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JWR 04-12-2009 11:40 AM

Re: Top 3 factors in Motorcycle Traffic Fatalities
How do you think this will turn out????


patrick_777 04-12-2009 11:51 AM

Re: Top 3 factors in Motorcycle Traffic Fatalities
"Oh sheeeeeiiiiiiiiiii."

mr. softie 04-12-2009 11:59 AM

Re: Top 3 factors in Motorcycle Traffic Fatalities
The left turn where the driver didn't see you is the classic, followed in my experience with the pulled out of driveway/side street/while looking right at you but didn't see you, and the ever popular changed lanes into you but didn't see you, riding around a corner/curve and didn't see the obstruction/slippery spot/dog/pedestrian/sharpness in time etc. Lots of hazards to be sure. In almost every instance the severity of injury is proportional to the motorcyclists speed. The higher the speed at impact the greater the severity, with death the final rush. While it is exhilarating to ride fast, the peace of mind available to the rider exercising restraint and good judgment is ultimately more sustaining.

Keep an eagle eye out. Ride as though your life depended on your awareness of your situation. The unexpected is just a lack of attention on your part. Driver getting ready to pull out? Be ready! Cover your brakes and slow down so that if he does try to kill you he won't succeed. In JWR's photo the rider, if lucky and more skilled than he appears, will simply low side and scrape himself and bike up, that is if no one is in oncoming lane. If he is unlucky or tries to save the bike he will most likely high side and be severely injured. He definitely was not riding within his abilities as a rider. BTW, how did that turn out?

Great pic by the way Jerry, reminds me of me when I was much younger and I rode as though I were invincible, which I found out I was not, but lived to tell the tale nonetheless.

patrick_777 04-12-2009 12:06 PM

Re: Top 3 factors in Motorcycle Traffic Fatalities

Originally Posted by mr. softie
The unexpected is just a lack of attention on your part.

Words to live by.

Easy Rider 04-12-2009 01:38 PM

Re: Top 3 factors in Motorcycle Traffic Fatalities

Originally Posted by JWR
How do you think this will turn out????

A better question might be: "How did that happen in the first place?"

Without a LOT of luck, the outcome can't be good. :skull:

That's not YOU, is it ?? :??:

Water Warrior 2 04-12-2009 01:50 PM

Re: Top 3 factors in Motorcycle Traffic Fatalities
Maybe a quick prayer for Divine Intervention would help.

JWR 04-12-2009 02:33 PM

Re: Top 3 factors in Motorcycle Traffic Fatalities
Oh yea, that's me.

JWR 04-12-2009 02:48 PM

Re: Top 3 factors in Motorcycle Traffic Fatalities
I was going less than 10 mph.

There is a picnic table were the photog is standing.

My two buddies were there waiting on me.

This is what i saw coming around the corner at about 30-40 mph.


JWR 04-12-2009 03:11 PM

Re: Top 3 factors in Motorcycle Traffic Fatalities
Crossing the yellow and causing a wreck is not something I would do.
Going too slow to give it gas, not enough room to stop with the wheels straight.

I am sure there were plenty more options, but with a closing ratio of 1 to 2 seconds , this was my best out.

As they say " I had to lay'er down".

Full right turn and full front brake will slam you to the ground.


Face plant!!!!!


alanmcorcoran 04-12-2009 03:24 PM

Re: Top 3 factors in Motorcycle Traffic Fatalities
Ouch. One lesson I learned skiing this season: I may not be too old to ski, but I am definitely too old to be falling down. My shit is taking a lot longer to get itself together than I remember from year's past. I can barely get my MC jacket on and wearing a backpack is right out. One spill on the MC and my riding days may be over or seriously curtailed.

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