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Jordan310 04-24-2007 01:29 AM

Convert your GZ250 into a 346cc!!!
First off all - I'll give ya a tip - don't ever drill Jets anymore. Many people on this board, including myself tried this at firstm and its just plain dumb.

There are jets for everything , drilling might save you a few bucks, but can cause more damage than help....

The engine in the GZ is from the DR250S (dual-purpose bike). I'm sure there are all kind of stuff that can be found to fit this engine, since it's a smaller version of the DR350 , which had a huge aftermarket possibilities. U don't wanna get to "pipey" cause you want to keep it reliable. I know a Suzuki expert that will definitely have some opinion in that matter. There's many other area's to improve in the chassis, so don't worry about it.

Oh but wait, ... I found one answer here.
Power? More power you say?

Check this out: http://www.thumperracingusa.com/DR250S.html

I am having mine done in a few weeks. Im ordering the parts, and having my own mechanic drop it all in.
Ill have some photos for the process, and I also found a way to extend the fork, found beautiful whitewall tires, found the PERFECT K&N setup, and a way to increase the rear tire size a bit.

These mods, along with a new OEM sprocket, a hotter cam, a z bar, braided hoses, having my engine case dipped in chrome, a chrome battery box mounted, side plate holder, seamless contoured seat, custom grips, fork stabilizer, Euro hand controls, mini tach, tons of white (hidden) LED lights in the frame, custom pipes with mini mufflers wrapped in black, .. man. Its all coming. This is going to be a show bike for sure.

If only I could find someone to help me cut the front fender properly. NATE?!

Dupo 04-24-2007 11:07 AM

That would sure make for one heck of a show bike. Sure will be interesting to see this done with the pics and final result. I voted 'go for it', its your bike and if it is what you want, do it!

Looking forward to the pics!

Jordan310 04-26-2007 01:40 AM

Thanks man.
Yea. Im going for it.

Custom mirrors, lights, foot pegs, headlight, front fender guard from here : http://www.bike-design.com/search.ph...shp_category=0 .. BTW check this out guys.

As well, I want white wall tires, the rear fender cut, and the light relocated to the very back of the seat - bobber style. Chrome stems/caps, and chrome chain.

Man. I just got permission from the wife to take about 3 grand out to play with this bike and trick it out to make it show quality.
I dont know how I did it, but it should be fun. =)

Ill be posting some shots as the project progresses. First is the engine work. =)

My mechanic told me that with what he laid out, and keeping the bike reliable but pushing it to its limmits, it should be pretty damn quick for this type of bike, carb, and little engine. He also tells me that my gas milage will drop a lot .. from about 70mpg to 45, but hey .. its still better than a car. =)

Bill 04-27-2007 07:21 PM

When I first read the topic I thought - Nahhh! But then after reading the post and what you have planned you got my attention. I'll be looking forward to the post/pictures of the progress. Sounds like a fun project.


Jordan310 04-27-2007 09:57 PM

Parts ordered for big bire kit!

Water Warrior 2 04-27-2007 11:59 PM

The increase in displacement should make the 250 into a better highway bike with a little taller gearing. Looking forward to the progress reports and pics.

El_Shorto 05-27-2007 11:12 PM

well, its been a month since the last word on this, any info regarding how it went? it looks like a solid mod and i'm considering having it done to my bike if it turns out well.

Jordan310 05-28-2007 02:20 AM

Workin on it =)

Just waiting for Nate to send the fender back, and a few more mods done to the bike.
I got the parts, and my mechanic installed em. I just have to drop everything back in, and he said something about getting new rings?

Shoud have some pics soon enough.

El_Shorto 06-06-2007 01:39 AM

Sounds like it's going to be a mean machine when you're done with it Jordan! My big thing with the mod (since it's a performance mod) is how the bike performs with the kit. I do a lot of riding back and forth between Tampa and Orlando, and it's rough having semis whip past me at 70-75 to my 60-65. So once you get her up and running, let me know how it rides. If it's a good solid ride, i'm going to get it done ASAP. :D

El_Shorto 07-05-2007 01:31 PM

So how did this mod turn out Jordan? You promised us pictures and feedback, but we still havent heard from you! ;)

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