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Water Warrior 2 11-25-2010 06:47 PM

Re: Hai Guys!
Cold weather riding gear would not be enough today.

cayuse 11-26-2010 12:20 AM

Re: Hai Guys!
Looks very familiar, WW.
It's sprocket-changing weather!

alantf 11-26-2010 04:53 AM

Re: Hai Guys!
Yeah, my missus is going to England next friday, to do her Christmas shopping. It's around 65ºf here, but on the news it says that England's had the earliest snow for 17 years, & the country's nearly come to a standstill. Glad it's her & not me. I had enough of the snow when I went over to my daughter's last Christmas. :cry:

Water Warrior 2 11-26-2010 05:20 AM

Re: Hai Guys!
Alantf, it is just after 2:00 in the morning here and the snow plows, highways and parking lots are all involved in snow removal.
Just a few days ago we had the coldest temps in 25 years with windchill factors of -40 C(40 below F). Of course that was my day to run errands. BRRRR. Haven't been in those kind of conditions since I moved from the Canadian Prairies. And to think that used to be quite normal and acceptable for me. I guess I am a lot softer than I used to be.

alantf 11-28-2010 09:21 AM

Re: Hai Guys!

Not as bad as Canada, but bad enough for me to be glad that I'm at where I'm at. :tup:

alantf 11-28-2010 02:20 PM

Re: Hai Guys!
Never should've said that I'm glad I'm at where I'm at. We've just been put on red alert, across the Canaries (7 islands). The authorities reckon there's going to be winds around 100mph & torrential rain, from 10 o'clock tonight. They're taking it so seriously that they've shut down all the schools, academies, universities etc. for tomorrow. it's around 7.15 pm now, and an unnaturally hot, strong, wind is starting up. we've just spent the last hour clearing the patio of anything moveable. Now it's just a case of "battening down the hatches" & sitting it out. :curse:

PhyPhoestilic 11-28-2010 07:38 PM

Re: Hai Guys!
So I was looking for a upgrade already since I couldn't get this thing to move me going up hills. Then I started searching and reading more threads and came across the gear commander site that someone posted in one of the threads. I realized I've been shifting at around 4k (4.5 max) rpm and that was probably why I was never really going anywhere. Because its my first bike and i haven't developed a ear for the engine yet. I went on a hour long test run today taking on different hills I encounter on a regular basis, and I gotta say, shifting at 4.5k compared to 7k makes a HUGE difference. I was a little scared at first cause when the engine starts shaking a little I feel like it's gonna explode, but when i checked the speed to RPM ratio I found out I was only at like 6k RPM. I started building my confidence up slowly and now I shift around 6k-7k RPM for a good amount of power while still knowing that I have a good cushion for the engine. Taking 4th gear up to 55MPH still scares the crap outta me cause the engine is so loud, but it's getting better.

Now it feels like I have a whole new motorcycle. I can probably wait a few months before upgrading (lets face it, this geezer still wont go 70 without hesitation).

Water Warrior 2 11-29-2010 01:17 AM

Re: Hai Guys!
Alantf, hang in there and keep some candles handy for when the lights go out.

Water Warrior 2 11-29-2010 01:29 AM

Re: Hai Guys!

Originally Posted by PhyPhoestilic
So I was looking for a upgrade already since I couldn't get this thing to move me going up hills. Then I started searching and reading more threads and came across the gear commander site that someone posted in one of the threads. I realized I've been shifting at around 4k (4.5 max) rpm and that was probably why I was never really going anywhere. Because its my first bike and i haven't developed a ear for the engine yet. I went on a hour long test run today taking on different hills I encounter on a regular basis, and I gotta say, shifting at 4.5k compared to 7k makes a HUGE difference. I was a little scared at first cause when the engine starts shaking a little I feel like it's gonna explode, but when i checked the speed to RPM ratio I found out I was only at like 6k RPM. I started building my confidence up slowly and now I shift around 6k-7k RPM for a good amount of power while still knowing that I have a good cushion for the engine. Taking 4th gear up to 55MPH still scares the crap outta me cause the engine is so loud, but it's getting better.

Now it feels like I have a whole new motorcycle. I can probably wait a few months before upgrading (lets face it, this geezer still wont go 70 without hesitation).

Give yourself more time to bond with the bike. Keep riding and learn it's sweet spot and it's abilities to haul you around. When ridden within it's capabilities the GZ is a winner every time. Don't be in a hurry to outgrow the bike. Develop your skills on the GZ before moving up. A bigger bike won't make you a better rider just a faster rider.

alantf 11-29-2010 06:03 AM

Re: Hai Guys!

Originally Posted by Water Warrior
Alantf, hang in there and keep some candles handy for when the lights go out.

So...... at midnight, I was watching the news about the devastation on the other islands, and even the far north of our island, & wondering when we were going to get it. At quarter past midnight I went to bed - and the winds started - Hardly slept all night, with the wind, & things being hurled around. The power went off around 7 am, so we went out onto the patio to survey the damage - total devastation - and difficulty standing upright. All the plantpots over, with soil everywhere - my tomatoes ruined - the wind up umbrella with a concrete block on the base was on its side. Then, suddenly, a 4 foot by 4 foot cover from one of the water tanks on the roof came flying past & just missed us. The power came back on at 10.30 - after I'd had my shower by portable gas lamp (our shower room doesn't have windows) The rains started, but now it's raining then stopping, just like the wind - that's howling, then dying down, then howling again, so we won't be going out today. They say we're in for it until tomorrow (tuesday)

Here's a photo of the branches ripped off the trees, in the gardens opposite us. (and the wind blowing the trees from left to right)[attachment=0:2lw8u91d]Picture 002.jpg[/attachment:2lw8u91d]

As I'm writing this, the torrential rain's started up again, but the wind's died down for the moment. Ah well, I suppose it'll start up again in a few minutes. :sad:

EDIT:- I've just re-read this, & it doesn't even start to convey what conditions are like. It's just come over the news, not to venture out unless your journey is urgent - & a list of roads that are blocked due to fallen trees, masonry etc.

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