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-   -   is there a way to remove the seat without the key? (http://www.gz250bike.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2305)

JIBTEXHNKA 05-01-2009 05:31 PM

is there a way to remove the seat without the key?
i'm fairly certain i locked my key under the seat... :bang:

is there a way to take it off with minimal damage?

if anyone can post a picture of the bottom of the seat and the under-seat compartment that would help a lot.


music man 05-01-2009 06:13 PM

Re: is there a way to remove the seat without the key?
Here is an idea that just might work, there are two bolts holding the piece of metal that the tongue on the front of the seat goes under, i can get a wrench up under the front of the seat and loosen these (I already tried it to make sure, it is a 10mm), take those bolts out, and then you should be able to swivel the front of the seat around far enough to get at your keys and unlock the back of it, sorry i don't have pictures, but the camera is in the wife's car, if you still can't figure it out, i will post pics later, or someone else surely will.

P.S. just shine a flashlight in between the front of the seat and the little side cover and the gas tank, and you will see the piece of metal and the bolts i am talking about.

JIBTEXHNKA 05-01-2009 06:23 PM

Re: is there a way to remove the seat without the key?
thanks a bunch, i'm gonna go try this out right now. i'll let you know how it goes

music man 05-01-2009 06:33 PM

Re: is there a way to remove the seat without the key?
Just be patient, if you don't have a gear wrench it is going to take a month of sundays to get them off, but you can do it. :2tup:

alantf 05-01-2009 06:47 PM

Re: is there a way to remove the seat without the key?
[quote="music man"] but the camera is in the wife's car, [ /quote]

Along with the keys(LOL)

Sorry, couldn't resist it!

music man 05-01-2009 06:52 PM

Re: is there a way to remove the seat without the key?

Originally Posted by alantf

Originally Posted by music man
but the camera is in the wife's car, [ /quote]

Along with the keys(LOL)

Sorry, couldn't resist it!

Nah she don't mess with the motorcycle keys :crutches:

dannylightning 05-01-2009 09:25 PM

Re: is there a way to remove the seat without the key?

Originally Posted by JIBTEXHNKA
i'm fairly certain i locked my key under the seat... :bang:

is there a way to take it off with minimal damage?

if anyone can post a picture of the bottom of the seat and the under-seat compartment that would help a lot.


i don't know and that really sucks. if you have a powerfull maninent on a stick you may be able to fish them out some how or a coat hanger,

go get a second key made.

JIBTEXHNKA 05-01-2009 10:42 PM

Re: is there a way to remove the seat without the key?
well i tried my SAE wrenches... 5/8 is too small and 7/16 is too big. had to go to work but i'll try and hunt down some metric wrenches tonight or tomorrow. grrrrrr

and i picked up a key blank from the dealer so i'll get a copy made as soon as i find the original.

music man 05-01-2009 10:51 PM

Re: is there a way to remove the seat without the key?

Originally Posted by JIBTEXHNKA
well i tried my SAE wrenches... 5/8 is too small and 7/16 is too big. had to go to work but i'll try and hunt down some metric wrenches tonight or tomorrow. grrrrrr

Yes it is a 10mm, i hate when that happens.

alantf 05-02-2009 04:41 AM

Re: is there a way to remove the seat without the key?

Originally Posted by JIBTEXHNKA
i'll try and hunt down some metric wrenches tonight or tomorrow

Yes, go & buy a full set. As long as you have the bike you're gonna need 'em. EVERYTHING on the gz is metric.

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