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grimjaw 04-13-2010 06:51 PM

how to, hook up your turn signal lights again...
...because you forgot to remember which wires went where.

Now this is complicated by the fact that I had to buy a second hand set of turn signals because my original left front turn light was cracked in a wreck. Now I have the new set, and everything works. Except, when I turn the bike on, the left signal light comes on and stays on. Rear blinkers work as they're supposed to, and front right blinker works OK.

Colors on wires coming from left turn signal, BLACK/WHITE, BLACK, GRAY. Left over wires in the headlight housing, BROWN, GREEN, BLACK/WHITE.

Does anyone know how this is supposed to mate up? Other than some general maintenance, this is the last of my repairs. :)


music man 04-13-2010 07:35 PM

Re: how to, hook up your turn signal lights again...
I have no idea, but i bet if you download the service manual that we have on here, there is a wiring diagram somewhere in it. :2tup:

grimjaw 04-13-2010 08:38 PM

Re: how to, hook up your turn signal lights again...
Actually, I consulted the service manual before I hit the forum. I may have missed it, but I didn't see it in there.

Anyway, I figured it out by trial and error finally. I managed to blow only one fuse in the process. :/

5th_bike 04-13-2010 11:04 PM

Re: how to, hook up your turn signal lights again...

Originally Posted by grimjaw
Actually, I consulted the service manual before I hit the forum. I may have missed it, but I didn't see it in there.

It's page 205. A black wire provides current to the (left) turn signal part of the bulb, and the black/white wire is ground.
The green wire could be the power for the right turn signal...

One tip, the two 'power' wires for the two turn signal lights are connected to either end of the turn signal indicator lamp.

blaine 04-13-2010 11:29 PM

Re: how to, hook up your turn signal lights again...
Dont forget power wires for park lights on front, should have power with key on.

Water Warrior 2 04-14-2010 03:02 AM

Re: how to, hook up your turn signal lights again...
IF you don't have one now, Get a test light at Any place that sells them. They are fool proof and you always know if it is working. Just test your battery, if it lights up you are golden. I have had and used test lights for over 40 years with not one failure. Cheap, easy and no real moving parts. The original meter I suppose.

alantf 04-14-2010 05:22 AM

Re: how to, hook up your turn signal lights again...

Originally Posted by grimjaw

Colors on wires coming from left turn signal, BLACK/WHITE, BLACK, GRAY. Left over wires in the headlight housing, BROWN, GREEN, BLACK/WHITE.

As an electrician (retired), I always found that the easiest (& quickest) way was to mark everything up as I took it apart. That way, it goes back together without having to think about it. :2tup:

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