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Water Warrior 2 06-28-2012 08:25 PM

Re: I need to learn how to wave!

Originally Posted by bonehead
Most of the harley guys I know say that if they were to take a cross country trip, they would want a goldwing. FWIW.

Do any of them actually ride a real Harley that is set up as a touring machine? They(H-D) make some beautiful bikes with many creature comforts and are good for a long distance ride.The Wings and H-Ds are some of the more common touring rigs passing through here each year. I also see a lot of BMWs and the bigger Japanese sport touring bikes that chew up miles at a fantastic rate.

dentheman 06-28-2012 11:14 PM

Re: I need to learn how to wave!

Originally Posted by fatoldfool
WW, you sure are right about the most underappreciated job being LEO...There is a reason cops and correctional officers have the most divorces, stomach problems, etc. and its not the donuts. It is the extra stress that is there every working day on top of lifes normal stresses. Ooops, didn't mean to jack a post...About the wave, about everyone in my area seems to wave except a couple of old whitebearded sourpuss Harley Riders. When I was on my HD, it sorta surprised a few of the crotchrocket kids, but then they started waving first! I am 68 yesterday, and I will still in some way acknowledge anyone on two wheels. Whether they return is up to them! And about the Harleys, well, I have been up and down, owned 5 in the last two years and they have an appeal I will never get over, but if I had to do a long trip and had a choice, it would be a 4 cyl japanese bike of some kind! Regards all!

I was a correctional officer for 7 miserable, sucky years. There is not a worse job on this earth. And it was not always the inmates that made it bad. I don't mean to jack the post either, so I will say that I do the wave and usually get a wave back. Even the guys that look like bandidos will wave even though I am not dressed in the local cruiser style. By that I mean I wear a silver modular helmet with built-in sun shield, mesh jacket and armored gloves, no matter the temperature. You would have to ride many miles here to come across another cruiser rider with a helmet, mesh, etc.

Water Warrior 2 06-28-2012 11:48 PM

Re: I need to learn how to wave!
Yup, sadly enough it is not always the inmates. I spend quite a few years working with people that probably should have been receiving meds to keep their mouths and actions in check. Sometimes or in many cases it is the stress created by some jobs. I saw a good example of real stress created by new management with a continuous stream of rumors and sly suggestions as to the future of many of the worker bees. It was really painful watching valued folks turning to alcohol, drugs and eventually marriage breakdown.

fatoldfool 06-29-2012 07:43 AM

Re: I need to learn how to wave!
Yes, sounds like both you have sure been there! Not many animals more dangerous in life than a human with ambition and no skills except sneakiness (is that a word?)....
BTW; I was snubbed by 3 HD riders yesterday, all out-of-staters, probably coming in for the golf classic.

alantf 06-29-2012 09:36 AM

Re: I need to learn how to wave!
Strangely enough, I found just the opposite. In 1995 I spent just over a year at Wakefield jail in England. That's a class A (highest category jail, for murderers etc) as part of the team installing closed circuit television, and fence alarms. Without exceptions, any red bands (trusty prisoners, near the end of their sentences) who were passing with their escorts,would stop and give us a hand if they saw us struggling with heavy equipment, etc. I know that they must have committed serious crimes to be there, but to us they were really regular guys.

jonathan180iq 06-29-2012 02:15 PM

Re: I need to learn how to wave!

Originally Posted by alantf
In 1995 I spent just over a year at Wakefield jail in England. That's a class A (highest category jail, for murderers etc)...

This is all I read.
It makes you so much more mysterious and "badass" ;)


Water Warrior 2 06-29-2012 02:46 PM

Re: I need to learn how to wave!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

dentheman 06-29-2012 07:38 PM

Re: I need to learn how to wave!

Originally Posted by alantf
Strangely enough, I found just the opposite. In 1995 I spent just over a year at Wakefield jail in England. That's a class A (highest category jail, for murderers etc) as part of the team installing closed circuit television, and fence alarms. Without exceptions, any red bands (trusty prisoners, near the end of their sentences) who were passing with their escorts,would stop and give us a hand if they saw us struggling with heavy equipment, etc. I know that they must have committed serious crimes to be there, but to us they were really regular guys.

Yeah, the trustees were great, always wanting to help if they were allowed, I never had much problem with them. It was the other inmates that caused some problems, as well as certain officers and brass. The trustees stayed in line, because if they didn't they would no longer be trustees, but would go back to general population. They earned their way to being trustees and didn't want to lose it.

By the way, I worked at a psychiatric facility; can you say Hannibal Lecter? Some of the things I saw will stay with me the rest of my life.

alantf 06-30-2012 04:42 AM

Re: I need to learn how to wave!

Originally Posted by jonathan180iq

Originally Posted by alantf
In 1995 I spent just over a year at Wakefield jail in England. That's a class A (highest category jail, for murderers etc)...

This is all I read.
It makes you so much more mysterious and "badass" ;)


I wuz framed! :crackup

dentheman 06-30-2012 01:06 PM

Re: I need to learn how to wave!
I have seen some of those 3 wheeled vehicles (2 wheels on front 1 on back, I don't know what they are called), and they never wave. Are they in some class of their own?

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