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JIBTEXHNKA 08-05-2008 08:06 AM

am i alone here?
am i the only one who DOESN'T think the GZ's stock seat is horribly uncomfortable? it doesn't bother me one bit.

music man 08-05-2008 08:46 AM

I think so. My seat is comfortable for about the first 15-20 minutes of riding, till I compress the foam in the seat and it feels like I am sitting on the seat pan with a leather cover over it.

jonathan180iq 08-05-2008 08:47 AM

No. I'm with ya.

From looking at photos of everyone on the site though, you and I are rather slender and probably don't have as much weight going into our tuckus as others do.

music man 08-05-2008 08:53 AM

Hey watch it now, don't tallk about my tuckus. You are probably right because i have gained probably twenty pounds since I got my bike and it seems the seat has gotten worse.

patrick_777 08-05-2008 03:32 PM

I sat on a Shadow the other day and it was like I was sitting on a cardboard box. I think my seat is much more comfortable than that. It's not a plush couch stuffed with goose down, but it's definitely not the most uncomfortable seat out there.

music man 08-05-2008 03:40 PM

A new shadow patrick? Because my sister bought a shadow 600 in january and I had to ride it about 120 miles to her house for her (she bought it in the town I live in and lives in the town I am from) because she didn't know how to ride a motorcycle yet, and I found the seat quite a bit more comfortable over the long run than my seat is.

So I guess what we have figured out is that everybody's "Tuckus" is different, and we need and like different kinds of seats. Probably why there are so many custom seats out there.

patrick_777 08-05-2008 04:05 PM

It wasn't new. Just some random Shadow in a parking lot.

j/k. But it wasn't new.

music man 08-05-2008 04:43 PM

Well I didn't really mean brand new, just a newer year model. :neener:

Littlethumper 08-05-2008 05:33 PM

I'm thinkin' about putting a gel in the seat or make my own like what i did to
my bf's seat for his race bike. I seen this site for an idea and thats what i did to his
I used to be a dressmaker when i was back home in the Philippines, sewing school
uniforms, dress, curtain, couch cover and i even made car covers when somebody ask me to :lol:
So i'm thinking about ordering on this site http://www.amspecialtiesusa.com/gelpad.htm
to make my own much more comfortable seat :tup:
What can you say?

Drive safe....

Littlethumper 08-05-2008 05:55 PM

:oops: I'm not saying GZs seat is uncomfortable JIB, okey. I'm talking about my GZ, it's kinda old and
stiff or hard to seat on why i wanted to replace the cushion, although my "dupa" here got
a little cushion support :lol: :lol: :lol:
Whoever the owner was before, he must've left the bike under the sun too much.
My bf took off the back seat 'coz i won't be needing it and it looks much better. :tup:

purslant 08-05-2008 06:57 PM

I haven't been on mine for more than about 30 minutes at a time, but so far no real complaints.
My biggest issue is wearing bluejeans instead of shorts. I usually don't put on jeans untill winter, that's only when it get real cold, and in Waco tx that ain't to often or very long..

rusty rider 08-06-2008 08:54 AM

Bike brand new in May with one mile, now over 4000 miles.

I'm about 175, took seat cover off and added a foam cushion and rolled wool around the cushion. Can ride about an hour before my toosh and lower back are starting to burn. I like the looks of the modern cruiser, but the bikes that I rode in the 70's and 80's were made for comfort and I miss them.

I'm glad that not everyone has the same problems with the seats as me, but I don't think it is exactly has to do with size. Little thumper is a small girl, and I'm not that large. Remember youth has it's advantages. :lol:

Dupo 08-06-2008 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by patrick_777
It wasn't new. Just some random Shadow in a parking lot.

j/k. But it wasn't new.

O_o You sat on some random bike in a parking lot?? O_o

davtnn 08-06-2008 07:25 PM

If your inclined toward BPH the seat does need a pad or two...

Sarris 08-06-2008 08:05 PM

The Seat from Hell
I love my GZ.

The seat however, really, really sucks. 30 minutes and my ass is hurting. I'm gonna get mine repadded, reshaped, and reupholstered.

I'm gonna ditch the buttons as well. I hate the little indentations they put in my butt.


patrick_777 08-06-2008 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Dupo

Originally Posted by patrick_777
It wasn't new. Just some random Shadow in a parking lot.

j/k. But it wasn't new.

O_o You sat on some random bike in a parking lot?? O_o

Easy Rider 08-06-2008 08:29 PM

Re: The Seat from Hell

Originally Posted by Sarris
The seat however, really, really sucks.

Yep, after the first hour or so that's my threshold too. Have to stop at least briefly every half hour or so to stretch.
And that's with a gel pad.

Today I got back my re-done seat. It is a little softer and a little more scooped out in the middle.
Still trying to catch up on my "projects" from being gone two weeks so it might be a while until I can go far enough for a good test.

Stay tuned; film at 10! ;)

Sarris 08-06-2008 09:13 PM

Your New Seat

How about some photos of the new seat. I'm interested in the new shape and hearing how it feels.

Welcome back.



Easy Rider 08-07-2008 09:51 AM

Re: Your New Seat

Originally Posted by Sarris
How about some photos of the new seat.

Well, you didn't disappoint me. I KNEW that would be the next question! :)

Yes, as time permits. I haven't even put it on the bike for a "feel" test yet.

patrick_777 08-07-2008 04:04 PM

I sure hope it doesn't feel like you've crapped your pants.

5th_bike 08-07-2008 08:43 PM

My commute is 50-55 minutes each way and sometimes my butt is a lttle stiff, like, its left cheek was a bit sleepy recently, upon arrival. And I'm 5'8" and 180 lbs, just a tad overweight.
But it isn't 'terribly' uncomfortable, just 'somewhat' uncomfortable. I would have appreciated if suzuki would not have inserted that weak foam - it pancakes in a minute - they should use something a little more sturdy. There must exist stronger foam rubber...

Easy Rider 08-07-2008 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by 5th_bike
I would have appreciated if suzuki would not have inserted that weak foam - it pancakes in a minute - they should use something a little more sturdy. There must exist stronger foam rubber...

This is a mystery to me. I am about the same size (weight) as you. I have heard others say the same thing about the foam but I have never experienced that. Quite to the contrary, I think the foam is too stiff, so that it doesn't conform to anything.

Guess I'm going to have to pay closer attention.

My "new" seat test will be somewhat delayed. I have to take it back to have some tucked material trimmed. It interferes with the front mount AND the latch. This may not bode well for the skill/experience of the guy that did it. More later.

Pictures will be forthcoming eventually but putting old and new side by side on the bench, there is only a slight difference in the shape. It may not show up in a picture.

Water Warrior 2 08-07-2008 09:55 PM

The seat is a price point seat on a price point bike. Suzuki has the same mind set as the other bike builders. Build a seat that will fit well enough to sell the product. No seat no matter how well made with quality materials will fit everyone. We all have a different butt. Weight, height, body build, fat, skinny, muscle tone all effect our comfort. That is why there is such a large aftermarket for seats. Lynda finds her seat very comfy. I on the other hand had to buy a Suzuki gel seat for the VStrom or park it after 15 minutes and get away from the extreme pain. For me the gel seat was a great option. The only other option was sell the bike.

alanmcorcoran 08-11-2008 05:20 AM

My ass weighs in...
My longest ride to date has only been an hour or so, and the seat hasn't been an issue for me or my ass yet.

(Ass/seat stat's: Ass: I'm 5'11, currently ~165 lbs. I'm what you'd call in shape. Don't ask me to post a picture of it. Seat: brand new, stock)

Not sure if this is relevant, but I used to do a lot of (road) bicycle riding on semi-serious road bikes. Compared to a pricey bicycle seat, the GZ250 seat is like a LazyBoy. In the bicycling world, all of your upper body weight is supported by two small areas to either side of the, well.. you get the idea. It takes a hundred miles or so to develop a callus in those areas. Ironically, in bicycle land, the cushier the seat (they have nice, wide gel ones, too) the worse they are (ultimately) for your butt. On the other hand, all serious pedalers wear specially designed shorts that have built-in "Chamois" cushioning in the nether regions - maybe you guys just need some padded underwear. (Insert insider reference to Sarris, his pants and sensation he might have crapped them here...)

I will pass on some sage advice I got after I mentioned my knee was bothering me a third of the way through a 200 miler: "Just keep pedaling... pretty soon something else will hurt even more and you'll forget all about your knee." Not sure if this translates to the motorcycle/ass nexus, but it's words I've learned to live by.


jonathan180iq 08-11-2008 08:30 AM

another bicycle guy... welcome.

Easy Rider 08-11-2008 09:46 AM

Re: My ass weighs in...

Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
"Just keep pedaling... pretty soon something else will hurt even more and you'll forget all about your knee." Not sure if this translates to the motorcycle/ass nexus, but it's words I've learned to live by.

We certainly HOPE it doesn't apply to motorcycles 'cause severe pain elsewhere usually indicates an abrupt end to a good ride! :cry:

I suspect that most of the folks who have seat trouble are NOT in good shape. I know that applies to me.

I tested my modified seat yesterday and it is only slightly better. Next to try it with the gel pad......but I think I will be looking for a sheep skin next.

jonathan180iq 08-11-2008 09:53 AM

You should probably use the whole sheep.


Sarris 08-11-2008 10:58 AM


The crap in the pants quote that Patrick 777 uses refers to the feeling I had when I was trying to use a thick gel pad. Just wantes you to know it's not a bowel or personal hygene issue.


I'm not sure how to take your "use the whole sheep" quote. I'm hoping you mean for padding!! 'Cause we all know how bad the GZ seat sucks.



patrick_777 08-11-2008 11:39 AM

I'm pretty sure we don't want him to ride it....unless that's his proclivity. In that case, more power to him.

patrick_777 08-11-2008 11:50 AM

Re: Clairification

Originally Posted by Sarris
The crap in the pants quote that Patrick 777 uses refers to the feeling I had when I was trying to use a thick gel pad. Just wanted you to know it's not a bowel or personal hygiene issue.

Don't lie.


jonathan180iq 08-11-2008 12:09 PM


patrick_777 08-11-2008 01:01 PM

That is just 10 kinds of AWESOME.

alanmcorcoran 08-11-2008 01:03 PM

Glad that is settled...
...Good to have the mysterious business of the crap and the pants solved. In the same vein, many bicyclists have said wearing the shorts feels like a "diaper." Not sure how they know this, but who am I to pass judgment.

As far as other things hurting, I find my neck and the part of my back directly below it get sore from holding up the helmet, looking down the rode and craning it around to do a "head check." This also was the case on the bicycle.

patrick_777 08-11-2008 01:09 PM

That'll go away with time, as the muscles get used to the movement and weight. My left arm hurt for weeks after I started riding. Occasionally I still notice my shoulders getting really tired mid-ride, then I realize I've been tensing my arms and hands for the last few miles (bad technique) and it reminds me to relax and let the bike do the work.

jonathan180iq 08-11-2008 01:18 PM

Yeah. It's important to relax and stay loose. The same is true on the bicycle. Drop your shoulders and just let the ride carry you.

Easy Rider 08-11-2008 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by jonathan180iq
You should probably use the whole sheep.


Not while on a motorcycle I don't !!! :neener: :oops: :lol:

Moedad 08-11-2008 06:43 PM

Re: Glad that is settled...

Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
...Good to have the mysterious business of the crap and the pants solved. In the same vein, many bicyclists have said wearing the shorts feels like a "diaper." Not sure how they know this, but who am I to pass judgment.

As far as other things hurting, I find my neck and the part of my back directly below it get sore from holding up the helmet, looking down the rode and craning it around to do a "head check." This also was the case on the bicycle.

Another plus with the GZ vs the bicycle - no inverted penis.

Hey, I'm a bit surprised the filters let that through.

Graydog 08-11-2008 07:59 PM

After owning.....well let's just say too many bikes over too many years...I suspect the search for a more comfortable seat is never ending. With one exception, every bike I have ever owned, rented, borrowed, stolen, built has had an uncomfortable seat after an hour of riding. Of course I can say the same thing for every car I have ever owned.

What is the one exception? In 1963 I owned a 1960 Jawa. I was under it more than on it (keeping it running) but the seat was just one big cushion with room to spare even when my girl friend was with me.

Boy I miss that bike. Must have eaten 80 lbs of bugs riding it.

john1096 08-18-2008 05:15 PM

Back hurts, butt is fine. My longest ride was a bit less than an hour, but that was fine. I need a small windshield because I tend to hunch forward to lower my profile and reduce the wind pressure on my torso. That is NOT good for someone with lower back issues.

Easy Rider 08-18-2008 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Graydog
has had an uncomfortable seat after an hour of riding. Of course I can say the same thing for every car I have ever owned.

Well, your experience is somewhat different than mine and therein lies the mystery......for me at least.
I regularly drive a LOT of different cars; I shuttle between towns for a car rental company.
I regularly spend HOURS on a farm tractor; dito for a riding lawn mower.

I have neither back nor butt trouble in ANY of those other vehicles but 1/2 hour on the GZ and I can feel the "cramp" setting in. I WILL find some kind of a solution 'cause a few short trips around town just ain't good enough!! :cry:

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