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Blues 09-06-2008 09:07 AM

"Bikers" vs. people who just own bikes
I want to see what y'all think about this. I feel there's a difference between "bikers" and people who just own bikes and sometimes ride. Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong either way..hell, do what you will. But I do wonder, however, what exactly qualifies one as a biker. Me, I think I'm a biker, through and through. I ride everywhere, and damn near every day. Rain (if it ain't too bad) or a little cold or hot weather isn't going to stop me. In the interest of full disclosure, I too considered fuel economy when I decided on the GZ. Now, after almost 10,000 miles, I find out that I'd ride even if gasoline were free. No radio to listen to, no cupholders to fool with and no ability to talk on the cell phone on a bike...just concentrating on riding. Me and the road. For me, it's almost a form of meditation. So many of the crappy distractions of the day have to go by the wayside when I'm on my bike. I'm sure many of you in here know what I'm talking about.

Then there's people, like some of the guys I work with, who just ride out of the desire to save on gas money. If it rains (or even threatens to) they bring the car. Or it's too hot..or too cold. It's almost like they might be looking for a reason not to ride. Hey, as I said, that's cool. Man, it's your bike..ride it or not. I do, though, almost feel bad for these cats because I think they might be missing out on the best part of having a bike. It ain't the 60 mpg, it's the ride. It's the interesting people you meet. It's the cool feeling you get sitting on a bike eating lunch at a drive-in restaurant.

I don't think one need be a "1%'er" to be a biker. I feel, instead, that a "biker" describes one who looks for every reason to ride (or rides with no reason) vs. those who feel required to ride or jump in the car at the first hint of weather. If you haven't guessed..I love my bike and being on it :2tup: Let me know what you think...can we 250 riders be called "bikers"?


john1096 09-06-2008 12:14 PM

Re: "Bikers" vs. people who just own bikes
I think a lot of us with 250cc bikes bought them to actually use as transportation as opposed to just taking leisurely drives on Sunday afternoons for three months out of the year (not that there's anything wrong with that). The funny thing to me is that many of those who ride a few hundred miles a year or just own a bike to go hang out at the biker bars or other gathering spots between Memorial Day and Labor Day laugh at us and think they are the true bikers. Are they just jealous of our uncanny ability to ride in sub 60 degree temps and rain?

Yes, we are true bikers. There will always be many in the biker world that do not agree with that statement. I can live with it. Many GZ owners will move up eventually, just don't forget where you came from!

BTW, the most fun I've had to date was commuting at 58 degrees and a light rain. Looking forward to more cool weather riding.

alanmcorcoran 09-06-2008 01:31 PM

Re: "Bikers" vs. people who just own bikes
I think dividing people into categories of those that are like you and those that are not often leads to misunderstanding and mistrust. Not that I don't often do it myself, but I try not to.

That being said, I think anyone that rides a motorcycle can be considered a "biker." From newbs to vets, HD's to Beemers, ATTGATTS to t-shirts, at some level we have something in common. This site is a good example of the value of focusing on what we share, rather than our differences. Hell, Dupo doesn't even ride a GZ! (loser.)

I also feel a kinship with cyclists (we used to call ourselves bikers too!) and middle-aged guys with cars that are never going to get them laid (see earlier post re my sweet '98 silver Camry. Only 125K on her!)

Jer 09-06-2008 02:25 PM

Re: "Bikers" vs. people who just own bikes
I think there is a difference.

I'm in the latter category. And if I stay there I'm fine with it. Its the mpg that got me here.

But who knows. I just got my license today. Have only ridden about 80 miles. And still get a bit nervous when I'm out there at times. I'm just not 100% comfortable yet.

But I'm getting there. And if I end up in the "biker" category that'll be fine too. I'll admit it, its a blast riding. And I look forward to each time I get on.

alanmcorcoran 09-06-2008 03:11 PM

Re: "Bikers" vs. people who just own bikes
Congratulations Jer. I got mine on Thursday. I'll try and pass along the benefit of my vast experience I've gained in the last two days...

5th_bike 09-06-2008 04:44 PM

Re: "Bikers" vs. people who just own bikes
Yes, you can make a sharp distinction between "bikers" and "people who just own bikes". If a person owns a bicycle or motorcycle, and never rides it, he/she is not a biker. Unless they driven another one before - I think as long as your butt has been on a saddle at some point in your life on a trip from point A to point B, you're a biker forever.

I think you are looking to distinguish between something like "hardcore bikers" versus "softies who only go out on five nice days a year" and you can if you wish, but there is a big grey zone in between and it will be hard to draw the line somewhere.

PS Congratulations to Jer and Alan of the two posts above on getting licensed !! WooHoo :rawk:

Blues 09-06-2008 05:29 PM

Re: "Bikers" vs. people who just own bikes
Jer, kudo's on the license..and hey, it was the MPG's that initially hooked me too. $4 gas was the impetus I needed to get me back on two wheels and get serious about riding. Talk about your mixed blessings! Be careful Jer...you sound like you might get caught up with riding like I did :)

Alan..you too, congrats on your "vast two days experience." I like how you put it about dividing people into categories. When I look at it in that light I realize that hard-core rider or weekend softie..we're all bikers and therefore kinfolk (in a matter of speaking). Thx for the insight.

Peace, y'all

Sarris 09-06-2008 05:46 PM

The Difference
In most motorcycle circles, a "Biker" is a motorcycle rider that uses the MC as primary transportation regardless of weather or traffic conditions. Some don't own cars at all. Most do the service work and the repairs on their bike. They typically are people who don't do ATGATT and they feel that this is a personal freedom issue. Some don't do helmets either, for the same freedom of expression reason. Most feel that the ATGATT program makes you look like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. (Go Donatello!) Most "bikers" live in jeans, black t-shirts (some with leather vests as jackets are for winter), and riding boots. Restated, it's more of a freedom of expression and a lifestyle thing.

Motorcycle "Enthusiasts" on the other hand, may commute to work, typically do weekend rides, and do the ATGATT thing. The diiferences are, no rain riding, no night riding, no riding when it's too hot or too cold, and the dealer does the necessary repairs and service. Most drive their car daily and have a "normal" wardrobe. Some even dress up (or Harley up) to be a weekend wanna be. For these folks, its more of a hobby.

Personally, I don't give a good shit which way you go, I don't descriminate against anyone who has the cajones to ride. I also give less than a shit if you want to look like a TMNT. I'm not an ATGATT guy, but I do realize the risks involved and and others need to understand that its my decision to make. My style splits it at about 80% biker and 20% enthusiast. I have to play professional Architect sometimes and I hate doing my own maintenance/repairs, so there's your 20%.

I'm glad that (most) folks have an open mind on this issue, as GZ's in general, attract a lot of Newbies, who for the most part will only ride for 6 months or so before becoming too scared to ride or just bored with the "biker" thing and sell their stuff. But that's OK too. It takes a wise person to know the difference in what's good or bad for them.

This is just the opinion of a "Semi-biker" who has to keep one foot in the regular world. Now if I were independently wealthy...........


Raven 09-06-2008 06:26 PM

Re: "Bikers" vs. people who just own bikes
I think there is a difference between "Bikers" and people who own bikes. I ride everyday even in heavy rain. I was a dedicated bicyclist for 30+ years so being wet and a little cold in nothing new. At least now I can wear more protective clothing without worring about the weight. My boss, on the other hand, shakes his head when I ride in the pouring rain. He told me his bike has never seen rain. To me that is a waste of a good machine. Motorcycles are made to be ridden. But in the end I do not think it matters if someone rides in a hurricane or only on sunny days. As long as people get out and ride the sport will grow. With an increasing number of riders, public awareness will grow and riding will become safer for all.

Jer 09-06-2008 06:39 PM

Re: "Bikers" vs. people who just own bikes

With an increasing number of riders, public awareness will grow and riding will become safer for all.
:rawk: :rawk: :rawk:

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