Easy Rider |
10-10-2010 10:43 AM |
Re: Hello Im a new owner of a GZ250 in MD
Originally Posted by menesesjesse
I pulled the jets and cleaned them along with the float circuit.
I will try the fuel additive but I think this is a long shot due to the time the bike sat inside.
Sounds like you are pretty much on top of it; I'm not sure that any additional tear down would really accumplish anything useful. On many models, the low speed, idle jet is not removable (don't remember about the GZ) and has the smallest passages that plug the easiest.
Did you remove the plug on the idle mix. screw and remove it and clean out that "hole" good too ?? On most, that's about as close to the idle jet as you can get........and then allows you to richen up the idle just a tad when you're done.
Have we mentioned that the GZ doesn't run worth a crap without the stock air filter in place......and the air box all sealed up, including the cap on the end of the drain tube ??