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mainlinecoffee 07-14-2014 05:59 PM

Yeah I had one sitting on my living room table for the longest time,finally went to good use.

mainlinecoffee 07-19-2014 07:36 PM

Well made it to the rally,three hours through the gate I was sopping wet and freezing. Finally slept and someone stole my full gas can from off the side of my bike,take a walk and some drunk pricks give me the rundown on why I should finish there whiskey,right before the fat one puked on my boots. Second day is sucking just as bad. Won second place in rat class and bullshitted around for a bit,I have sence then had to panhandle gas money because I spent mine on oil when I realized I was almost a half qt low due to leaky head gasket,ran out of gas on the interstate and had half the contents of my bag lost,mostly tools my trophy and my oil....I can't shake this feeling that I must have really pissed off a witch doctor or something...fuck it.

Water Warrior 2 07-20-2014 01:05 AM

Sounds like a really sucky weekend overall. Congrats on the trophy though. Stuff happens but don't let it get you down. You did get there and back un-injured with a story to tell.

mainlinecoffee 07-20-2014 02:11 PM

Yeah after a good nights sleep Ive decided it was a pretty great trip but with really low low points,was still a good time though,mostly.

Rookie Rider 07-20-2014 04:52 PM

Congrats on taking 2nd place. Your bike looks great.

mainlinecoffee 07-20-2014 08:41 PM

Thank you! I think it's pretty sweet... Here's a pic of the guy that beat me

mainlinecoffee 07-20-2014 08:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm no doctor but I think this thing is a chopper not a rat...

studysession 07-20-2014 09:22 PM

thanks for sharing this - your bike rocks

grasshopper 07-28-2014 09:06 AM

Congrats on winning 2nd. Sorry about the harsh moments during the weekend. The good and bad normally come together, that's how we can tell the difference between the two. Bike looks cool! I think that other bike is a chopper from what I see.

mainlinecoffee 07-28-2014 01:41 PM

Thanks for the kind words grasshopper,all in all I have no regrets but I may not be so quick to roll out there next year. I think the judges were on drugs but that's just me.

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