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Helmets and eye glasses
My current helmet (full face with face shield) requires I remove my glassed before putting it on, and hen put the glasses on throught the face shield and reversing this procedure when I want to take it off.
Are there full face helmets that allow you to get them on and off without screwing with your glasses? |
Re: Helmets and eye glasses
Others who actually have that experience will probably tell me I'm full of.......popcorn. :popcorn: |
Re: Helmets and eye glasses
The bike warms up a little for a minute while you are putting them on, so in a way it's helpful.
Re: Helmets and eye glasses
Get used to it Alan. Been doing exactly that for years now. On the other hand Lynda has a flip face helmet that she puts on without removing her glasses. Might be the shape of the head too b/c I tried a helmet like hers and almost ripped my ears off putting it on and taking it off. Head shape, helmet shape and fit, style of glasses and phase of the moon all affect your overall comfort with glasses.
Re: Helmets and eye glasses
I've resigned myself to the pre-flight ritual, but I'm always looking for a shortcut. Between having to wear pants, boots (and socks!), a jacket, a backpack, gloves, and the helmet - it's a lot of effing around to go somewhere. First thing I learned: gloves go on last and come off first. Second to last is the helmet/glasses hokey pokey. I always put the key into the ignition right off, to get that out of the way. Ever tried to fish a key out of the front pocket of jeans (that "used-to-fit") with a riding glove on? Guaranteed profanity moment.
The glasses have to be put somewhere while one is futzing with the helmet and helmet strap, and a few times I've set them on the pavement, the seat, utility boxes, etc., at night, and, then, not having my glasses on (and being 50), could not see or remember where I put them. One night some folks saw me feeling around on the asphalt all around the GZ (with the helmet on) and when they came over to see if I had gone crazy, I had to yell at them "Stay back! You'll step on my glasses." They were about 12 feet away on a table. Yup, when you ride a motorcycle, people think you are cool! |
Re: Helmets and eye glasses
Yes Alan it is a lot of messing around to ride but the alternative is go naked and take your chances. Eventually getting into all the gear will become second nature and you will feel something is wrong if you ride less dressed up. As for glasses I have a reasonable routine. Find bike after gearing up(old memory cells are a bitch) and unlock disc lock and put key in to start. Start bike, remove glasses and put them on top of my gloves which are on the tank or handlbars. Install helmet on head and fit glasses. Gloves are last and I am away. Part of my routine before putting my gloves on is to check all my pockets for contents and make sure all zippers are done up too.
Re: Helmets and eye glasses
That's what I do. Get on bike, insert key and start. Gloves with glasses on top sitting atop fuel tank between my legs to keep from falling off. Adjust choke. Zip up jacket, put on helmet, then glasses, check zippers and velcros, then put on gloves. Adjust choke, Close visor, take off.
When stopped, parked, gloves come off first, then helmet and if glasses come off with helmet, put them back on. One way I saw to make it easier to put on glasses under the helmet ('cause it's difficult sometimes to get the earpieces over the ears) is to straighten out the earpieces eliminating some of the curve. One suggestion was even to cut them off shorter to just go straight over the ears. If you did either of those, you might need a second set of glasses just for riding with the helmet, another set for everything thing else. Another expense in owning a motorcycle. |
Re: Helmets and eye glasses
I wear a 3/4 "Aeroh" helmet. No problem putting it on with glasses in place. On the other hand, my wife, who has the same helmet, can't put hers on without her glasses flying all over the place. My glasses are standard steel frames, while my wife wears "poser!" Dolce & Gabanna. So I think that the style of glasses might be the problem with any kind of helmet. (although I'll admit that I've never worn a full face helmet)
Re: Helmets and eye glasses
That is one of the reasons that I prefer wear Goggle. Recently, I bought a SMALL goggle that can be put over my glasses. It's pretty handy for me in the morning. Have you tried this method with full-face helmet... First, wear your glasses as usual, do not need to remove off. Second, grab both bottom side of the helmet with your thumb and full outside (expand little bit) You can also use helmet straps to expand bottom of the helmet. (I'm sure that you can't break or crack helmet) Third, slide your helmet slowly in from the top of the head VERTICALLY, do not angle your helmet while you slide it. When take off, do reverse order. >> don't forget to expand bottom of the helmet first.. It works very well with me..... |
Re: Helmets and eye glasses
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