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mainlinecoffee 03-01-2014 01:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Almost done!

Water Warrior 2 03-01-2014 05:26 PM

Freaky, just plain freaky. Right out of the 60's. How many quarts of water will the exhaust pipe hold? :hehe:

mainlinecoffee 03-01-2014 07:19 PM

I'd say four quarts...still a lot to do with the sissy bar though. Also sometime last week one of my neighbors gifted me with a cut throttle cable so still trying to fix that.

Goose51683 03-01-2014 08:46 PM

Wow, where do you live? I never understood why people mess with other peoples stuff. I would be on the warpath if it was me though.

mainlinecoffee 03-01-2014 09:17 PM

We live in a "townhouse" community...really just a big apartment complex with a crummy pool and dusty weight room,mostly up and coming family's and mediocre drug dealers. I am fairly certain it is because I am openly gay and live with my boyfriend of two years. In the past year my truck has been broke in and 300 bucks worth of tools walked off than the day after thanksgiving someone kicked in the window on my boyfriends car stealing two bags of clothes and one single diet coke. Than my truck was vandalized and now my bike... The shitty part is the bedroom is on the far side of the parking lot and I am a very heavy sleeper. After my truck I put 40 bucks on the dashboard and sat in my kitchen window with a 12 gauge loaded with tungsten drill bits and wood screws for ten days...never caught anyone. I do have two neighbors that really hate me for no apparent reson though. Only a matter of time before I catch the sorry sack of shit.

Water Warrior 2 03-02-2014 03:19 AM

Good grief, put the gun away and move elsewhere. You shouldn't have to put up with that crap. You surely don't want to be sent to prison for the likes of an idiot if you loose your temper. Shoot with a camera. That is still fairly legal in most cases.

mainlinecoffee 03-02-2014 06:00 AM

Lease is up in a month thank god. I didn't even like the damn place that much and rent was too damn high even before my junkie ex roommate stuck me with all the bills... Truth be told I would love to ask them why. Why cause trouble? Got enough damn problems. On the up side I have wrenches to spin and angles to grind, Pot of coffee and a pack of smokes and look forward to another day.

Goose51683 03-02-2014 10:30 AM

Good god, my life looks damn right perky now. Worst I want to do is beat the hell out of the next snow man I see. Haha. Glad to hear you are getting the heck out of there though. WW's right, its not worth it. The short term satisfaction wouldnt be worth the long term consequences.

Not to mention it makes it hard to have anything nice in a place like that when you know the better it looks the bigger a target it is.

Best of luck finding a better place, not that finding an improvement should be hard at this point.

mainlinecoffee 03-02-2014 01:50 PM

I am shooting for just renting a house on a cut of land,still cheaper than where I am now... In other news I got the fender seat pipe and bar all welded up,I think it looks absolutely wonderful but I will let a jury of my peers decide. Il get some pics up ASAP

Water Warrior 2 03-02-2014 07:48 PM

Your lease is up............great. Moving is the best way to get away from trouble that you don't need.
Being openly Gay is likely the problem. Lots of folks can't handle the thought in their narrow minds. It is their loss, not yours. I know quite a few Gay folks and like them just the same as Straight folk.
One of the most memorable experiences in my life was as a guest at a Gay wedding. It was truly wonderful and a mix of Gays and Straights who were there for their 2 Male friends tying the knot.

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