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orzeszek303 05-26-2009 03:28 AM

hi form Poland
hello everybody. Recently i`ve bought my first bike, which is gz250 04., and i must say that this bike is revelational. Firstly, I wanted bigger bike, somethin around 500 but after first ride on gz I would never thought that so small bike can be so dynamic. It just a great bike for begginers, and after reading this forum I think that not only for them :). Sorry for mistakes in text if there are any - I`m just not very good in english.

alantf 05-26-2009 05:15 AM

Re: hi form Poland

Originally Posted by orzeszek303
I`m just not very good in english.

Welcome, and :-

Much better than my (non existant) Polish!

burkbuilds 05-26-2009 03:47 PM

Re: hi form Poland
Great to have you on the Forum. The GZ is a really good bike, you should get a lot of miles without a lot of expense or headaches!

Water Warrior 2 05-26-2009 07:22 PM

Re: hi form Poland
Another member from far away. Welcome and very glad you found us. The GZ is a great bike for almost anything you are looking for in the 2 wheeled category as a first bike.. Not the most powerful, not the fastest and not the most up to date technology wise but it is reliable, economical and fun. My other half(Lynda)rode her GZ half way across Canada and back last summer with zero problems. She did find the limits of the bike and has since upgraded but the GZ performed like a champion and did not complain once. Ride your bike, hone your riding skills and you will be surprised how well the GZ serves you.

orzeszek303 05-27-2009 02:07 AM

Re: hi form Poland
About the second half - when my girlfriend saw this bike for the first time she asked me to teach her how to ride it :) and I addmit - that bike can give a lot of fun :) recently I have instaled windshield and now I`m making construction for a rear seat back. When I finish I will paste some foto.

Tranquility 05-28-2009 09:00 AM

Re: hi form Poland
Welcome, orzeszek303! Water Warrior is right, the GZ250 does have some limitations (which I haven't noticed yet because I'm such a new rider), and I expect in time I will upgrade to a larger bike. However I am so emotionally invested in my bike, I cannot imagine trading her in or letting her go for anything. My husband and I are both newbies with our own bikes and there is nothing better than hitting the road together. I hope you and your girlfriend enjoy the same feeling!!

Water Warrior 2 05-28-2009 01:10 PM

Re: hi form Poland

Originally Posted by Tranquility
Welcome, orzeszek303! Water Warrior is right, the GZ250 does have some limitations (which I haven't noticed yet because I'm such a new rider), and I expect in time I will upgrade to a larger bike. However I am so emotionally invested in my bike, I cannot imagine trading her in or letting her go for anything. My husband and I are both newbies with our own bikes and there is nothing better than hitting the road together. I hope you and your girlfriend enjoy the same feeling!!

Tranquility, what does hubby ride ? You've been holding back on info.......................or I missed that in an earlier post.

BusyWeb 05-28-2009 10:12 PM

Re: hi form Poland

Originally Posted by Tranquility
However I am so emotionally invested in my bike, I cannot imagine trading her in or letting her go for anything.

Hi, there.
Sorry that I didn't replied your pm last time.
I thought that you're joking... ha ha ha.. and I'm not like the situation that you asked about it.
Anyway, you have missed about it when you read my riding-report where I said that "I heard some rattle sound"... ha ha ha
Love to see how your brother writes, if possible ....

Anyway, I had same feeling about the GZ when I first got it.
However, it will change when time goes by.... ha ha ha
GZ is really a good (excellent) training bike for beginners like us,
and you will appreciate GZ when you have other bigger bike; how the GZ was good...

Tranquility 06-02-2009 12:33 PM

Re: hi form Poland
Water Warrior: Holding back?! Noooooo. I just like to maintain a certain level of ... mystery. ;-) No, no, seriously: Hubby rides a Honda Shadow 750. We bought the GZ together to share but realized almost immediately that it wasn't going to work (...my turn to ride ... no, MY turn ... NO, MY TURN!!!" :-) ) so he jumped right to a larger bike. He bought it used and already equipped w/windshield and saddlebags, and the dealer threw in ... shoot, what do you call them..? Uhm, instead of foot pegs, they're ... like, platforms (crap, what're they called???!!!) with a heal/toe shifter. He loves it. When he's ready to upgrade, I may adopt it from him. We'll see.

BusyWeb, No problem! Glad I didn't offend you. Yeah, I love the GZ and I know I will love anything larger I may ride in the future ... I am still carrying around in my head the post that Easy Rider made about getting used to being able to manhandle the GZ and having to be very careful when trying to do the same with a larger bike. It just won't work. (Thanks again Easy for sharing that, it'll save me alot of hassle in the future, I know it will!)

Easy Rider 06-02-2009 01:39 PM

Re: hi form Poland

Originally Posted by Tranquility
(Thanks again Easy for sharing that, it'll save me alot of hassle in the future, I know it will!)

Old age and cunning will overcome youth and exuberance every time! :shocked:

(Although "kids" don't like to hear that.) :roll:

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