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Rookie Rider 06-21-2012 11:10 PM

So what is the temp in your town or state or country ? Here in New York, yesterday was 94 hazy hot and humid. Today was 97 hazy hot and humid, tomorrow will be 95 and humid. I dont like riding when its this hot with the sun beating down on me. My buddies that ride say im a wuss Lol .

PimpS 06-22-2012 03:19 AM

Re: Temperatures
Here it was 36 day before yesterday, 37 yesterday and today shoud be 31 degrees celsius...

alantf 06-22-2012 04:19 AM

Re: Temperatures
9.15 a.m. 85ยบ, 80% humidity. That's in the shaded part of the patio, so don't know how hot it is in the sun.

Water Warrior 2 06-22-2012 05:02 AM

Re: Temperatures
I'm a WUSS. At those temps I will live in my Air conditioned Ranger. I did my first long distance ride that started out in the high 30 Cs. Never again. And a short ride isn't worth the sweat.

bonehead 06-22-2012 07:23 AM

Re: Temperatures
100's soon here in central Texas. Sunblock and water. Never give up riding! Might change riding gear to speedo, tank top, and flip flops. :crackup

Skunkhome 06-22-2012 07:47 AM

Re: Temperatures

Originally Posted by bonehead
100's soon here in central Texas. Sunblock and water. Never give up riding! Might change riding gear to speedo, tank top, and flip flops. :crackup

Speedo ! That would be ugly. I don't mind the heat until I get into traffic. We only have 3/4 million people here but they are all funneled into two or three roadbeds and none know how to drive or even the basic rules of the road. Makes for some extremely long waits in traffic.

raul10141964 06-23-2012 11:40 AM

Re: Temperatures
90s 100s last two weeks 85 today

Rionna 06-23-2012 10:00 PM

Re: Temperatures
Mid to upper 90's & humid here in Ohio for the past week. Just got relief today with temps in the 80's. Because I ride with full gear, I have not been riding much. Would look rather crazy with a jacket on sweating bullets & I'm not going to risk riding without it. Everyday there's a MC accident/fatality in the news. Not worth the risk. I'm with WW, I'll just cruise in my Jeep and keep cool.

Water Warrior 2 06-23-2012 10:36 PM

Re: Temperatures
Riding in full gear on a hot day is uncomfortable and you may wind up sitting in a puddle of your own sweat but far better than no gear and laying in a pool of your own blood. Ultimately it is all about choices and the risk we are willing to accept when riding. A big :2tup: for folks who choose less risk.

mole2 06-23-2012 11:56 PM

Re: Temperatures
It's been in the mid 80's to low 90's here with 78% humidity for a few days. Hot. This is the weather where I shed the jacket but keep everything else. If I want to ride that's the way I have to do it. I see riders all the time in shorts, bare chested and flip flops. I won't do that.


Water Warrior 2 06-24-2012 01:23 AM

Re: Temperatures

Originally Posted by mole2
It's been in the mid 80's to low 90's here with 78% humidity for a few days. Hot. This is the weather where I shed the jacket but keep everything else. If I want to ride that's the way I have to do it. I see riders all the time in shorts, bare chested and flip flops. I won't do that.


Have you ever considered one of the dirt bike types of armored mesh get ups? They have elbow and shoulder protection while remaining mostly a see through piece of gear. More exotic models have back and chest protection but are very breathable and cool.

dentheman 06-24-2012 01:10 PM

Re: Temperatures
It's supposed to get up to 99 here today. Might as well be 100 as far as I am concerned. I now ride in the evenings, starting around sunset, when it has cooled a little.
One thing I have noticed is at dusk it remains hot in the city, but when I hit the country roads going through pastures or crops it is noticeably cooler, almost like a slap in the face it is so noticeable. Unfortunately, bugs also like those cooler areas so I come home with plenty of bug remains.
I have found that my modular helmet is no hotter than my 3/4 with faceshield. The chin vent directs a good stream of air over my face and through the helmet. That air feels cooler than the outside, and if I am moving slowly or stopped, opening the faceshield a bit works well.
I have a mesh fabric jacket that has shoulder and elbow armor as well as back and kidney area padding. It is a Tourmaster that has the removeable non-mesh outer jacket and the removeable inner quilt lining, I have not used either of those. I think the mesh keeps me a bit cooler in the sun than a T-shirt and bare arms. After the sun goes down the mesh doesn't make much difference over bare skin, but it does provide the added armor/padding protection.
Finally, my bike doesn't like hot weather either. It sometimes doesn't want to shift into first gear when it has been ridden at highway speed during a hot day. Once the oil gets very hot I guess. On cooler days or lower speeds I never have that problem.

Also, I am looking into getting one of those cooling vests that is 'charged' by soaking in water, to wear under the mesh.

mole2 06-24-2012 07:18 PM

Re: Temperatures

Originally Posted by Water Warrior

Originally Posted by mole2
It's been in the mid 80's to low 90's here with 78% humidity for a few days. Hot. This is the weather where I shed the jacket but keep everything else. If I want to ride that's the way I have to do it. I see riders all the time in shorts, bare chested and flip flops. I won't do that.


Have you ever considered one of the dirt bike types of armored mesh get ups? They have elbow and shoulder protection while remaining mostly a see through piece of gear. More exotic models have back and chest protection but are very breathable and cool.

I have one here and have been using it. Problem is when it gets into the 90's even that is hot. Soon we'll be getting regular 80-90%+ humidity and that's when it's impossible to wear it. Yes, I know it raises the risk factor but for me I'm willing to shed the jacket.


Water Warrior 2 06-24-2012 08:55 PM

Re: Temperatures
I can relate somewhat to the high humidity/ high temps you are having. In 2007 I was in Tenn and N.C. for the July 4th weekend. Crap was that an eye opener. Riding a rented KLR 650 with a cooling fan constantly blowing hot air made for an experience not to be repeated.
Oddly enough my Vstrom never blows hot air at me even when the temps get way up there. Once I get my vented gear just right a ride can be very pleasant. It can get high in humidity here but not nearly as nasty as that hot weekend. Might have something to do with the proximity to the Pacific Ocean and salt air.
I know most folks here might consider me a little bit of a safety nut but I certaintly can't find much fault with anyone trying to avoid heat stroke. You do what you gotta do. Just try to stay upright and in control.

Skunkhome 06-26-2012 07:24 PM

Re: Temperatures
It was 103 here today with a dew point of 64 degrees. The wet bulb was 109.

Water Warrior 2 06-26-2012 09:21 PM

Re: Temperatures
Close the doors and crank up the AC.

Skunkhome 06-26-2012 09:47 PM

Re: Temperatures
I was working on a bridge today out in the direct sun. After five hours out there my brain was cooked and I was soaked with sweat.

Rookie Rider 06-26-2012 11:47 PM

Re: Temperatures
Thats dangerous.

Water Warrior 2 06-27-2012 02:46 AM

Re: Temperatures
Dangerous enough to be fatal. Take care.

bonehead 06-27-2012 01:21 PM

Re: Temperatures
109 yesterday in Austin-all time high. And it WAS hot on the bike.

jonathan180iq 06-27-2012 02:07 PM

Re: Temperatures

....And I live in the North Georgia Mountains....

Skunkhome 06-27-2012 11:10 PM

Re: Temperatures
no rain from Debbie?

Rookie Rider 06-27-2012 11:47 PM

Re: Temperatures
I cant ride when its this hot. No way . F- that !!

clonak 06-28-2012 01:54 AM

Re: Temperatures
it was about 11 celcius today. Dont see it getting warmer anytime soon.

still try to get out when I can though, but the rains a pain in the ass. Rego runs out end of the week though, so might park her up for a few months, do some work on her.

mole2 06-28-2012 02:54 AM

Re: Temperatures

Originally Posted by bonehead
109 yesterday in Austin-all time high. And it WAS hot on the bike.

It's some feeling when you're riding and it feels like you're riding in a hair dryer. lol


jonathan180iq 06-28-2012 08:11 AM

Re: Temperatures

Originally Posted by Skunkhome
no rain from Debbie?

It's weird.
It's like she sucked up all the moisture and pulled it down to wherever she is.
We don't even really have clouds. Just clear skies and heat. I was kind of hoping that she would cut loose on us cool things off a bit.

raul10141964 06-28-2012 10:36 AM

Re: Temperatures
102 f today

bonehead 06-28-2012 11:04 AM

Re: Temperatures

Originally Posted by mole2

Originally Posted by bonehead
109 yesterday in Austin-all time high. And it WAS hot on the bike.

It's some feeling when you're riding and it feels like you're riding in a hair dryer. lol


Yep, just gotta make sure there's a cold one in the fridge when ya get home.

dentheman 06-28-2012 12:31 PM

Re: Temperatures
I have recently started using my bicycling neck gaiter to keep me cool when motorcycling in the hot, dry west Texas weather. It is a tube shape of stretchy moisture wicking cloth material that fits around the neck, but can be pulled up to encircle the chin or even nose and ears. It was designed to keep bicyclists warm in cold weather, but I have found that when wet it works well to cool the neck for 3/4 to 1 hour when motorcycling.
I just soak it for a few seconds, lightly squeeze out SOME of the excess water, and put it on. It is amazing how much more comfortable I am with my neck being cool! I feel cooler all over! I was going to get a cooling vest (and might still) but I am going to stick with just the gaiter for a while to give it a more thorough test. So far I am happy with it.
I think this would work well for commuters. Take it with you in the morning, then moisten and wear it home in the hot afternoon. As long as there is airflow it will cool through evaporation, until it dries. The folds, as it is bunched around the neck, help keep evaporation from taking place too quickly, so it lasts for a while. Since it works by evaporation, it is most effective in low humidity, but should still work to varying degrees in higher humidity.
This is not one of those 'neck coolers'. I don't have one of those, I suppose they could work even better, but they appear to be too narrow to give enough coverage. Try cooling your neck on a hot day and see what a difference it makes. The advantages of keeping the neck cool is covered in 'Proficient Motorcycling'.

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