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Easy Rider 11-26-2008 10:13 AM

Re: TU 250

Originally Posted by alantf
I would just love to find an old Lambretta saddle dating back to the 50's, so that I could do some adapting, & fit it to the Marauder.


I have toyed with the idea of adapting a tractor seat like you described.......but you can't even find them on TRACTORS any more !! :cry:

Water Warrior 2 11-26-2008 11:02 PM

Re: TU 250
Here is a project to consider. Want better seating, try a horse saddle. Way back when, I spotted a GT 750 with a horse saddle and sheep skin cover. Never been a horse rider myself so I do not know how well it might work. Looked kinda cool though.

prof_stack 12-14-2008 11:08 PM

Re: TU 250
Here are some photos of the new TU250 taken yesterday at the Cycle World International Motorcycle show in Seattle.

I liked the look and feel of the TU. I would have bought it but the salesguy said it was the only one in the USA right now. Expect them in March.








mrlmd1 12-15-2008 09:27 AM

Re: TU 250
FYI - posted on the GZ250 site on Yahoo by a member there --
"While at the IMS to get a close look at the new TU250, I asked the
Suzuki rep what their plan was for the GZ250. The GZ was on display at
the show, but off by itself away from the TU. With the new bike
stepping into the scene, was Suzuki possibly planning to drop the GZ,
or maybe replace it with the V-twin Intruder 250LC? He would not
commit to an answer, but he did not deny that change might be in the
works. Your guess is as good as mine, but it does seem curious why
they would have two 250 singles in the line?

Btw, Suzuki was by far the standout display at the IMS. The other big
three really looked like they were a dollar short and didn't draw the
same crowds. It looks like Honda has dropped the 250 Nighthawk and
kept the 250 Rebel. The only small displacement bike from Kawa is the
Eliminator 125. Yamaha still has their 250 V-twin in the line. There
are still lots of mastodon bikes which seem a way off the mark
considering the economic situation.

Intruder 250LC info http://tinyurl. com/6omg92
TU240 info/forum http://tinyurl. com/58gmk8 "

Anybody know any more of this?

dan_ 12-22-2008 04:30 PM

Has anyone seen the GZ250s ugly as sin brother the tu250?


In my opinion it deserves the title dork-mobile. It looks like a moped.

music man 12-22-2008 04:54 PM

Re: TU250
First of all I would like to say that I like the TU250, not near as much as I like the GZ, but I still like it. And This will be like the third or fourth different thread dedicated to the TU250.

dan_ 12-22-2008 05:06 PM

Re: TU250
That dan_ guy sucks. Hes such a n00b.

Graydog 12-22-2008 05:50 PM

Re: TU250
Got to admit I agree with Dan. The bike just looks so.....preppy. I think a white shirt and neck tie, brown loafers and short khaki pants that allow your white socks to show should be the riding gear of choice for this bike. :roll:

It reminds of of the mid to late 60s when Honda had the "You meet the nicest people on a Honda" ad campaign going full force. I'm sure the male rider in the ad had to be named "Buffy" and the female "Muffin". :lol:

It is a sensible bike though. Look at footage of busy oriental streets....every one seems to be riding a bike that looks like this one if they are not on a scooter.

However it will probably make a great learner bike for the timid.

(The above is an opinion. It's my opinion. Don't bother to try and change my mind by pointing out what a complete idiot I am, quoting stats, showing charts, challenging me to provide facts or evidence.)

dan_ 12-22-2008 06:14 PM

Re: TU250

Got to admit I agree with Dan. The bike just looks so.....preppy. I think a white shirt and neck tie, brown loafers and short khaki pants that allow your white socks to show should be the riding gear of choice for this bike.

It reminds of of the mid to late 60s when Honda had the "You meet the nicest people on a Honda" ad campaign going full force. I'm sure the male rider in the ad had to be named "Buffy" and the female "Muffin".

It is a sensible bike though. Look at footage of busy oriental streets....every one seems to be riding a bike that looks like this one if they are not on a scooter.

However it will probably make a great learner bike for the timid.
It kinda looks like a triumph scrambler.

patrick_777 12-22-2008 06:38 PM

Re: TU250
Merging this topic with the correct one.

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