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cayuse 06-03-2011 04:18 PM

Re: First time Rider and Owner
The long end points to the position:
Good photo here:
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=4351&p=48242&hilit=petcock#p48 242

I guess the photo doesn't actually answer your question but the answer is the same.
Point the long end to what you want.

blaine 06-03-2011 04:21 PM

Re: First time Rider and Owner

Originally Posted by dvsDave
I've got a 2000, does the short side or the long side point to the position?

The long side points to the position.


dvsDave 06-03-2011 04:21 PM

Re: First time Rider and Owner
Oops, that would have been my problem! Lesson learned!

Water Warrior 2 06-03-2011 05:45 PM

Re: First time Rider and Owner

Originally Posted by blaine

Originally Posted by dvsDave
I've got a 2000, does the short side or the long side point to the position?

The long side points to the position.


Yup, the pic shows it in the "ON" position.

geezer 06-03-2011 07:08 PM

Re: First time Rider and Owner
lol i knw it :lol: :lol: same thing happend to me! i was like my bikes broken!! :cry: take a good look at the valve you will see the tiny litte arrow! suzuki has a twisted sence of humor

blaine 06-03-2011 07:20 PM

Re: First time Rider and Owner

Originally Posted by Water Warrior

Originally Posted by blaine
The long side points to the position.


Yup, the pic shows it in the "ON" position.

Most petcocks are the same way.(long side points)The short side will only point to "on & res",it can't point to "pri".Only the long side will point to all three.
:) :cool:

DeeDee 06-04-2011 10:38 PM

Re: First time Rider and Owner
Hi, I am A first time rider and new owner also, I have the very same Bike as you have
have had a few issues learning to shift and get it to run when I let the clutch out. any tips on this
are welcome. I am excited to ride.

Water Warrior 2 06-05-2011 01:06 AM

Re: First time Rider and Owner
DeeDee, glad to have a new member join us and share our riding pleasure. Question for you. Have you taken a riding course from a decent instructor ? This is the best way to learn and develope good habit and not develope bad/dangerous habits. Also pick up a copy of Proficient Motorcycling by David Hough. In his writings he explains so many small details that you will be amazed. We can help with certain questions and I will it leave up to another to explain the clutch control etc but please do the course and reading. It is the best and cheapest life insurance you can buy.

alantf 06-05-2011 06:48 AM

Re: First time Rider and Owner
I think America is the only country in the world with predominantly automatic cars. This means that no one with a car licence is used to using a clutch. In all other countries, car drivers who move on to motorcycles are used to using a clutch. In England, if you pass your test in an automatic, that's all you're allowed to drive. If you then want to drive a manual car, you have to take another test, in a manual car.

I think the best advice I can give you is to find somewhere quiet, get a few revs on the bike - in 1st gear with the clutch pulled in - ('til it sounds like there's enough revs for it to move off) then let the clutch out smoothly until the bike feels as though it wants to move off. Pull the clutch in, and try it again. Keep doing this until you can feel this point without having to think about it.

Next step is to find this point, then, simultaneously, get a few more revs and let the clutch out fully (smoothly) and move off, accelerating gently as you do so. Pull the clutch in, stop, and do it again, until you feel comfortable. Don't forget, you MUST pull the clutch in before you stop, or you will stall the engine.

Hope this helps to explain the basics. :)

DeeDee 06-05-2011 05:01 PM

Re: First time Rider and Owner
Thank you for all the information. I have forgot to pull the clutch in. I will figure this out I took the riders course
That helped alot. Have been riding in the fair grounds. I had a miner tip and broke my tail light
Someone tell me it gets better

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