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blk90 06-22-2014 03:45 PM

Oil Cooler [?!?]
Hi there my friends, In italy Summer is arrived, and I am concerned about Engine's health.

Looking around on the net i saw this interesting Item too cool the oil of engine.
Has anyone ever mounted it?


mainlinecoffee 06-22-2014 07:46 PM

How would you hook it up without drilling through the case?

Water Warrior 2 06-22-2014 08:24 PM

I think you are overthinking the heat issue. The GZ will operate quite well in hot areas. I would suggest using an oil with a 15-40 or 20-50 weight and call it a day.
I'm sure the oil cooler could be used and plumbed in but it is likely not needed.

5th_bike 06-22-2014 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by mainlinecoffee (Post 80133)
How would you hook it up without drilling through the case?

The gold colored cap behind the letters "QX" will replace the cover of the oil filter housing.
Looks like it works with the pressure difference across the oil filter, such that a part of the oil will not get filtered, but cooled instead.

Cool gadget. But, utterly unnecessary.

With disadvantages outnumbering the advantages, if any:
- it needs oil to fill, the oil level in the engine will be lower
- not all oil gets filtered
- crud from the filter may re-enter the oil stream via the cooler
- in the winter, your engine takes longer to heat up and may not run hot enough
- more weight
- more parts to fail

blk90 06-23-2014 05:26 AM


blk90 06-23-2014 05:34 AM

this was an alternative option to make the oil pump pressure makes oil go through the radiator and then in the carter..what do you think?
I am thinkin of this because, in Sicily, we reach 36/38°C (about 100°F, or 300K) and the bike should carry me my belly, and my girlfriend round the MOUNTAINOUS sicily

alantf 06-23-2014 07:07 AM

Tenerife is also hilly (Giant volcano, right in the middle) and gets very hot in summer. Never had any overheating problems, even when riding two up. :tup:

jonathan180iq 06-24-2014 08:58 AM

If you anyone does install one of these, please be aware that your total oil capacity is also going to increase so you will need to determine your new oil fill capacity based on the size of the oil cooler.

That being said, I agree that it's most likely not necessary. But they are pretty cool and can offer peace of mind to those who worry too much.

blk90 06-30-2014 04:49 PM

for now, i just changed Air filter, that was pretty old, and engine breath pretty well now, i will decide later if upgrade this oil cooler or not =)

kmrcstintn 07-20-2014 09:14 PM

run a stout oil (15w-40, 20w-40, 15w-50, 20w-50); the bike is designed to bump up idle speed when warm (higher rpm's flows more oil thru the motor to transfer heat out of the combustion chamber) when stopped (in neutral or clutch pulled in)...this helps cool the engine when bike isn't moving

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