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Shawn 05-16-2009 06:16 PM

Mine tranformed
I usually just lerk but here ya go


Fishisned it yesterday, have about 3 days of work and $300
It started out as a Red 2000 model
I've bobbed both fenders and painted everything black
Streetfighter headlights and fairing
Streetfigher bars
M109 Mirrors
Harley muffler
Custom brakelight and rear turnsignals
16 tooth sprocket
145 main jet and needle mod and airbox mod

I think thats about it. If you have any questions pleas feel free to ask.

greenhorn 05-16-2009 06:35 PM

Re: Mine tranformed
I think it looks awesome!!!! Sweet ride there, buddy!!!! :2tup:


JWR 05-16-2009 08:38 PM

Re: Mine tranformed
Good job..... Looks great....

Well done!!!!.....

adrianinflorida 05-16-2009 08:43 PM

Re: Mine tranformed
I like it. It that an Acerbis headlight/fairing?

burkbuilds 05-16-2009 09:13 PM

Re: Mine tranformed
Love that front view! Wicked headlight look!

Blackbird 05-16-2009 09:46 PM

Re: Mine tranformed
Looks great. How does it perform with the 145 MJ?

Shawn 05-17-2009 11:26 AM

Re: Mine tranformed
The headlight/fairing is by BikeIt and it's called the Rage.

The bike performs great with the 145MJ, I was going to put a 150 in but could not find any locally. With all of the combined power mods it doesn't even feel like the same bike.

mrlmd1 05-17-2009 11:41 AM

Re: Mine tranformed
Looks great, nice job - lean & mean. I can't believe you did that for only $300.
How did you prep the chrome on the pipes and muffler and what kind of paint did you use?
I like that look and from living on the Gulf coast with all the moisture and salt in the air, my pipes are a little rusted, too much to clean off and shine.

Shawn 05-17-2009 01:14 PM

Re: Mine tranformed
Thanks guys

For the pipes I went over them really good with a green scotchbrite pad then used VHT high temp exhaust paint

I paid $100 for the paint and supplies
I paid $200 for the fairing/headlight, bars, grips, sprocket, main jet, tail and turn signals.
The M109 mirrors and Harley muffler were free.
Being able to do all the work myself- priceless

David Bo 05-18-2009 05:34 PM

Re: Mine tranformed
Hi Shawn. Nice looking bike! I did the same engine mods to my 2001 and I have to agree with you, it feels like a total different bike! Ride safe... David Bo

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