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dan_ 01-22-2009 02:41 PM

Bike check ups.
I've read on here that the 3000 mile check up is the most important because of valve adjustment or something. (not a mechanic by any means) After I take my bike to the dealer for the 3000 mile check up, if I don't take it in anymore after that and continue to do regular oil changes will I be fine or end up kicking myself in the teeth? What other things should I be doing regularly? I cleaned my air filter today and lubed my chain!! How often should I change my air filter? Sorry about all the newb questions.

alanmcorcoran 01-22-2009 02:52 PM

Re: Bike check ups.
I don't know that they did a valve adjustment on mine (for the 3K). It wasn't mentioned on the receipt. I think I will read the manual to see if it is called for and then follow up.

I recommend you read the manual - you can see the recommended service items in there. I think you can do about half of them yourself if you know what you are doing.

Easy Rider 01-22-2009 04:56 PM

Re: Bike check ups.

Originally Posted by dan_
After I take my bike to the dealer for the 3000 mile check up, if I don't take it in anymore after that and continue to do regular oil changes will I be fine or end up kicking myself in the teeth?

Are you feeling lucky.........?? :whistle:

Checking the valves occasionally is highly recommended.

Reading the owner's manual comes highly recommended too !! :tup:

I personally think it does not need to be done every 3K miles like the book recommends and plan to have mine done every 6-10K miles.
If I get to ride as much as I would like, that will be every 2-3 years.

It is in the shop now for the 6K check. Valves were last checked at 600. It needed front brake shoes too. (They just called; done in one day; $310 total.)

In addition to regular oil changes, you need to keep the chain lubed and occasionally take up the slack. Lube cables and pivot points and adjust clutch lever slack and rear brakes.

P.S. If you are thinking about dealer service in the spring, consider doing it NOW. Mine offers free pickup and delivery this time of year when work is slow.

dan_ 01-22-2009 08:17 PM

Re: Bike check ups.
At the risk of being laughed at... What's a valve and why does it have to be checked? Also how is valve checked?

JWR 01-22-2009 09:17 PM

Re: Bike check ups.
Intake= fresh air in to the piston
Exhaust= burned air and fuel going out to the muffler

Settings are for the correct amount of each.

They are checked with a feeler gauge to measure the thickness of the opening of each.

dan_ 01-22-2009 09:23 PM

Re: Bike check ups.
So, Two valves? Intake valve and exhaust valve? INtake lets air in.. Exhaust valve lets it out? Where are they? How is it checked and adjusted?

dan_ 01-22-2009 09:24 PM

Re: Bike check ups.
Heh I think you edited while i posted.. that or im blind..

JWR 01-22-2009 10:47 PM

Re: Bike check ups.
You are not blind.
I did not read the second part.

Where are they?

Follow the air flow......

Above the piston.

Easy Rider 01-22-2009 10:54 PM

Re: Bike check ups.

Originally Posted by JWR
Settings are for the correct amount of each.

They are checked with a feeler gauge to measure the thickness of the opening of each.

Good bluff......but incorrect. :biggrin:

It is not the actual valve that is checked but the lash (gap) between the valve stem and the valve lifter or rocker arm. With wear over time that gap might change and need to be re-set.
How much the valve OPENS is determined by how the camshaft lobe is cut. That might change a bit with wear but it is not adjustable.

Easy Rider 01-22-2009 10:58 PM

Re: Bike check ups.

Originally Posted by dan_
So, Two valves? Intake valve and exhaust valve? INtake lets air in.. Exhaust valve lets it out? Where are they? How is it checked and adjusted?

Sounds to me like you need to get a service manual......just for education value if nothing else.
That or visit the library for a book on basic gas engine design......or try Google.
It is really hard to explain without the appropriate pictures.

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