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Jruffy 12-08-2008 02:13 AM

How tall is too tall for the GZ250?
Hello everyone, I have been on this weird kick were I am worried about everyone elses opion and I was wondering how tall is too tall for the GZ250? I am 5'9" and I wiegh about 180lbs. Am I too big for it?

patrick_777 12-08-2008 02:32 AM

Re: How tall is too tall for the GZ250?
No, you're not. I'm a bit bigger than that in both aspects and I fit fine...in fact, it's a little stretched out in the legs for my tastes.

Jruffy 12-08-2008 03:22 AM

Re: How tall is too tall for the GZ250?
I am just really worried about looking like a ape on a tricycle for some odd reason.
Thanks for your answer.

patrick_777 12-08-2008 03:26 AM

Re: How tall is too tall for the GZ250?
It's not usually an issue unless you're over 6' and/or 250+. This bike looks much bigger than it is. I get surprised reactions every time I tell someone it's a 250. Everyone always thinks it's at least a 600.

Jruffy 12-08-2008 06:46 AM

Re: How tall is too tall for the GZ250?
It does look alot bigger, I would personally like to lower the seat a little bit, then of course throw a tach on there.

Easy Rider 12-08-2008 08:14 AM

Re: How tall is too tall for the GZ250?

Originally Posted by Jruffy
It does look alot bigger, I would personally like to lower the seat a little bit, then of course throw a tach on there.

TILT! :??:

At 5'9", why would you want to LOWER the seat ??
At 5'5", with short legs, I tried a seat mod. that took out about 1" of padding and ended up uncomfortably low; kind of like the ape hanger feeling that you mentioned.
A few here have put on a tach; don't think that is a problem.

Do you actually HAVE a bike?? Looking ??

Easy Rider 12-08-2008 08:16 AM

Re: How tall is too tall for the GZ250?

Originally Posted by Jruffy
I am just really worried about looking ..............

Regardless of how you finish that sentence, that is a problem we need to work on !!! :biggrin:

Dupo 12-08-2008 10:56 AM

Re: How tall is too tall for the GZ250?

Originally Posted by Jruffy
I am just really worried about looking like a ape on a tricycle for some odd reason.
Thanks for your answer.

I know the feeling, i had it. For me, it was a little cramped and im 5'9 225lbs. But yea, i got that same feeling you are describing.... Chris Farley in Black Sheep : Fat guy in a little coat.

After getting my other bike my buddy DID say i looked like i fit it better than the GZ. So that made me feel better :biggrin:

If you want to see how different people look on a GZ, stop by a MSF course while they are riding. That might curb your worries ... or make them worse lol.

Graydog 12-08-2008 11:03 AM

Re: How tall is too tall for the GZ250?

Originally Posted by Jruffy
I am just really worried about looking like a ape on a tricycle for some odd reason.

We used to refer to it as the "Chicken riding a June bug" look....as in, "Hey Billy Bob, you need to get a bigger bike. You look like a chicken riding a June bug on that thing!"

I'm only 5'11" but weigh 195-200 and I look ridiculous on the little GeeZee. Photos don't lie. If I'm ridding by a store window I don't look at the reflection.

Around here there are several Rebels and I think anyone looks funny on that bike because it is so narrow. Yesterday I saw a normal sized guy riding a Kawi eliminator. Chicken on a ladybug!

But who cares. Ride proud like this guy.


deadman13 12-08-2008 11:31 AM

Re: How tall is too tall for the GZ250?
Yeah, im 6ft (6"2' in boots) and 260 and I do fine. Can even get to do 70 easilly. But that also could be why I have a moped plate on mine...

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