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Easy Rider 05-13-2009 07:42 PM

Re: Shoulda kept the GZ.....sigh

Originally Posted by burkbuilds
Glad you are okay, and the bike only suffered a minor injury! I'll take what you are saying to heart since I just changed over to the Kawasaki Vulcan 500 and it's about the same difference in weight that you experienced with the Shadow.

I guess the lesson is something like: You can ride the GZ most of the time without really even thinking about the mechanics of controlling the bike. It's fun that way. With a bigger bike, you need to pay a little closer attention to the details, especially with very slow manuvers.

Having come "down" from bigger bikes in the past, I am more comfortable with the handling of the Shadow. It seemed that I always had a tendency to over-steer the little machine. Have you noticed that it takes just a tiny bit more effort (maybe a more conscious effort) to get the the Vulcan to turn ??

burkbuilds 05-13-2009 07:51 PM

Re: Shoulda kept the GZ.....sigh
At this point I've put less than 40 miles on it,(just got it last night about 7) and I haven't really been out on any really "twisty" roads much yet, but I did notice that the turning radius in my driveway was a LOT larger than the GZ.

05-13-2009 08:38 PM

Re: Shoulda kept the GZ.....sigh
Well, from my perspective, Easy, I appreciate you sharing this with us. Really a warning to us relative newbies to not let your guard down. If it can happen to a guy with your knowledge and 40 years of riding experience, it can happen to us in a heartbeat (not that what happened was that big of a deal, but now imagine letting your guard down on a fast turn or at an intersection . . .).

I read somewhere that the two "cohorts" most likely to get in an accident are brand new riders (makes sense), but even more "relatively" brand new riders (2 - 3 years riding experience) because they overestimate their skills. Yours is a cautionary tale to us all to keep alert, always.


alanmcorcoran 05-14-2009 05:22 AM

Re: Shoulda kept the GZ.....sigh
I think it's just part of the learning curve. I'm up to ~3000 miles on the Strat and I haven't had any more "incidents", although I wouldn't say I am out of the woods. I have been very careful to stay off the front brakes when the bike is leaned over and in slow (parking lot) turns. It just takes time to adjust to the heavier weight and what you can get away with and what you can't. Part of my problem I think was riding the GZ during the week and the Strat on the weekends. It made it harder to dial into the handling characteristics of the bigger bike.

I'm riding the big bike almost exclusively now and, as soon as gas prices go back up, I will probably sell the GZ. I might hang on to it as a training bike for friends and, possibly, family, but it's not good for it to be sitting in the garage waiting for the occasional "maintenance" ride.

Glad you didn't break anything other than a taillight. You'll get over it in pretty short order.

Easy Rider 05-14-2009 09:37 AM

Re: Shoulda kept the GZ.....sigh

Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
I have been very careful to stay off the front brakes when the bike is leaned over and in slow (parking lot) turns.

Glad you didn't break anything other than a taillight. You'll get over it in pretty short order.

Oh, so NOW you tell me about the front brake ??? :neener: :biggrin:

I'm over the drop already; rode it home and felt fine.

Now, the beating I'm getting here.......that is quite another matter. :cry:

mrlmd1 05-14-2009 10:53 AM

Re: Shoulda kept the GZ.....sigh
The beating is not for dropping or letting the bike lay down and break a piece of replaceable plastic. The beating is for telling them. Why did you do that? :poke2:

Easy Rider 05-14-2009 11:33 AM

Re: Shoulda kept the GZ.....sigh

Originally Posted by mrlmd1
The beating is not for dropping or letting the bike lay down and break a piece of replaceable plastic. The beating is for telling them. Why did you do that? :poke2:

In retrospect, it does look like a mistake, doesn't it. :cry:

No good deed goes unpunished, I guess.

Moedad 05-14-2009 11:34 AM

Re: Shoulda kept the GZ.....sigh

Originally Posted by Easy Rider
Now, the beating I'm getting here.......that is quite another matter. :cry:

Beating? What beating? This is nothing. I think you're projecting. :poke2:

Water Warrior 2 05-14-2009 02:24 PM

Re: Shoulda kept the GZ.....sigh
Easy, maybe getting the drop over and done with is a good thing. Now you can concentrate on riding. :rawk:

patrick_777 05-14-2009 02:53 PM

Re: Shoulda kept the GZ.....sigh

Originally Posted by Easy Rider
Now, the beating I'm getting here.......that is quite another matter.

:poorbaby: :jo:

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