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greatmaul 04-17-2012 02:49 PM

Re: I need to learn how to wave!
I actually find it easier to wave on the interstate than surface streets - less distractions like red lights, pedestrians and stopped cars. Of course, I'm almost always on the interstate, so that could explain it, too.

Apart from that, been practicing waving for about 7 months now and I still feel like I can't do it right. :P

Water Warrior 2 04-17-2012 06:04 PM

Re: I need to learn how to wave!

Originally Posted by greatmaul
I actually find it easier to wave on the interstate than surface streets - less distractions like red lights, pedestrians and stopped cars. Of course, I'm almost always on the interstate, so that could explain it, too.

Apart from that, been practicing waving for about 7 months now and I still feel like I can't do it right. :P

There is not really a wrong way to wave. There is some caution involved though. Never just throw your whole arm out into the wind in a manner that might unbalance you. It will make for exciting times.

greatmaul 04-19-2012 02:29 AM

Re: I need to learn how to wave!

Originally Posted by Water Warrior
Never just throw your whole arm out into the wind in a manner that might unbalance you. It will make for exciting times.

Heheh, yeah I think I remember doing just that very thing the first time.
Good times.
:whistle: :crackup

Rookie Rider 04-21-2012 03:17 PM

Re: I need to learn how to wave!
Ive been riding for a year now, and i just give the peace sign with my fingers pointing slightly downward with my arm extended, I used to be afraid to let the handlebars go with my one hand. Now, phsssshh, no problem. Or, just give a head nod.

Scheezo 04-21-2012 08:37 PM

Re: I need to learn how to wave!
Sometimes I just hold my hand a little bit off the clutch side and point. It doesn't matter. You'll see all kinds of waves and sometimes just head nods. I wave at all bikes, even Harley owners who don't wave back. They're not the only ones who wont wave. I used to pass a Suzuki every day on my way to work who would never wave. I waved every time. Just cuz I have a GZ doesn't mean anything. I've been riding for15 years, I just like to spend less on gas for now. I respect all riders as we all should. I don't wave on the interstate however. There is too much going on. Get used to your bike and wave when you feel up for it.

Skunkhome 05-02-2012 09:45 PM

Re: I need to learn how to wave!
I like to lay the heel of my clutch hand on my thigh and rotate a peace sign out toward the other biker. At a red light when my clutch hand is busy I like to salute off the brim of my helmit. Old military throwback!

Chim 05-24-2012 08:42 AM

Re: I need to learn how to wave!
Well, yesterday, I gave my first wave! (And got a wave back :) )

I work at a campground near DC, so we've been getting lots of people from Rolling Thunder coming in, passed one of them on my way out and couldn't resist giving it a shot. :)

bpdchief 05-26-2012 06:36 PM

Re: I need to learn how to wave!
Everybody except scooters wave when I pass. Even some of the deputies who ignore my LEO tag on my car wave at me on the bike.
Had a discussion with a HD rider the other day.. asked when I was going to get a real bike. I said, your bike does 65 - so does mine.. that's the speed limit right? He says yeah. What kind of mpg you get? He says, 35-42 depending... So, I can go anywhere you can at the same speed and I get 70-75 mpg doing it. Why do I need to buy a "REAL" bike

Water Warrior 2 05-26-2012 08:41 PM

Re: I need to learn how to wave!

Originally Posted by bpdchief
Everybody except scooters wave when I pass. Even some of the deputies who ignore my LEO tag on my car wave at me on the bike.
Had a discussion with a HD rider the other day.. asked when I was going to get a real bike. I said, your bike does 65 - so does mine.. that's the speed limit right? He says yeah. What kind of mpg you get? He says, 35-42 depending... So, I can go anywhere you can at the same speed and I get 70-75 mpg doing it. Why do I need to buy a "REAL" bike

One of the only reasons to buy a "Real Bike" is abundant dealers anywhere you go. Well, that and they also sell a life style like no other in the world.

greatmaul 05-30-2012 11:04 PM

Re: I need to learn how to wave!

Originally Posted by bpdchief
Had a discussion with a HD rider the other day.. asked when I was going to get a real bike. I said, your bike does 65 - so does mine.. that's the speed limit right? He says yeah. What kind of mpg you get? He says, 35-42 depending... So, I can go anywhere you can at the same speed and I get 70-75 mpg doing it. Why do I need to buy a "REAL" bike

I don't get it, either, but I do tend to expect it now. Just had a visit with an uncle the other day who rides a big 1100 Honda, but dreams of a Harley, and the first thing out of his mouth was when was I going to "move up."

I think it comes from how they define the word biker. They want to look like a biker from a gang, like in the movies, and until they do, they just don't feel like a biker. Maybe we need a new word, because it seems like, "biker" will forever be associated with leather vests, spiked knuckles and Harleys.

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