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BillInGA 07-29-2010 01:34 PM

Re: Newbie Mistakes
A very good post. Notice that that the recurring theme is that the lapse in following procedures is accompanied by some form of distraction - getting yelled at by an instructor; riding with a group; focusing on running an errand; etc. I have experienced the same thing. It was helpful for me to establish both a starting and stopping procedure and to always follow them. Sometimes I can feel myself getting distracted and I have to tell myself to take a step back, refocus and follow the procedures.

Edited for typos

cayuse 07-29-2010 01:41 PM

Re: Newbie Mistakes
you've hit the nail on the head, Bill. :2tup:

dhgeyer 07-29-2010 07:03 PM

Re: Newbie Mistakes
I don't know how many times I've gassed up and ridden off with the tank bag someplace it shouldn't be. It only fell off once, and luckily I saw it in the mirror, and it wasn't beaten up too badly.

One of the hardest things about my cross continent trip in May was establishing and maintaining the kind of routine BillInGa describes above. For example when stopping for fuel/pit stop/water, always put the wallet in one jacket pocket, the Blackberry in the other, the key in a certain pocket, earplugs here, helmet there, do everything in a certain order and check everything twice before leaving. Even so I dropped the bike key on the floor of a convenience store once, and had to go back and find it. I always carry two, but I was appalled at how close I came to losing one. It's not like a car. There's just so much to remember.

GZ Jess 07-29-2010 08:07 PM

Re: Newbie Mistakes
I think fanny packs are hideous but, I use a purse thing that clips on my belt loops. This helps me a lot when it comes to all the little things that would just sit in a car but need secured on a bike. My wallet, Blackberry, chapstick, keys and gum or mints and sometimes my camera all fit and I can usually get to them if I really need to while riding. That's the stuff I usually need on hand when doing a day ride.


Water Warrior 2 07-29-2010 11:56 PM

Re: Newbie Mistakes
A good tank bag is very handy providing you never leave it on the bike for some low life to grab.

alantf 07-30-2010 10:22 AM

Re: Newbie Mistakes

Originally Posted by GZ Jess
I think fanny packs are hideous but, I use a purse thing that clips on my belt loops.

I've got something similar, but I find that it sits just where the bottom of my jacket comes to. I can either pull my jacket below it, so it sits somewhere round my waist, or pull my jacket up, so that the waistband is somewhere just below my armpit. Both are hidiously uncomfortable, so I'm lucky that my jacket has LOTS of zippered pockets. :2tup:

Zackman 08-25-2010 12:53 AM

Re: Newbie Mistakes

Originally Posted by alantf

Originally Posted by SuziQ07
it's so relaxing to just be the passenger.

I'm really glad you've said that. A lot of folk on here (including really experienced riders) have said that they would NEVER carry passengers, & have gone as far as removing the pillion seat. I'm just the opposite. My missus travels on the back as often as possible, & prefers it to the car. I wouldn't refuse to carry anyone who asked me - it's a great way to give them their first experience of two wheels. I just can't understand the mentality of anyone with a vehicle built for two, to prefer being on their own. Even my granddaughters (in their twenties) ride behind me, & even if they don't want a bike of their own, they love the freedom of being on two wheels. :2tup:

It was actually a friend giving me a ride 10 years ago that got me interested in riding. He had a sport bike and took me for a ride in a small neighborhood. I still remember a lot of the ride! It was a great time and it was really fun.

Water Warrior 2 08-25-2010 05:01 AM

Re: Newbie Mistakes
After my first ride on the back of a bike I should have been turned away from them for life. 8 years old on the back of a loud red H-D with nothing to hang on to for safety.

alantf 08-25-2010 08:15 AM

Re: Newbie Mistakes

Originally Posted by Water Warrior
on the back of a loud red H-D with nothing to hang on to for safety.

My first thought is "hang on to his balls". A gentle squeeze should be enough for him to slow down. :crackup :crackup

alanmcorcoran 08-25-2010 03:07 PM

Re: Newbie Mistakes
My wife's first ride was on the back of her (then) boyfriend's. Scared the crap out of her, naturally. But not as much as when the same BF decapitated himself several weeks later. One of many reasons I waited until 49 to get one.

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