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geezer 06-11-2011 06:31 PM

going for it!
ok i want to start messing with the bike now. as for intake i think a simple kn filter will do the job there. my question is the exhaust, i was thinking of moding the stock pipe. i have never seen a aftermarket slip on for it so i figure its the best thing to do. i want to open it up and remove some of the baffles but not al of them, and maybe open up the tip a half inch or so. rather than drilling the holes i just think that looks tacky. so what do you all think about that?

MadCityRider 06-15-2011 01:23 PM

Re: going for it!
Check out the pictures I posted of my "slash downs" here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4645

If you like those, I can tell you how I did them. No welding required, just a radial grinder, and a few other basic tools. They look good, sound great, and in combination with the 16T sprocket, K&N intake, and 130 Main Jet have made this bike very fun to ride (without any of the slow uphill / no top-end negatives I've seen on the forum).

jonathan180iq 06-15-2011 01:32 PM

Re: going for it!
Any universal muffler can be made to fit. I wouldn't alter the headers at all.
Just make a cut where the muffler joins the head pipe, replace the muffler with whatever you choose, but dampen it at least a little bit. Straight pipes are crazy loud...

Also, unless you are ready to go all-in, don't get started. You can't do a half-way job and expect anything but headaches.
Be prepared for trial-and-error jetting and a couple of hiccups along the way.

MadCityRider 06-15-2011 05:56 PM

Re: going for it!

Originally Posted by jonathan180iq
Any universal muffler can be made to fit. I wouldn't alter the headers at all.
Just make a cut where the muffler joins the head pipe, replace the muffler with whatever you choose, but dampen it at least a little bit. Straight pipes are crazy loud...

Also, unless you are ready to go all-in, don't get started. You can't do a half-way job and expect anything but headaches.
Be prepared for trial-and-error jetting and a couple of hiccups along the way.

Agree with all of this :2tup: This is exactly what I did. The Jardine Muffler I used has a full Baffle in it to compensate for the much wider output. As long as you have some time, and are willing to do a little trial and error, you should be fine.

geezer 06-15-2011 07:29 PM

Re: going for it!
oh great thank you guys :biggrin: i am going to order the filter tonight for it. and that will take care of the intake side. also i found a pipe on ebay specific for our bike im going to use. its only around 70bucks so that sounds good to me. anyone else got any ideas on cheaper alternatives? the jardine you got doesnt tickle my fancy :lol: no messing with the header at all. and i know i will have some fun messing with jetting, but its not going to be hard at all. im used to inline fours! hahaha so glad i dont have to worry bout sync. i was wanting to go up a tooth in the rear to help with gettingaround at 60mph

geezer 06-15-2011 09:19 PM

Re: going for it!
help im havng a touch time deciding on a muffler to use, what have you guys used? also where do i get this kn airfilter?

blaine 06-15-2011 09:28 PM

Re: going for it!

Originally Posted by geezer
oh great thank you guys :biggrin: i am going to order the filter tonight for it. and that will take care of the intake side. also i found a pipe on ebay specific for our bike im going to use. its only around 70bucks so that sounds good to me. anyone else got any ideas on cheaper alternatives?

A good alternative is the Hiflo-Filtro HFA-3503 a good flowing filter at about a third of a K & N.The pipe I used was just a universal one with a adjustable baffle.
:) :cool:

geezer 06-15-2011 11:26 PM

Re: going for it!
ok all parts are ordered, i hope i got the right muffler, twas a pain ordering and i just wanted to gt it overwith. anyways carb is now leaking like a lactating nipple so i gotta replace the float bowl gasket yaya! also blaine i ordered that filter too thanks for your help

geezer 06-21-2011 06:58 PM

Re: going for it!
and a pain insalling! i didnt want to weld it to the header but looks like im gonna have to. im going to take it to a muffler shop tomorow and get that done. the intake growl is intoxicating! i love hearing it when i get on it. not as excited witht he muffler though. i am so glad its not overly loud though. ill see how it runs tomorow in the sweltering heat hope i can leave the carb alone now :cry:

blaine 06-21-2011 07:45 PM

Re: going for it!

Originally Posted by geezer
the intake growl is intoxicating! i love hearing it when i get on it.

I liked the sound of the free flowing filter.My 454 with pod filters is really loud!
:cool: :2tup:

geezer 06-21-2011 08:29 PM

Re: going for it!
oh yeah blain the filtro filter was surprising loud! hell yeah. :drool: float bowl gasket fixed the massive fuel leak, glad thats over. i really hope i did the float right, manual said carb upside down measure with tang just touching needle valve.13mm. anyone else ever done a float adjust? i wish i didnt even touch the damn float. cause now i get to mess the all four on my fzr :cry: muffler leaks at the connection so i gotta get that welded and an L braket made tomorow. but all in all she sounds and runs good. ill let u all know about the hill climbs tomrow

blaine 06-21-2011 09:18 PM

Re: going for it!

Originally Posted by geezer
i really hope i did the float right, manual said carb upside down measure with tang just touching needle valve.13mm. anyone else ever done a float adjust? i wish i didnt even touch the damn float.

Can't help you there,never had to touch the float.If she's running good,and not flooding,you should be good to go. :)

Strelok 06-21-2011 11:40 PM

Re: going for it!


Sorry about that. Been dying to use that since I found it.


geezer 06-22-2011 03:09 PM

Re: going for it!
no prob dude and i feel like i could be contrubuting if i had pics but i dont even have a memory card for my camara now. remind me to get one and ill take al the pics you want. awesome pic too lol

Rookie Rider 06-28-2011 05:33 PM

Re: going for it!
Ahhh man Geezer i wish you had a pic of the muffler.

jonathan180iq 06-29-2011 09:18 AM

Re: going for it!
You don't have to straight weld. A muffler shop should be able to make you a clamp to seal it onto the base pipe. And then you can just support he rear section with a hanger. That way you will be able to use other slip-on mufflers in the future.

geezer 06-29-2011 04:33 PM

Re: going for it!
i need to buy a stupid sim card and ther 30 bucks! damn it

5th_bike 06-29-2011 10:18 PM

Re: going for it!
Doesn't the camera have some memory already ?

jonathan180iq 06-30-2011 08:57 AM

Re: going for it!
Do you have a cell phone?

You can upload your mobile pictures to the providers website and then link them here. I think just about all cell phone companies offer free image hosting for your phone images in some type of online album. I know from experience that T-mobile and Verizon do.

alantf 06-30-2011 11:13 AM

Re: going for it!

Originally Posted by jonathan180iq
Do you have a cell phone?

You can upload your mobile pictures to the providers website and then link them here.

That's all well and good, but he might not want to pay for cell phone internet. I don't know about America, but here, my house internet is so expensive that I certainly wouldn't want to pay again, just to get internet on my cell phone. :cry:

geezer 06-30-2011 12:56 PM

Re: going for it!
alantf nailed it, i had a blackberry but the extra 30 bucks a month!! for the required data plan was crazy so i went back to my old pos. yes my camara has enought internal mem for a few pics but i still need the card to move the pics from the cam to the computer

jonathan180iq 07-01-2011 08:46 AM

Re: going for it!
GASP! There are still people in this world without smartphone?!!?

j/k. In the US, cell phones are grossly more expensive than what you guys have and we are locked into using contracts and limited service providers. I know you guys have open phones and are more used to having a pay-as-you-go plan. At least that's the way it was the last time I was in Austria. The Middle East was very similar, from what I recall. They could even use pirated phones like no bodies business!

Like with most other things, you guys get more options for the consumer.

alantf 07-01-2011 11:00 AM

Re: going for it!
Yes, I'm not tied into anything. There's no contract, & I just get billed every month for what I use. I used to be on prepay, but went over to a cheaper company a couple of months ago. Just a case of swapping SIM cards. Plus, with the deal I got, so long as the usage is not way over the top, I don't pay a penny for the first six months. It's just when you start adding things like internet that it starts to get expensive. The phone I've got is a Nokia 2680 that cost the equivalent of $56. :)

jonathan180iq 07-01-2011 11:12 AM

Re: going for it!
That's what I'm talking about with being locked into a phone and a provider. In the US, if you buy a Verizon phone, it will only work with Verizon. We can't swap SIM cards, unless we know how to hack in and program stuff. Everything is locked.

I'm sure we have cheaper data packages because of it... but who needs unlimited data anyway? Just charge me for my usage and let me have whatever phone I want...

BTW, the Nokia 2680 is a pretty sleek little slider phone. Those are slowly going the way of the buffalo over here. EVERYONE has smartphones, which is why I made the comment.

(Posted using my Verizon wireless Blackberryâ„¢) :)

alantf 07-01-2011 12:16 PM

Re: going for it!
O.k. not Quite as simple as swapping SIM cards. I bought the phone with a "Movistar" package. But I took it to a phone repair shop, & for the equivalent of $14 (€10) they unlocked it in 5 minutes, while I waited. Over here, if you buy a prepay simcard it costs, perhaps $10 or $15, but they then give you $20 or $30 dollars of free calls as a "thank you". Nobody thinks twice about having their phones unlocked & changing companies. :2tup:

It's the same in England. When I go across to visit my daughter I use an English "Orange" phone. A couple of years ago the battery started playing up, so rather than buy a new battery (It's more expensive than buying a new phone) I took my Spanish phone into an English phone repair shop, & they unlocked it for £10 so that I could put my English simcard in it.

geezer 07-03-2011 10:42 AM

Re: going for it!
ok you goobers, i went out and got you a memory card! now ill show you all the beast! juuust gotta wait for the battery to charge lol

geezer 07-03-2011 11:23 AM

Re: going for it!
here are the pics

geezer 07-03-2011 11:29 AM

Re: going for it!
here is one of the braket i had made at the mufler shop for 20 bucks they welded the muffler and made this braket for me. really good people

Strelok 07-03-2011 02:30 PM

going for it!

Looks good. I like that Muffler.

Now you need a picture of you on it
wearing that special gear you mentioned.


Water Warrior 2 07-03-2011 05:11 PM

Re: going for it!
The muffler folks did a nice tidy job.

geezer 07-03-2011 05:18 PM

Re: going for it!
they did and for 20 you cant complain. strelock you got it dude

mrlmd1 07-04-2011 10:17 AM

Re: going for it!
Put either some high temp primer and paint or a rust-converting chemical treatment over that already rusting weld and bracket, or the whole thing won't last that long. Either you will wind up with a hole in the muffler or all the chrome will be undermined and peel off from the creeping rust underneath.

geezer 07-04-2011 07:02 PM

Re: going for it!
i happen to have some rust converting crap, thanks for the warning

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