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TrystaEC 07-27-2009 12:09 AM

Just got a gz250!!!!!!
My name is Trysta. I bought a 2001 Suzuki gz250 and love it. I am new to riding bikes. I Mainly got the bike so i can ride it to and from school during the week and ride with my friends on the weekends. :2tup:

alantf 07-27-2009 04:40 AM

Re: Just got a gz250!!!!!!
Hi there,
Welcome to the forum.

two things ........ 1) You bought the right bike to learn on.
2) You came to the right place to learn about the bike.

Most of the folks on here have swapped their GZs for something bigger, after they've got proficient as riders. On the other hand, I live on a small, traffic congested, island, so manouverability is much more important for me than speed. So, if you can keep off the freeways (I think that's what they're called!) you've got the ideal bike for going to school. It should help your pocket, too, as you'll probably get mid 60s/gallon.
By the way, where's Escondido? As a non-American, I've never heard of it. O_o :2tup:

Forgot to mention......... I've had my GZ for over two years, & I still enjoy riding it! (I use it as a work horse - not just for recreation) :roll:

Blackbird 07-27-2009 09:21 AM

Re: Just got a gz250!!!!!!
Hello and welcome!

The red really stands out, looks great. Hope you enjoy it and be safe.
Another Californian huh? You have great weather down there and will enjoy your riding season a bit longer than most of us. I'm a little jealous ... except for that earth movement thing you folks got going down there. :cry:
Once again, enjoy!

alanmcorcoran 07-27-2009 06:13 PM

Re: Just got a gz250!!!!!!
Escondido is sort of between Orange County and San Diego. (closer to SD) In Southern California we don't really have the concept of a "riding season." (Although it can get a little chilly at night in the dead of winter.) Actually, it's a little uncomfortable to ride in the summer - it's been 90 or hotter for the last few weeks and if you wear a jacket, helmet and gloves - you better steer clear of traffic lights or stop signs.

Trysta, you are located right in the midde of a ton of fantastic motorcyle roads. If you get interested in riding outside of commuting, checkout http://www.pashnit.com for details. Or Busyweb's posts (gz250bike.com member.)

VTXorcist 07-28-2009 10:36 AM

Re: Just got a gz250!!!!!!
Welcome! I'm fairly new to the GZ as well (got my '99 about 2 weeks ago). It's technically my wife's, but her safety class isn't for another 2 weeks so I have it all to myself for the moment!

You picked a really fun bike to learn on. So easy to maneuver and looks great, too! By the way, I love that 2001 stock paint job. Much better than the pinstripe decals on my '99.

Congrats, enjoy, and keep the rubber side down!!

PS: This board is awesome, incidentally. Lots of helpful folks.

bonehead 07-28-2009 10:54 AM

Re: Just got a gz250!!!!!!
Welcome, and enjoy the crazyness.

New GZ250 07-28-2009 11:36 AM

Re: Just got a gz250!!!!!!
Your bike looks like it came off the showroom floor! Love the color, wish I had a choice other than black when I purchases new. You have a real beauty there and welcome to the club.

TrystaEC 07-28-2009 02:04 PM

Re: Just got a gz250!!!!!!
Thanks for all the comments on my bike

Water Warrior 2 07-28-2009 04:41 PM

Re: Just got a gz250!!!!!!

Originally Posted by TrystaEC
My name is Trysta. I bought a 2001 Suzuki gz250 and love it. I am new to riding bikes. I Mainly got the bike so i can ride it to and from school during the week and ride with my friends on the weekends. :2tup:

Just looking at the pics again. Is it an optical illusion or my eyes. The front wheel does appear to be closer to the left side fork rather than centered between them. Maybe just a slight bit of angle to the pic. Anyone else noticing this ?

Easy Rider 07-28-2009 06:45 PM

Re: Just got a gz250!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Water Warrior
Just looking at the pics again. Is it an optical illusion or my eyes. The front wheel does appear to be closer to the left side fork rather than centered between them. Maybe just a slight bit of angle to the pic. Anyone else noticing this ?

We've been over this already.....a LONG time ago.....as it relates to the front hub not being centered on the axle. Both are an illusion. :roll:

Edit: Well, LAST time it turned out that way. I guess I can't say for sure this time !! :biggrin:

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