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advant63 03-12-2011 11:01 PM

Re: new 09 gz
i installed a spitfire wind shield tonight. looks okay. should do the job.

Water Warrior 2 03-12-2011 11:14 PM

Re: new 09 gz
That shield works well on a GZ. Lynda was surprised how many bugs she collected riding across the prairies. Hmm, would it be safe to assume you removed the bar end weights to get the bike through doorways ?

blaine 03-12-2011 11:28 PM

Re: new 09 gz
I had the Spitfire shield on my G.Z. It worked well,except I had a hard time keeping it steady.Even in the instructions it says to have it against the headlight or speedometer to keep it from vibrating and if you do this,you either mark the chrome on the headlight or mark the front of the speedometer.I put a clear furniture bumper between the shield and the speedometer to keep it from marking the speedometer. I later switched to a National Cycle street shield that mounts on at 4 points rather than 2 points like the Spitfire.A much sturdier design.
:cool: :2tup:

cayuse 03-13-2011 12:08 AM

Re: new 09 gz
I've still got the Spitfire on my ride, and it is a little unstable unless you can jam it against the speedo. I'm constantly retightening the screws. It also makes my ride a lot noisier, I think because my helmet is right in line with the wind spilling over the top. It cuts the wind nicely, though, and yes, it catches a lot of bugs. I like the look of the bike with it on; I think it helps make the bike look a little more substantial to oncoming traffic. Mine is mounted a few inches higher than yours which makes me think that might be why I have so much wind noise. I'm going to try dropping it down this season to see what happens.

advant63 03-13-2011 12:42 AM

Re: new 09 gz

would it be safe to assume you removed the bar end weights to get the bike through doorways ?
good eye. they were never installed. they're still in their bubble wrap on the dining room table. :roll:


I had the Spitfire shield on my G.Z. It worked well,except I had a hard time keeping it steady.Even in the instructions it says to have it against the headlight or speedometer to keep it from vibrating.I later switched to a National Cycle street shield that mounts on at 4 points rather than 2 points like the Spitfire.A much sturdier design.
i can see that happening. i was thinking it needs a third mounting strut down low to strengthen it.


Mine is mounted a few inches higher than yours which makes me think that might be why I have so much wind noise. I'm going to try dropping it down this season to see what happens.
i know what you mean. if any thing it may end up lying even further back. my wife and i are the same size so i should be able to dial it in for best results. i recently traded rides with a silverwing scooter with a high shield. my head was buffeted quite badly an would have preferred no shield at all.

Water Warrior 2 03-13-2011 03:50 AM

Re: new 09 gz
Windshields, head buffeting and noise are all different to each rider and bike combo. A rule of thumb for the windshield is mount it initially in line with the forks. 2 parallel lines sort of thing. Helmet buffeting and noise is due to bike shape. rider shape, helmet shape, shield shape, and probably the phase of the moon. A full face helmet will catch a lot of noise from lower down on the bike(don't ask me how I know)so ear plugs are a must in most cases. Actually ear plugs should be mandatory when riding in my opinion. I did find a different helmet shape is sometimes quieter.
When we picked up the GZ I rode it home(probably 2 hours minimum)and never had a problem with buffeting or noise with a full face and earplugs, even on the highway. After a couple years and a windshield install I almost went crazy riding across town at lower speeds. The noise and lower wind blast was incredible. Lynda never had a problem. Go figure.

cayuse 03-13-2011 09:25 PM

Re: new 09 gz
Yeah, there are a lot of variables. I don't notice buffeting but I do notice a howling wind noise when I have the windshield on, vs the sound of the engine with it off. It's nice to hear the engine. I use ear plugs on any ride over 10 minutes.

RamAir 04-05-2011 11:34 PM

Re: new 09 gz
You gotta get the angle right and hight right! I figured it out on my bike with how I like to lean back and sit for long rides! The wind hit the topish of my helmet and kept swooping over my head instead of going right over and creating a low pressure zone right behind it and bloing air from under the sheild OR from hitting me in the face and cousing turbulenceay!

I am looking for a bigger windsheild for the future though. One thats longer and bigger so I can keep more wind off me and streamline the bike more by increasing the angle! I found the bike fastish on the highways with the windsheild put on right! :)

Water Warrior 2 04-06-2011 12:43 AM

Re: new 09 gz
RamAir, lowers might be an option to consider. A lot of wind and wind noise comes from down below.

RamAir 04-07-2011 05:18 AM

Re: new 09 gz
WW You mean lower windseilds? Your kinda alking o a noob ere ars are more my ing no bike! :P

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