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purslant 08-05-2008 06:57 PM

I haven't been on mine for more than about 30 minutes at a time, but so far no real complaints.
My biggest issue is wearing bluejeans instead of shorts. I usually don't put on jeans untill winter, that's only when it get real cold, and in Waco tx that ain't to often or very long..

rusty rider 08-06-2008 08:54 AM

Bike brand new in May with one mile, now over 4000 miles.

I'm about 175, took seat cover off and added a foam cushion and rolled wool around the cushion. Can ride about an hour before my toosh and lower back are starting to burn. I like the looks of the modern cruiser, but the bikes that I rode in the 70's and 80's were made for comfort and I miss them.

I'm glad that not everyone has the same problems with the seats as me, but I don't think it is exactly has to do with size. Little thumper is a small girl, and I'm not that large. Remember youth has it's advantages. :lol:

Dupo 08-06-2008 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by patrick_777
It wasn't new. Just some random Shadow in a parking lot.

j/k. But it wasn't new.

O_o You sat on some random bike in a parking lot?? O_o

davtnn 08-06-2008 07:25 PM

If your inclined toward BPH the seat does need a pad or two...

Sarris 08-06-2008 08:05 PM

The Seat from Hell
I love my GZ.

The seat however, really, really sucks. 30 minutes and my ass is hurting. I'm gonna get mine repadded, reshaped, and reupholstered.

I'm gonna ditch the buttons as well. I hate the little indentations they put in my butt.


patrick_777 08-06-2008 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Dupo

Originally Posted by patrick_777
It wasn't new. Just some random Shadow in a parking lot.

j/k. But it wasn't new.

O_o You sat on some random bike in a parking lot?? O_o

Easy Rider 08-06-2008 08:29 PM

Re: The Seat from Hell

Originally Posted by Sarris
The seat however, really, really sucks.

Yep, after the first hour or so that's my threshold too. Have to stop at least briefly every half hour or so to stretch.
And that's with a gel pad.

Today I got back my re-done seat. It is a little softer and a little more scooped out in the middle.
Still trying to catch up on my "projects" from being gone two weeks so it might be a while until I can go far enough for a good test.

Stay tuned; film at 10! ;)

Sarris 08-06-2008 09:13 PM

Your New Seat

How about some photos of the new seat. I'm interested in the new shape and hearing how it feels.

Welcome back.



Easy Rider 08-07-2008 09:51 AM

Re: Your New Seat

Originally Posted by Sarris
How about some photos of the new seat.

Well, you didn't disappoint me. I KNEW that would be the next question! :)

Yes, as time permits. I haven't even put it on the bike for a "feel" test yet.

patrick_777 08-07-2008 04:04 PM

I sure hope it doesn't feel like you've crapped your pants.

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