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-   -   Install a 16 Tooth Front Sprocket (http://www.gz250bike.com/forum/showthread.php?t=264)

jrockrat 06-15-2007 12:25 PM

Anybody have the 16 tooth and a tach that can tell me what RPM they run at 65-70 MPH?

jonathan180iq 06-15-2007 10:45 PM

For that info to be even more useful, it would help to have the RPMs with and without the sprocket change.

El_Shorto 06-22-2007 01:48 PM

Guys, how long did it take for them to get the sprocket to you? I ordered mine over 2 weeks ago and selected the standard 3-5 day shipping, no dice. I also cant find a number on the website for customer support. Any ideas?

Gadzooks Mike 06-22-2007 01:57 PM

It took a couple of weeks to arrive.

jonathan180iq 06-24-2007 11:52 PM

I got mine in 6 days. .... Where did you order from?

El_Shorto 06-25-2007 05:00 PM

ordered it from the place linked here on the forum. I checked with them and they said its on a huge backorder. I think you started a trend!

Easy Rider 06-25-2007 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by El_Shorto
ordered it from the place linked here on the forum. I checked with them and they said its on a huge backorder. I think you started a trend!

Ordered mine through the dealer. Got it in 3 working days; got it on 2 days later.


P.S. I've seen reports from about 15 people who have changed the sprocket. All liked the result; none reported any drawbacks HOWERVER, there is bound to be somebody out there somewhere that won't like the result: KEEP THE OLD SPROCKET JUST INCASE!

jonathan180iq 06-25-2007 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Easy Rider

P.S. I've seen reports from about 15 people who have changed the sprocket. All liked the result; none reported any drawbacks HOWERVER, there is bound to be somebody out there somewhere that won't like the result: KEEP THE OLD SPROCKET JUST INCASE!

Good idea to have out there. I have mine, but for a different reason.
If you ever decide to sell your bike, you'll get more money in stock form with accessories on the side. Modifications actually lower the market value.

Easy Rider 06-25-2007 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by jonathan180iq

If you ever decide to sell your bike, you'll get more money in stock form with accessories on the side. Modifications actually lower the market value.

In some exotic circumstances that may be true but, in general, used accessories depreciate a LOT faster than the bike itself. I agree, however, that radical mods probably reduce the used value but I don't do mods like that..............and I suspect that nobody is going to go to the trouble of reversing radical mods either.

At any rate, should I have to sell my bike (whatever it is), I'm damn sure not going to remove all the bolt-on and strap-on accessories (unless they fit MY new bike).

For me that certainly includes the new sprocket because I'd MUCH rather have potential buyers ride it that way than with the crappy stock setup.

jonathan180iq 06-26-2007 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by Easy Rider

For me that certainly includes the new sprocket because I'd MUCH rather have potential buyers ride it that way than with the crappy stock setup.

WORD! :2tup:

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