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Easy Rider 01-03-2009 03:03 PM

Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Originally Posted by tampadeb
i got mine to 86 2 days ago. did it twice on the courtney campbell causeway.

hubby said his 750 said i was going 90+ but mine only said 85 with the line on the top.

No fair getting a tow from a pelican !! :biggrin:

Of all the bikes I've owned (a dozen or so), the speedo on the GZ is the most accurate I've seen. Most read high so I'd be inclined to think you are closer than he is.

Water Warrior 2 01-03-2009 08:15 PM

Re: Speed Record for the GZ250
The VStrom also reads higher than actual but the GZ seems to be very close when compared to roadside speed/radar signs. Need a GPS to actually see how bad the VStrom is. Also have tinkered with the idea of a bicycle speedo. The little computerized units are very accurate and cheap.

Chris 01-11-2009 02:00 PM

Re: Speed Record for the GZ250
Hi, guys,
I'm the original guy that posted "Speed Record...".
I put a velcro trip on my gas tank and another on my GPS so it sticks right in front. Hard to read when I am riding, but it sure is handy to find out where I am on my long country rides.
My GPS tells me the speedometer on my GZ is very accurate.

Retired guy near Atlanta
GZ is my 12th bike

Water Warrior 2 01-11-2009 05:22 PM

Re: Speed Record for the GZ250
In the search for a GPS I found one that was affordable on a half price sale just after New Years. Have a Nextar X3. Quite simple to use even for my technology challenged brain. Seems to do what I require and the voice commands are great. No other functions except for music but not while in Nav mode. Tried it in the truck and we were very entertained with it's abilities. Just found a site that is mailing a handlebar mount so just waiting for warmer weather to do a ride test.

Chris 01-13-2009 10:55 AM

Re: Speed Record for the GZ250
(from Chris, the original subject author)

Water Warrior,
The handlebar mount will probably shake the GPS a lot and be bad for it. You cannot read the GPS (or listen to it) while riding so having it so convienent will not be important.
I think my velcro on the gas tank is a good solution. I can stop and quickly check the GPS which I do often.
What does "Water Warrior" mean??

Chris, retired near Atlanta

alanmcorcoran 01-13-2009 01:13 PM

Re: Speed Record for the GZ250
When I went down to the rental place to check out the big cuiser, it had a GPS mounted on it, I think to the bars. It was a flexible post style mounting like the old in-car cellular telephone mountings that came up from the floorboards next to the center console. It's not an apples to apples comparison as this was a bigger bike, but, I could definitely see the display. (I remember it saying I was out of gas [it was wrong, but I didn't know they "knew" stuff like that.])

It might have been mounted to the tank. If anyone is curious, I can find out.

Water Warrior 2 01-13-2009 06:03 PM

Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Originally Posted by Chris
(from Chris, the original subject author)

Water Warrior,
The handlebar mount will probably shake the GPS a lot and be bad for it. You cannot read the GPS (or listen to it) while riding so having it so convienent will not be important.
I think my velcro on the gas tank is a good solution. I can stop and quickly check the GPS which I do often.
What does "Water Warrior" mean??

Chris, retired near Atlanta

Not too worried about vibration on the VStrom but it is still a consideration. There are many VStrom riders with GPS units and rarely is vibs a problem. Having said that mine will shake itself to death in the first 5 minutes.

WW refers to the fact that I worked in 2 water treatment plants for 25 years. It seemed that we were always at war with Mother Nature and her water. Good clean drinking water is hard to come by without a lot of work and dedication to the product. When you start out with muddy looking water the fun begins. We supplied H2O to approx a million folks and all the industry that goes with them.

Chris 01-31-2009 11:11 AM

Re: Speed Record for the GZ250
Hello to Water Warrior! It has been a couple of weeks since I checked this thread.
I thought the "Water Warrior" guy might be a boater. I am a boater and buy/sell boats a bit, usually about two a year. RIght now I am in a small SeaDoo jet boat - what a hoot!
So you work in the water industry? I've always been interested in water, especially ground water. Spring water is interesting to me and I have snorkelled in most of the springs on north Florida.
Keep up the good work.

Chris, retired near Atlanta

Water Warrior 2 01-31-2009 03:38 PM

Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Originally Posted by Chris
Hello to Water Warrior! It has been a couple of weeks since I checked this thread.
I thought the "Water Warrior" guy might be a boater. I am a boater and buy/sell boats a bit, usually about two a year. RIght now I am in a small SeaDoo jet boat - what a hoot!
So you work in the water industry? I've always been interested in water, especially ground water. Spring water is interesting to me and I have snorkelled in most of the springs on north Florida.
Keep up the good work.

Chris, retired near Atlanta

Chris, you missed the key word, "WORKED". Past tense. Retired 4 years ago this coming April. The only thing a little sucky about retirement is the lower income but I have only myself to blame. Overall retirement is a good life.

Chris 02-02-2009 01:54 PM

Re: Speed Record for the GZ250
Retirement is sure good to me. At 57 I was self employed so I did not have a retirement party, etc., I just quit working! Finally got enough to retire and I said "That's enough!". Now I do financial counseling at church and try to talk folks into early retirement.
Now I only do two things: I do a lot of church stuff and I do a lot of fun stuff. A good life.
Waiting on warmer weather. Even in Georgia it is in the low 40's so I am not riding.

Chris, retired near Atlanta

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