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-   -   Sprockets, fender covers....????? (http://www.gz250bike.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1034)

roscosmom 07-10-2008 05:29 PM

Sprockets, fender covers....?????
Ok, So Im new to all of this....I just want a bike to ride to work and for fun. DO I need to add anything to what I have or is it fine as is? Not sure what a sprocket does....Is there a manuel or book that explains all I need to know about my bike? Like Motorcycle for Dummies...lol

Sarris 07-10-2008 05:42 PM

You need to do nothing to the GZ. I suggest that you put on some saddlebags, a windshield, and whatever bling you want, and enjoy it. After you get some saddle time you'll get a feel for what you want to do. Learn to ride first, the worry about the rest later.

Search the site, you'll find a herd of great info. Also, look at the other member bike photos. Remember, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

This is the advice of an old fart with 35 years of riding experience, and free advice is just that.

Good luck.


roscosmom 07-10-2008 05:59 PM

Thanks for the advice! DO you find the windshield helps? I have one, but took it off the bike.

primal 07-10-2008 07:22 PM

Re: Thanks

Originally Posted by roscosmom
Thanks for the advice! DO you find the windshield helps? I have one, but took it off the bike.

I've got a windshield on mine, a $50 cheap-o Spitfire, and I love it. It really helps direct the wind up and over your head so that the wind doesn't beat you to death.

Easy Rider 07-10-2008 07:32 PM

Re: Thanks

Originally Posted by roscosmom
Thanks for the advice! DO you find the windshield helps? I have one, but took it off the bike.

It depends. What does most of your riding consist of? What kind of helmet do you have? Do you ever ride without the helmet? In the end, it's a matter of personal preference. You probably should try it for a few days both ways.

I have been riding for 40+ years and wouldn't go out without one. After bouncing rocks, beetles, tire chunks, birds and various other things off the shield over the years, I would not feel comfortable without one. Even rain drops sting at 40 mph.

As for the sprocket question, I think a search on "sprocket" will give you back a "summary" opinion I have posted and similar opinions from others too. If you don't find it, ask again.....for a repeat or clarification.

roscosmom 07-10-2008 10:46 PM

Thanks Easy Rider...I will be riding mainly around town (to and from work). And around my small area of town to stores, resturants...nothing HWY or interstate!

jonathan180iq 07-10-2008 11:24 PM

Check out the downloadable service manual in the general maintenance section. Don't let it intimidate you. Just read over it, especially the main sections, and get an idea of what kind of bike you have.

roscosmom 07-10-2008 11:42 PM

Thanks Jonathan...I will do that!

davtnn 07-10-2008 11:43 PM

definitely a wind screen and bags as to the rest .. well in this group you will find a lot of talented people that can do large things with very little .. and threads that will take you from and oil change to some really far out mods .. also innovaions that (personally) i would or could never think of doing .. but its all there for the reading and asking .. and it never hurts to ask

Easy Rider 07-11-2008 09:35 AM

Re: Thanks

Originally Posted by roscosmom
Thanks Easy Rider...I will be riding mainly around town (to and from work). And around my small area of town to stores, resturants...nothing HWY or interstate!

It would appear to me, then, that you would be an excellent candidate for the 16T front sprocket........unless you are a very large person, will do much riding 2-up or live in an area that is really hilly.

The only downside is that it reduces your top end from about 80 down to 70 or so.

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