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Water Warrior 2 01-03-2010 08:29 PM

Re: Some new riding gear.

Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
Yeah, I could of used a pair of those today. It got down to almost 75 on the way to Ralph's. Brrrr!

At those temps we ride naked in the GWN.

Easy Rider 01-03-2010 09:31 PM

Re: Some new riding gear.

Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
Yeah, I could of used a pair of those today. It got down to almost 75 on the way to Ralph's. Brrrr!

You better enjoy it, Alan. You have somewhat of a unique opportunity to thumb your nose at EVERYBODY else in the country......including Florida....for a few days.

BUT payback is a bitch. :skull:

When you coming to Illinois again ?? :biggrin:

patrick_777 01-04-2010 02:32 AM

Re: Some new riding gear.

Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
Yeah, I could of used a pair of those today. It got down to almost 75 on the way to Ralph's. Brrrr!

:skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:

I'm feeling the urge for some long distance riding this year. I may have to pack up and see where I can go. But this 10 degree wind with snow and ice on the roads is for the birds.

alanmcorcoran 01-04-2010 02:52 AM

Re: Some new riding gear.
I feel like I have contributed some fuel for the forum flame. Content has been a bit light of late. I am sure you guys are aware that one of the (few) benefits of SoCal is the weather and days when we can't ride comfortably are rare. We still have the fires and the overcrowded freeways and the bankruptcy and the taxes and the screwy employment laws and all of the other fun shit you read about, so don't begrudge us our one shining plus. It was truly awesome out there today. I went for my daily walk around the reservoir in running shorts and actually got a little tan.

Happened to get two GZ rides in already in '10: One to Borders and the aforementioned Ralph's. Making good use of the saddlebags.

Easy, I went most of '09 without going anywhere, but I did end up in Chicago at the tail end of August and a few more times in the fall. I've been sort of semi-retired for a while now and my travel is way down. I do anticipate at least one or two trips back to The Windy City in the near future. I might even ride my bike there if I get a gig in the summer.

Apologies to all for hijacking the glove thread. I did get some very nice gloves post Christmas to replace my frayed (hole-y) ICONS. The new pair are all leather and are pretty awesome. I will post a pic if I get motivated.

alantf 01-04-2010 04:53 AM

Re: Some new riding gear.

Originally Posted by Water Warrior
Gonna be a while before we get 55 F. around here.

Yeah, same here, but the temperature is sure to drop to 55 before spring! :whistle:

Sarris 01-04-2010 07:52 AM

Re: Some new riding gear.
Yeah, we're freezin' our asses off down here this week. Lows in the low 30's and high about 52. I don't understand this clothing layering thing. I'm just as cold when I layer 5 pairs of shorts and 5 t-shirts as I am without. What gives? Am I missing something??

Have a niff stippler. O_o

patrick_777 01-04-2010 09:44 AM

Re: Some new riding gear.
You're both killing me. :haha2:


Water Warrior 2 01-04-2010 10:56 AM

Re: Some new riding gear.

Originally Posted by Sarris
Yeah, we're freezin' our asses off down here this week. Lows in the low 30's and high about 52. I don't understand this clothing layering thing. I'm just as cold when I layer 5 pairs of shorts and 5 t-shirts as I am without. What gives? Am I missing something??

Have a niff stippler. O_o

You need windproof shorts and T's.

alanmcorcoran 01-04-2010 12:38 PM

Re: Some new riding gear.
Don't forget a couple pair of sunglasses - you lose 90% of body heat through the head!

Moedad 01-04-2010 05:41 PM

Re: Some new riding gear.
It was so cold this morning that I almost zipped my jacket all the way up.

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