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patrick_777 06-17-2008 01:01 AM

Nicely done and VERY clean looking. Are you planning on cutting those bolts off and capping them?

Orpheus 06-17-2008 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by patrick_777
Nicely done and VERY clean looking. Are you planning on cutting those bolts off and capping them?


gnu88001 07-11-2008 09:52 AM

Great setup! Just what I was looking for! I'm 6'1" tall so the GZ is a tad cramped on trips longer than an hour or so. Thank you for the idea.

--Gary :2tup:

countrydad 07-11-2008 12:50 PM

Looks great! I am also a long legged guy and need something like this. Hope you don't mind if I copy.

Orpheus 07-11-2008 02:27 PM

Here's the latest update:

I cut down the bolts and capped them and I think it looks much better now. Here's a pic:


And here's a close-up of the j-bolts and how the whole thing's attached together:


I went on a camping trip this past weekend and I finally got a chance to use it on a long trip, rather than just around-town riding. It was really nice to have a way to stretch out during the ride, and I'd recommend it to anyone who does more than just short, local commuting. I found that it's nice to put my feet on the pegs, but if I totally stretch out and rest my legs on top of it, it's like having an ottoman attached to the bike. If I had some handlebars that pulled back a little more, a seat pad, and a backrest, it would be like riding a recliner. One note of caution, though: my legs are pretty short (31" inseam); if you have legs that are any longer, I'd say that you'll want to make the bar around 22"-24" wide rather than the 20" that I have. Also, the right bar is somewhat close to the brake and if you have big feet, it might get in the way a little; you'll have to make a conscious effort to get you foot underneath the bar whenever you brake (similar to moving your toe under the shifter with your left foot).

cconleyjr 07-13-2008 02:27 PM

have you thought about marketing that as a kit

Orpheus 07-13-2008 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by cconleyjr
have you thought about marketing that as a kit

It's not really too "professional" but anyone who's interested can certainly copy what I've done. If I had more time and money, as well as some welding experience, I'd really like to see what I could do with this idea; as it is, it's pretty nice though.

mcintyre_aerospace 07-14-2008 07:54 PM

Very Nice

I might try this, maybe with some good solid chrome pipe and just cap it and make the actial pipe the pegs as well, maybe with a lathe or something. It may take a little while, but Ill give it a try.

Orpheus 07-14-2008 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by mcintyre_aerospace
Very Nice

I might try this, maybe with some good solid chrome pipe and just cap it and make the actial pipe the pegs as well, maybe with a lathe or something. It may take a little while, but Ill give it a try.

Yeah, if I had a garage and some power tools, I'd be all over this bike with custom stuff; as it is, I'm stuck in an apartment until I'm done with school, and the only "power tool" I own is a cordless screwdriver.

This type of highway bar that I've made is nice because of its simplicity; a couple of cuts and a couple of holes and bolt the whole damn thing together and you're done.

emi_ace 05-21-2010 05:53 PM

Re: Highway Bars
I am going to build a set tomorrow kind of a miz of your design and a few ideas I have came up with. As soon as it is done I will post some pics. Wish me luck.

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