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dentheman 07-21-2010 02:00 AM

Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.
I do want a TU, but I am having trouble talking myself into accepting that color. I wonder if Suzuki got a good deal on Chinese military surplus vehicle paint.

dhgeyer 07-21-2010 03:32 AM

Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.
I stopped by the local Suzuki dealership Tuesday and asked about all the models that were showing 2008, 2009, and 2010 as current. The salesman told me what WW explained above: they won't make any more of those models until current inventory is sold. That in itself does not mean that they are dropping anything from the line.

ArizonaKev 07-21-2010 01:50 PM

Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.
Phewww.... I am glad to hear that you actually confirmed what WW said dhg. I would hate to think that they would axe the GZ250, especially considering how much gas costs nowadays.

It makes sense though, as I was at my local dealer last week, and they still have a brand new 2009 GZ sitting there for sale. I think the whole "Harley" craze got everyone hooked into buying the big, loud, flashy bikes. But when I looked at the mileage those bikes get, it made me wonder for how much longer that craze will last. Of course, no one really buys a bike like that for the great mileage now, do they? LOL!

I'll take my 70mpg - they can have the "cool" image :2tup:

AZ Kev

Scheezo 07-21-2010 02:08 PM

Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.
When I was looking for my bike I found dozens of 2009's. They seem to sell fairly well but they're still out there. I would like to upgrade to a brand new one in a couple of years so my hope is that they will still be available. I don't really want a TU. I like it and all but like the GZ much better. I can't see myself, at this point, getting a rebel. I do, however, like the Star a lot but the GZ is a much better value IMO.

Sarris 07-21-2010 02:56 PM

Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.

Originally Posted by ArizonaKev
I think the whole "Harley" craze got everyone hooked into buying the big, loud, flashy bikes. But when I looked at the mileage those bikes get, it made me wonder for how much longer that craze will last. Of course, no one really buys a bike like that for the great mileage now, do they? LOL!

I'll take my 70mpg - they can have the "cool" image :2tup:

Have you ever ridden a Harley? I suggest you do before you paint all Harley owners (including me) with such a large brush. I have been riding for almost 40 years and IMHO, you can't beat a Glide for comfort and amenities. I'm sorry if you've had a bad experience with a HD owner. Most are just regular guys and embrace anyone who has the cajones to ride. Remember, it's not what you ride, it is the ride.

So.....please stop the continuing, unwarranted, and ignorant Harley insults. They are unbecoming for an intelligent friendly fellow.

Thanks! :)

alantf 07-21-2010 03:29 PM

Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.

Originally Posted by Sarris
IMHO, you can't beat a Glide for comfort and amenities.

I'm sure I remember you saying that you got one of the last good ones, & that the later versions (the six speed, if I remember rightly) had a lot of problems with cooling, vibrations etc. I think you said that it cost $1000 to put right the faults on new machines. :) :??:

dentheman 07-21-2010 03:55 PM

Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.
I just got back from checking out the local motorcycle shops, just to see what is available out of curiosity. I was surprised to see the huge number of used Harleys and othe big bikes they have at low prices. One guy said he is not accepting any more because he doesn't have any place to put them. But not a single 250 was to be seen. When I said I was looking for something in the 250 to 400 range, the guy said he no longer sells them because after a few weeks the owners bring them back wanting to trade up to something bigger. This sounded odd; if they are bringing back the small bikes, why are there none to be found on the used market around here, and if they are trading up to big bikes, why are there so many used big bikes available? I think he was trying to discourage me from a small bike hoping I would buy a big one.

Scheezo 07-21-2010 03:59 PM

Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.
Dentheman, I went to several bike shops before I found mine and when I said I was looking for something with a 250 engine most of the people said "So are we". They sell fairly well. This guy was probably just a crab apple haha

dentheman 07-21-2010 04:09 PM

Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.

Originally Posted by Scheezo
Dentheman, I went to several bike shops before I found mine and when I said I was looking for something with a 250 engine most of the people said "So are we". They sell fairly well. This guy was probably just a crab apple haha

Here in West Texas I have yet to see any 250 on the road in a year or more. They seem to be big bikes and scooters, nothing in between. When I finally do get my small bike I think it will be something of a curiosity to the locals. I am thinking seriously (still) of a GZ or a TU, particularly the nicer looking 2009 TU (compared to the less 'attractive' looking 2011 TU).

Sarris 07-21-2010 04:10 PM

Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.
Alantf; your memory is correct, although the problems I mentioned were mostly limited to the one model year after the introduction of a new motor (EPA regs) and transmission, and most were corrected in the subsequent model year (as well as under warranty on the affected models).

As far as the "faults" you mention, Harley owners call it (in jest) the Harley tax and it includes an upgraded exhaust, ignition module, and free flow air cleaner. The stock bike runs great off the showroom floor but most owners want a bit louder exhaust, hence the need for the ignition module and air cleaner. Not really faults, just a preference most owners opt for. You take my "Harley humor" the wrong way.

There is no better finished, better embellished, comfortable motorcycle available. They offer more options and add-ons than any other manufacturer, and as I said before, their dealer service is impeccable, if a little expensive.

All I'm saying is , how can you say you don't like oranges if you haven't tasted one? Everyone likes to talk down Harley because of the horror stories from the 70's when they were owned by AMF. Those days are long gone and they make one fine motorcycle today. Try one, you may like it.

Oh... I forgot, you live on an island with about 200 miles of road. Sorry. :cry:

LOL :whistle:

And Den, there are a lot of used ones available because of the high initial cost vs. the bad economy. People are trying to get their cash out for other uses. It's like that with expensive cars as well. There will be a herd of 250's on the market when (if) the economy turns around. Mark my words.

There are rich boy weekend leather up HD riders (usually assholes) and there are real bikers who use their scoot daily. I consider myself the latter. And for my main bike, it's Harley Davidson all the way. Period.


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