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LoneRyder 05-16-2009 11:32 AM

higher speed "stall"
When accelerating in 4th or 5th after the bike warms up, the bike loses power suddenly and intermittently at 50 mph. So as I speed up above 50 the bike stutters and stops then surges back ahead again. Not a good feeling. Feels like the same sensation as running out of gas but happens even with nearly full tank of 87 octane fuel. 2007 bike, less than 1000 miles. Suggestions ??

Water Warrior 2 05-16-2009 12:28 PM

Re: higher speed "stall"
An 07 with that low mileage has been parked a lot. Maybe some little creature set up house keeping in the air filter. Pull the filter out and check it inside and out. My first bike did that once but it was due to wide open throttle on a very hot day and it tried to heat seize while on the highway.

Easy Rider 05-16-2009 02:00 PM

Re: higher speed "stall"

Originally Posted by LoneRyder
So as I speed up above 50 the bike stutters and stops then surges back ahead again.

Could be electrical but that's probably a last resort.

More likely that something is restricted, either fuel, air or exhaust.

If you haven't done it since you got it, drain ALL (as much as possible) of the fuel out of the tank and float bowl and put in fresh gas with some carb cleaner.

Could also be a plugged gas cap vent causing a suction in the tank.

Could also be a mal-functioning rev. limiter.

I'm guessing you will probably need a dealer visit. Don't suppose you are the first owner and it's still under warranty ????

LoneRyder 05-16-2009 08:37 PM

Re: higher speed "stall"

An 07 with that low mileage has been parked a lot. Maybe some little creature set up house keeping in the air filter. Pull the filter out and check it inside and out.
it probably was parked before I bought it with 400 miles and and there are quite a few possible critters in my garage. i will pull the air filter and check

Could be electrical but that's probably a last resort.

i hope not..

More likely that something is restricted, either fuel, air or exhaust.

it feels as if something is restricted, low speed and mid speed performance is not affected

If you haven't done it since you got it, drain ALL (as much as possible) of the fuel out of the tank and float bowl and put in fresh gas with some carb cleaner.

i have run at least 3 tanks of gas through it in the past 600 miles of riding. i did buy some berrymans b-12 chemtool today and put two oz in the tank. just went for a ride and it was scaring the hell out of me at 50-55 again. does not seem to be related to rpms, in lower gear I can rev it up without the sudden loss of power

Could also be a plugged gas cap vent causing a suction in the tank.

Where is the gas cap vent ? I pulled over and popped the cap off tonight when it happened but there did not seem to be suction.

I'm guessing you will probably need a dealer visit. Don't suppose you are the first owner and it's still under warranty ????

No, I bought it used, the nearest suzuki dealer is 70 miles away. I plan on pulling the air filter, then the spark plug, check the gas cap vent ? then ?? Thank you for your helpful suggestions.

Easy Rider 05-16-2009 09:35 PM

Re: higher speed "stall"

Originally Posted by LoneRyder
No, I bought it used, the nearest suzuki dealer is 70 miles away. I plan on pulling the air filter, then the spark plug, check the gas cap vent ? then ??

Give the B12 time to work; beyond that .....?????

alantf 05-17-2009 05:00 AM

Re: higher speed "stall"

Originally Posted by Easy Rider

Could also be a mal-functioning rev. limiter.

Does the gz have a rev limiter? (genuine question)

Easy Rider 05-17-2009 10:26 AM

Re: higher speed "stall"

Originally Posted by alantf

Originally Posted by Easy Rider

Could also be a mal-functioning rev. limiter.

Does the gz have a rev limiter? (genuine question)

Yes, I'm 99% sure......but since my manuals went with the bike, I can't prove it.

Water Warrior 2 05-17-2009 05:29 PM

Re: higher speed "stall"
My logic says no rev limiter. Would you not need a processor of sorts(FI ?) to sense the RPM and shut things down ? Also the GZ is a simple bike and Suzuki likes to keep it that way. But then this is only speculation from an old guy with tired brain cells. lol.

Easy Rider 05-17-2009 05:36 PM

Re: higher speed "stall"

Originally Posted by Water Warrior
My logic says no rev limiter. Would you not need a processor of sorts(FI ?) to sense the RPM and shut things down ?

It HAS a processor, of sorts, with the electronic ignition....which has to know something about the engine speed to properly advance the timing !! :cool:

Water Warrior 2 05-17-2009 05:50 PM

Re: higher speed "stall"
[quote=Easy Rider]

Originally Posted by "Water Warrior":26havn9b
My logic says no rev limiter. Would you not need a processor of sorts(FI ?) to sense the RPM and shut things down ?

It HAS a processor, of sorts, with the electronic ignition....which has to know something about the engine speed to properly advance the timing !! :cool:[/quote:26havn9b]

True enough. Now all we need is some one to confirm how complex it is. Maybe we are all wrong and the GZ is atomic powered with limited travel reactor rods.

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