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Tranquility 05-11-2009 08:57 AM

Tranquility's 2009 GZ...
Not the venue it deserves (my crowded garage), but until I get some glamor shots out in the yard, here's my ride. Yay!!

adrianinflorida 05-11-2009 10:37 AM

Re: Tranquility's 2009 GZ...
Nice, reminds me that I have A LOT of polishing to do on mine. :)

David Bo 05-11-2009 05:57 PM

Re: Tranquility's 2009 GZ...
Very nice bike... Tell your husband to hurry up and put that bag of grass fertilizer down! It dandilion season! :biggrin:

Dave Bo

Moedad 05-11-2009 06:02 PM

Re: Tranquility's 2009 GZ...

New GZ250 05-11-2009 06:22 PM

Re: Tranquility's 2009 GZ...
Looks "exactly" like mine! :)
Will post a picture of mine soon! I am a bit biased but that is one of the best looking GZ's I have ever seen! Great color too!

burkbuilds 05-11-2009 06:41 PM

Re: Tranquility's 2009 GZ...
Wow, you've got that chrome shining great! Nice bike.

Tranquility 05-12-2009 08:13 AM

Re: Tranquility's 2009 GZ...
To be fair, that picture was taken when the bike had less than 10 miles on it ... it was showroom-shiney! After putting a few miles on it this past weekend, I noticed a couple bug carcasses plastered to the headlight and thought "oh! My bike has been defiled!!" ;-)

It has about 200 miles on it now and has already been washed and waxed (thanks, Hubby!!).

Mr. New GZ250, something about straight-up black & chrome, yes?

Dave Bo, Dandelions: too late. Way, way WAY too late.

Easy Rider 05-12-2009 09:21 AM

Re: Tranquility's 2009 GZ...

Originally Posted by Tranquility
It has about 200 miles on it now and has already been washed and waxed

A clean desk (bike) is the sign of a sick mind !! :poke2: :biggrin:

Well, maybe unless you get somebody ELSE to clean it for you !! :tup:

alantf 05-13-2009 12:25 PM

Re: Tranquility's 2009 GZ...
Hey Tranquility,
I've just thought about something, & then went back & looked at the photo of your bike................... Can I possibly persuade you to invest in an engine guard at the earliest possible moment. Really, I think that the English term "crash bars" is more appropriate, as it is more to do with protecting your legs in case the bike goes over. The one thing you don't want is a burning hot engine pinning your leg to the ground. I hope I'm not scaring you from riding, but spills happen to anyone. I've been riding for over 40 years, & just last week a car turned left into me, because the guy didn't check his mirror, as I was overtaking. The guard got mangled - but my leg didn't!

If you decide to get one (and I sincerely hope you do) I would check different brands of guard as the general opinion on this site is that the Suzuki guard is useless. I'm afraid I can't help you out as my strong guard is Spanish.

Tranquility 05-13-2009 01:08 PM

Re: Tranquility's 2009 GZ...
Hi alantf,

No, you're not scaring me at all. In fact, my husband and I are currently looking at crash bars for his Honda Shadow, so I'm getting an education on what to look for and the different profiles/options.

Safety is paramount and it's a good day when you can walk away from an accident.

I'm very glad to hear you (and your legs!) are okay from last week's adventure. That must've been terrifying!

Easy Rider,

"A clean desk (bike) is the sign of a sick mind !! "
I was going to respond w/a pic of my desk top ... trust me, my mind is healthy! ;-)

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