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NC-POP 12-22-2010 10:45 PM

Hello All
I am 59 years old, I always had a love for motorcycles. My first bike, when I was 16 years old. Honda 90cc street bike was my 1st only until now. It took me all over, but rode the bike for 3 years, I lived in Savannah, Ga. I took a 40 year intermission due to the Navy and my career in R.I., but now live in WNC and I am now the owner of a 2004 Suzuki GZ250. I have been married for 35 years and have two sons and 5 grands. I have not took the bike out due to the snow and rain, hopfully it will all come back. :??:

blaine 12-22-2010 11:13 PM

Re: Hello All
Welcome to the forum.You will be surprised at how quick "it" comes back.Maybe a refresher course would be a good idea.Lots of tips & advice on here.How many miles on your bike and what color?
:2tup: :)

Water Warrior 2 12-23-2010 12:03 AM

Re: Hello All
Welcome NC Grand Pop. About time you got back on 2 wheels. The GZ is a great bike for new and returning riders of all ages. As mentioned, a refresher course will be a great idea. Also pick up a copy of Proficient Motorcycling by David Hough. It is the best reading material you will ever find to refresh your mind about riding.

Easy Rider 12-23-2010 11:00 AM

Re: Hello All

Originally Posted by NC-POP
I took a 40 year intermission

hopfully it will all come back. :??:

Welcome to our little circus !! :biggrin:

During those 40 years, how much bicycle riding did you do ??
If the answer is "none", then you should fnd a bike and put some miles on that first; seriously.

Then you really should take the MSF course......as you can't count on anything "coming back" after 40 years. You will effecively be starting over from scratch.

Take it easy, practice a LOT out of traffic and keep us posted.
Good choice in bikes, by the way !! :tup:

NC-POP 12-23-2010 04:09 PM

Re: Hello All
in the last 40 years, none....... but i am going to fine a big parking lot!!!! need to go take the test, need to some miles on that first, the only MSF course will be june here, hope to be on the road before than.

Easy Rider 12-23-2010 04:22 PM

Re: Hello All

Originally Posted by NC-POP
the only MSF course will be june here, hope to be on the road before than.

Just because you are "on the road", doesn't mean that the course would be a waste of time.

Lots of riders who have been actively riding for YEARS find it useful.

Please don't let your ego get in the way of being as safe as you can.

I passed 59 about 4 years ago so I kind of know how that works. One needs to have a REALISTIC view of your own skills.......which are no doubt declining some, whether you want to admit it or not.

Good luck.
Happy Holidays !!

Water Warrior 2 12-23-2010 07:11 PM

Re: Hello All
Easy is correct in his sugestions. I had been off and on bikes for decades without mishap but only through good fortune. Took a very good riding course at age 62 only to learn how much I did not know. After the course my bike was much easier to ride and I was a far better rider.
Remember NCPOP, you didn't live this long just to become a speed bump for some one in a cage.

NC-POP 12-23-2010 07:20 PM

Re: Hello All
Thank you...LOL..well I will take the course, and hopefully get my better half to take it too, she is talking about getting a other bike.

Water Warrior 2 12-23-2010 07:32 PM

Re: Hello All

Originally Posted by NC-POP
Thank you...LOL..well I will take the course, and hopefully get my better half to take it too, she is talking about getting a other bike.

Sounds like a great plan. Just don't tell your wife about helmet hair.

mole2 12-23-2010 11:01 PM

Re: Hello All
Welcome from SC NC-POP! I took the course last January and have been riding whenever possible since. I highly recommend it. I've ridden every month except Freburary. Ride safe and keep the shiney side up.


Water Warrior 2 12-24-2010 12:32 AM

Re: Hello All
We do have one desenter in the group when considering a riding course. Alas, he apparently didn't get good instructors and less than ideal circumstances. "Alan" will be along shortly to say Hi. :lol:

ncff07 12-30-2010 04:34 PM

Re: Hello All
Welcome to the nuthouse. Your not far from where I'm originally from in NC just across the hill near Hickory, NC.

NC-POP 12-31-2010 02:48 PM

Re: Hello All
LOL... so moved... how do I fine a Bike club..

Originally Posted by ncff07
Welcome to the nuthouse. Your not far from where I'm originally from in NC just across the hill near Hickory, NC.


Texas J 12-31-2010 04:15 PM

Re: Hello All
Welcome! from Costa Rica. The class should be fun. Also a great confidence builder. I was born on 2 wheels and I took the class to become a street legal rider. thinking of taking the advanced course upon returning to Texas. One can never be too safe. I have so many lights and bells and whistles on my GZ that you can probably see me from your house. And here, it is mandatory to wear a reflective vest over your gear. ugly, non-stylish, but hey, while you're saying "who is that dork in the orange road crew vest?" you noticed me.

ncff07 01-02-2011 11:35 PM

Re: Hello All

Originally Posted by NC-POP
LOL... so moved... how do I fine a Bike club..

Originally Posted by ncff07
Welcome to the nuthouse. Your not far from where I'm originally from in NC just across the hill near Hickory, NC.


That I'm not sure of, I knows theres an Outlaws MC in North Carolina but never bothered to find out where. And theres one called Catawba Valley Scenic Riders based in catawba county somewhere but isnt really a club they just meet up and eat every month and take group rides up on the parkway and things like that.

GZBrian 01-15-2011 06:57 AM

Re: Hello All
Hello and welcome. Be safe. GZBrian

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