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mole2 05-12-2011 11:22 PM

Re: First time Rider and Owner

Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
Depends on the state. Plates stay with car in CA. With owner in NY.

That's because Kalifornia is a different country than the US.


Water Warrior 2 05-13-2011 02:02 AM

Re: First time Rider and Owner
dvsdave, soon the ride home will be 20 or 30 miles with a StarBucks tossed in for good measure.

WowWhoaWeeWa 05-29-2011 09:13 PM

Re: First time Rider and Owner

Originally Posted by dvsDave
Done! Class-M Permanent License, Registration and Plates! Only an hour and a half at the DMV. Not too shabby.

Hey, congrats on the "M" and passing MSF. I enjoyed reading about your experience so far with riding. Chuckled some when you mentioned getting up to 55. :-) I'm sure I will have my own stories beginning Wednesday or Thursday!


dvsDave 06-01-2011 10:53 AM

Re: First time Rider and Owner
Well, took the bike this morning to work. Got about halfway there, and it stalled on me. Huh... only 115 miles on it. I'd better switch to reserve. Go another 3 miles to get to the gas station, (uphill the whole way) and it stalls out on me only 150 yards from the station.

*SIGH* Parked the bike on a side street and walked in my boots to get a gas can and gas. Not a fun way to start the day. Thankfully, my boss just thought it was hilarious instead of being upset that I was late.

5th_bike 06-02-2011 10:42 PM

Re: First time Rider and Owner
Hm, it shouldn't stall out on you after only 3 miles on reserve; reserve should take you at least 30 miles.

And a full tank should last more than 150 miles before hitting reserve.

There could be something else going on, like dirt in the carburetor. Hope it cleans up by itself.

dvsDave 06-03-2011 07:28 AM

Re: First time Rider and Owner
To be honest, I'm not sure how close I can get to the top of the tank when I top it off, I might not have had a full tank.

blaine 06-03-2011 07:35 AM

Re: First time Rider and Owner

Originally Posted by dvsDave
To be honest, I'm not sure how close I can get to the top of the tank when I top it off, I might not have had a full tank.

Reserve still should still take you about 30 miles not 3 miles.Sounds like you may have a petcock issue. (dirty pickup screens)
:) :cool:

alantf 06-03-2011 12:25 PM

Re: First time Rider and Owner

Originally Posted by dvsDave
I'm not sure how close I can get to the top of the tank when I top it off

Tank should be filled to level with the metal thingummy with the hole in it, under the filler cap. This allows for expansion. :2tup:

geezer 06-03-2011 04:07 PM

Re: First time Rider and Owner
did you have the valve on the reserve postion the whole time? its missleading for me anyway and this happen to me once too, luckly i made it home but it was close.

dvsDave 06-03-2011 04:11 PM

Re: First time Rider and Owner
I've got a 2000, does the short side or the long side point to the position?

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