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Kalel 07-24-2013 12:32 PM

Vacuum line size Help
Hey guys, my 2006 Suzuki GZ250 is running fine in prime, but then when in the on position it stalls... So I read the forum, check, took a look and it will prolly be the vacuum line. I would appreciate if someone has some ideas. does the bike have to have two rubber hoses from the pet cock? or just one?
Thanks for the help.... Great forum :)

blaine 07-24-2013 07:03 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help

Originally Posted by Kalel
Hey guys, my 2006 Suzuki GZ250 is running fine in prime, but then when in the on position it stalls... So I read the forum, check, took a look and it will prolly be the vacuum line. I would appreciate if someone has some ideas. does the bike have to have two rubber hoses from the pet cock? or just one?
Thanks for the help.... Great forum :)

Two.The bigger one is fuel,the smaller on is the vacuum hose. :) :cool:

Kalel 07-24-2013 09:46 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
Thanks Blaine, So basically where I show in the pic is what my nice bike is missing? Do you know the size for the vacuum hose line? Thanks again.

blaine 07-24-2013 11:56 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
Should be a nipple on the petcock that the vacuum hose from the carb goes to.I don't remember what size it is.
;) :)

Kalel 07-25-2013 09:54 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
Hey Blain, I found the hose, it is loose... please tell me it that is the right one... thanks, and where is supposed to be.. thanks again

blaine 07-25-2013 11:15 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
That one is a float bowel drain hose.It just lies down over the back of the engine so if the carb floods the excess fuel flows onto the ground & not on the engine.
;) :)

Kalel 07-25-2013 11:50 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
I can't seem to find which one is the vacuum line.. :(

blaine 07-26-2013 12:04 AM

Re: Vacuum line size Help

Originally Posted by Kalel
I can't seem to find which one is the vacuum line.. :(

You should be able to feel it sucking air with the bike running.If it's open & sucking air the bike will run like crap.

:) :cool:

mole2 07-26-2013 01:59 AM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
Here is a picture of the shut off switch showing both niples. The small niple is the vacuum line.


Kalel 07-26-2013 12:37 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
Hello, Mole2, thanks very much for the pictures.. they help a lot. So I check and it is definitely missing the vacuum hose, the small niple has nothing attached to it. I bought a 7/32'' ( 5.5mm) and it fits perfect in the small nipple... I also bought a 9/32'' (7.0 mm) as I was not sure, Now, where do I have to attach the other end? . I read the service manual, and could not find anything about the vacuum hose. Thanks again for the information... :) ;)

mole2 07-26-2013 04:41 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
Unfortunately I don't have my GZ anymore so I can't trace it. Maybe someone else will jump in. It would seem to me if the line were off of the carb you would hear a hissing sound from the carb and the engine would run rough. Look for a capped off niple on the carb. Ride safe.


mole2 07-26-2013 04:55 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
Doing some more research I found a picture of the carb and put a circle around the nipple.

5th_bike 07-26-2013 08:25 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
Yes, to discuss the picture above, the nipple is on top of the carburator tube to the cylinder, right at the rubber hose to the cylinder. So you should push the hose down onto the nipple.

And at the fuel valve, it connects at the carburator side, but you already knew that.

Kalel 07-27-2013 10:49 AM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
Thanks Mole 2, and thanks 5th_bike. I did find it and tried the 7/32'' ( 5.5mm) hose. That one fits perfect the nipple by the petcock, but it does not fit the nipple on top of the carburetor as that nipple is very small. So my question is what is next: Do I have to buy a vacuum connector right? or is there an specific type of hose? a smaller size did not fit the nipple by the petcock. thanks for all the help...

mole2 07-27-2013 07:04 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help

Originally Posted by Kalel
Thanks Mole 2, and thanks 5th_bike. I did find it and tried the 7/32'' ( 5.5mm) hose. That one fits perfect the nipple by the petcock, but it does not fit the nipple on top of the carburetor as that nipple is very small. So my question is what is next: Do I have to buy a vacuum connector right? or is there an specific type of hose? a smaller size did not fit the nipple by the petcock. thanks for all the help...

Go to Autozone and get one of these: AutoGrade Vacuum Connector and use two pieces of tubing of two different sizes.


5th_bike 07-27-2013 09:44 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
You could also order the hose, it's Suzuki part number 13686-13F10

And the clip (for tightening it at the little nipple; there is no clip at the petcock) is part number 13671-13F00

Kalel 07-28-2013 07:33 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
Thanks Mole2, and thanks 5th_bike for all the answers.. I just ordered the 2 parts... thanks again :) ;)

5th_bike 07-28-2013 09:48 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
You're welcome, hope it works out.


mole2 07-29-2013 12:13 AM

Re: Vacuum line size Help

Originally Posted by Kalel
Thanks Mole2, and thanks 5th_bike for all the answers.. I just ordered the 2 parts... thanks again :) ;)

You're welcome. Let us know how you make out.


jonathan180iq 07-29-2013 03:54 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
I feel like 4mm would be a proper hose size.

Kalel 08-05-2013 02:25 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
Thanks Jonathan. I ordered the hose from partzilla last week but they just told me it is back ordered :(
So a 4 mm hose from autozone will work just fine without the need for connectors?
I went to 2 autozones and they were out of the 4mm one.

Thanks agan

jonathan180iq 08-05-2013 03:40 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
The only place that I could locally source metric hose was O'reilly's. Autozone and Advance only carry standard.

I may be off a bit with my guesstimator, but 4mm hose is very standard in the Metric world. It's cheap enough that even if I'm wrong, I'll only owe you a Sam's Club soda.

Kalel 08-05-2013 04:20 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
No O'reilly's around here... Any other thoughts?

jonathan180iq 08-05-2013 04:56 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
What are your store options?

Kalel 08-05-2013 06:59 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
Not a lot. A lot of autozones, sam's, walmarts. I'll check with local autonparts. And i am going to go here tomorrow:
http://circlecycle.net they should have it right?

jonathan180iq 08-06-2013 09:31 AM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
Yeah, they should have it.

mole2 08-06-2013 08:20 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help

Originally Posted by jonathan180iq
I feel like 4mm would be a proper hose size.

Jonathan, is that line going to fit on both of those nipples? One is substantionaly larger than the other which is why I suggested the adapter until he can get the proper line.


Kalel 08-07-2013 08:31 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
Hey Mole2.. That has been my concern. The nipple on top of the carburetor is very very very small, I even got the 4 mm hose finally, which was good for the side of the petcock but not for that one... Hose should arrive tomorrow... Autozone only sells packs of the connectors and then I need to check that the right size one is there... Ironic, something so small and cheap is such an important part. And cant seem to be able to find the right one.

jonathan180iq 08-08-2013 04:29 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
Yeah, I was assuming a combination of the hose plus the adapter. I'm sorry if I didn't specify. If you have any old hose at all then you should be able to make something from that packet of random adapters work.

Kalel 08-08-2013 05:43 PM

Vacuum line size Help
[attachment=0:3gth45in]ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375998155.291489.jpg[/attachment:3gth45in]Hey jonathan, Mole2 Finally I received the hose... :-) thanks. Posted a pic so others see what they need when they read this.

5th_bike 08-08-2013 09:45 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
Great. You got the clip too?

Kalel 08-09-2013 11:15 AM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
Nooo, it is the part that is back ordered.. I got the hose, and I had a clip that should fit but I can't find it.. and then again, when to autoparts and all they have is big clips and clamps... and without the clip the hose wont stay in place... gotta keep looking... :-) I am close...

Kalel 09-10-2013 03:52 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help

Originally Posted by 5th_bike
You could also order the hose, it's Suzuki part number 13686-13F10

And the clip (for tightening it at the little nipple; there is no clip at the petcock) is part number 13671-13F00

Hey 5th bike. I found out that the small nipple on top of the carb is broken, and that is why the hose keeps
Popping out even though I thought it was secure.

Would you happen to have the part number? Thanks again.

5th_bike 09-10-2013 07:49 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help

Originally Posted by Kalel

Originally Posted by 5th_bike
You could also order the hose, it's Suzuki part number 13686-13F10

And the clip (for tightening it at the little nipple; there is no clip at the petcock) is part number 13671-13F00

Hey 5th bike. I found out that the small nipple on top of the carb is broken, and that is why the hose keeps
Popping out even though I thought it was secure.

Would you happen to have the part number? Thanks again.

Aw, it's part of the carburator:

I'd try and glue it in place then, if there is a piece of the nipple left. I think rubber-to-metal glue exists.

Kalel 09-10-2013 08:59 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
So just so u have an idea from this picture, the nipple in my bike is a little bit less than half of the one shown... Did not see it when I bough it...
I bought some vacuum connectors and I am going to try to glue one, but I would like to know if I am able to order just that part... Took it to a shop today to have that fixed, and they did not fix it, and made me waste 3 hours there... with all the tools they have and everything... So I came to understand that I will be doing all the work in my bike from now on. :-) and with the help of this forum...


blaine 09-10-2013 09:44 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
I would try to glue it in place.If that fails I would block it off & put a "T" in another vacuum hose to supply vacuum to the petcock.

;) :)

Kalel 09-11-2013 12:05 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
Hey Blaine. I glued a vacuum conector using a special glue for plastic and then used a different hose, and now is just fine. Was wondering about ur second solution about block it off though... Can you explain that one a little more. Thanks. Look at all the parts in the carb diagram and couldn't teally find the part.

at a shop, mechanic 2.5 hours waiting, wasted and did not fix... Me and the help of you guys in the forum... Fixed in 13 minutes... :-)


jonathan180iq 09-11-2013 01:16 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
He was just saying that you can seal that opening, if you couldn't glue a connector in place, and then use the vacuum from another port to feed that hose. Vacuum is vacuum. And if something goes wrong somewhere, you can always reroute hoses. By using a "T" connector, that was what Blaine was going to have you do; just get vacuum from one of the other lines.

blaine 09-11-2013 05:00 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help

Originally Posted by jonathan180iq
He was just saying that you can seal that opening, if you couldn't glue a connector in place, and then use the vacuum from another port to feed that hose. Vacuum is vacuum. And if something goes wrong somewhere, you can always reroute hoses. By using a "T" connector, that was what Blaine was going to have you do; just get vacuum from one of the other lines.

yep!!!!! ;) :)

5th_bike 09-11-2013 07:28 PM

Re: Vacuum line size Help
Um, "other lines" - I'm not 100% sure but I think the one he glued is the only vacuum line - except the big tube between the carburator and the cylinder, of course.

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