 PM

Re: My first bike
Oh sweet I'm trying to picture how that works for you but I must say its a pretty clever way to attach a backpack on to a bike. Dig your blue GZ bruddha!

Warrior bro point well taken thanks!

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