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jonathan180iq 07-26-2021 04:48 PM

This is right after I got it home. I had about 45 minutes so I cleaned her up with a little hand towel and some lucas spot wash.

Changed the oil and replaced the air filter

And did my first tiny "restoration" project - refinishing the chain guard.

Vegas Street Rider 07-27-2021 11:32 AM

Nice. Should give you lots of pleasure being on two wheels again.

jonathan180iq 09-27-2021 10:19 AM

Since the forum has been so utterly quiet lately, I thought I would give a few updates on the Nighthawk!

I solved my non-flashing turn signal issues with a $4 Amazon relay...

I found a really awesome bike stand at Harbor Freight for $30...

I installed a 15T front sprocket...

Lowered the handlebars and installed a rear luggage rack...

And went on lots of rides



Vegas Street Rider 09-27-2021 11:24 AM

Nice pics. I have that same bike stand for my GZ, but I had to put some small wooden blocks inside the frame cradles because it wouldn't clear the muffler on the right side.

I haven't spent too much time on my bike lately due to the extreme heat here in Vegas. It is no fun when it is around 110 degrees out. It is just starting to cool down a little here and there so I am planning on taking a ride on my favorite twisty road in the Lake Mead Recreation Area in the near future. Stay safe.

jonathan180iq 10-04-2021 08:58 AM

Yeah, at first I didn't understand why my rear tire wouldn't fully spin around. Turned out that the rubber grommets and coating of the swivel brackets were contacting the axle bolts and stopping them in place.

I had to force a few spins to wear the rubber coating off and every since then it's been just great! Very handy. I love it.

I wished these has been around, and not $100, when I had my GZ. I always just used the wooden stands that Bad Bob had made.

EddieSC 10-08-2021 02:51 AM

Y'know, I've been thinking about grabbing one of those stands from the HF up the road from me. Pretty sure ya just sold me on it.

Your Nighthawk looks great, glad you're enjoying it!

jonathan180iq 10-08-2021 01:14 PM

Totally worth it. I think even without the discount they're only like $45

jonathan180iq 10-11-2021 03:51 PM

Added an old stock factory engine guard to the Nighthawk yesterday. Took more work than I ad anticipated, but happy to have it - not just for protection, but also for another place to mount accessories.



jonathan180iq 11-16-2021 01:04 PM

We recently purchased a new house, and for the first time in 10 years, I have a paved driveway!

I gave the Nighthawk a proper wash for the first time since I've owned it. Pics never do it justice, but just the general sheen and brilliance that it brought back to the whole machine was wonderful!


jonathan180iq 11-16-2021 01:07 PM

I've been toying around with removing the front headlight fairing for a couple of months now, and finally went ahead and did it. It took a minute for my eyes to see the bike for what it truly is, but I really like this aesthetic a lot more, especially while riding.



In a corresponding move, I also picked up some of my favorite mirrors ever - those for the GZ! They'll be here Thursday and I'll update pics then.

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